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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Another Comment Loaded With Wisdom From PRMC

"build a bridge and get over it lady. everyone's complaints are the "worse ever" and us as er staff and ems personnel do all we can to suit all of your cries and pains. it gets really old to hear you all complain day in and day out. next time you come to the hospital we will quickly build 4 more rooms so we can get your ass in the room. lose some weight and dont use the hereditary bull shit excuse and you won't have to be wheeled everywhere. 9/11/2001 we were angels. now we are skum peices of shit. welcome to america. corrupt and don't give a damn about those trying to help others. let the comments begin"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Two words of wisdom for everyone - Atlantic General - I've been going there for ER needs for years. Always very satified. Also Salisbury Immediate Care. For ER type visits insurance covers the costs just like any hospital ER.

Anonymous said... we need a little anger-management? If you don't like the complaints then do something to change the circumstances. I've known more people who have died or taken longer to recover from illness due to the lack of care recieved in your facility then I care to think about.

Anonymous said...

Hey, once the PRMC ER stops making wrong diagnoses, misreading xrays, ignoring the orders of the patients' personal physicians, and leaving someone who asks for help because he has homicidal thoughts in a room for 8 hours and then sends him home without a doctor ever checking him out, I'll stop making negative comments about the ER. All three of my grandchildren have wasted their time there: one was told she had sprained her leg when she had not injured it, and refused her personal physician's orders for stat bloodwork and xrays. Great job, people. The swelling in her knee was due to rheumatic fever, and now she has mitral valve prolapse which may have been prevented had the ER staff been halfway competent. Both of my other grandchildren have been injured and told by the ER xray department that their bones were not broken; they were. And when my grandson had a bad reaction to a drug he was prescribed, the doctor announced RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CHILD that he was faking it.

Take your lumps, people. You deserve them, because you ARE the worst ever.

Anonymous said...

why do folks continue to go to PRMC, if they feel care is so bad? There are a number of other hospitals/urgent care centers within striking distance.

If you don't like their care, do go there. Seems simple enough, what am I missing?

On a personal note, my husband has been hospitalized through the ER there, and my son was treated and correctly diagnosed through the ER with a sprain. We have been satisfied with the diagnoses and treatment received.

Anonymous said...

More professionalism from PRMC I see.
If you are sick of caring for sick people then you are in the wrong profession.
This may be the real reason for the lack of care, courtesy and attention at this hospital.
I understand when some say people are unhappy over there because of management, but there are other jobs if you don't want that one.
You don't need to put someone else's life in danger because you are unhappy with your own.

Anonymous said...

I think that is the worst thing I could ever here...yes I am a big boned girl that can walk her behind around but I do believe it is hospital protocol for you to use a wheelchair...I hope you never find yourself having aches and pains and someone says this to you. Not all of us are hypochroniacs. If I have to find myself in the ER I hope you won't treat me like a worthless, big boned girl. And just to let you know weight doesn't cause all of the ailments and illnesses in the world.

Anonymous said...

It is definately time for you to find a new career because you are not only dangerous to patients, you are dangerous to those that you work with by not being at the top of your game. GET A NEW JOB and some therapy because my friend you need it!

Anonymous said...

I don't have to say a thing PRMC staff speaks for itself. WOW be frightened very frightened. We are all doomed now.

Anonymous said...

As was said earlier,CLEAN UP YOUR ACT and you'll get better reviews!!! Look at it as constructive criticism.No need for beligerant slander!

Anonymous said...

As I sit here reading all of these comments, I am sitting in a D.C. area with my mother post-surgery. The entire staff of this hospital has gone out of their way to communicate with me about my mother's condition and to make her stay as comfotable as possible. The nursing staff has been as pleasant and helpful at the end of their 12 hour shifts as at the beginning. Everyone here seems to have an air of COMPETENCE that I do not feel on the Eastern Shore. That is too bad. We deserve better, as we sure are paying for it.

Anonymous said...

Like a roach when the lights came on.

Anonymous said...

My experience at PRMC, my daughter and I were taken there after an automobile accident. I had to have surgery for broken bones and they released my 18 month old daughter. They said she was ok to go home. Later on that nite she had to be taken to johns hopkins in baltimore where they diagnosed her with a spinal cord injury that has left her paralized. I was told it could have been prevented. I really hope these words that were spoken were out of anger from just one person and not the views of the entire ER. If so that is pretty scary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's obvious fat people can't spell either. Weight has a significant part in healthcare problems.

If you don't like it, go elsewhere. It's not like they're going to go out of business losing your fat asses.

Anonymous said...

Dr Darlene Robinson, NEBRASKA...

Anonymous said...

I walked myself out of the hospital after having a c-section last October. Like Anon 11:47 I am big girl as well and it is hospital protocol to take down ANYONE leaving in a wheelchair. Fortunately, for me I had no problem with walking. Walking around the floor several times a day after the surgery helped me get over the surgery much faster.

Anonymous said...

Only God knows who exactly is dr stevens, but I hope and pray those angry and, frankly, low class thoughts aren't really coming from a physician. There are enough bad elements associated with PRMC without having this creature spouting venom from the walls of our only hospital. I hope someone from the administrative staff is persuing the identity of this commenter. And that they plan to either educate or terminate when they figure out who is it.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:37

I'll agree with AGH but Salisbury Immediate Care??? At one point SMC was a great place but after losing 2 great PAs and the nice office manager they had last year that place is the pits. One of the owners, which is also a PA, is horrible to work for and now he has his wife in there as well from what I understand. NOW THERES TROUBLE!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to put in my two cents here. As an EMS provider I have very regular contact with the ER staff @PRMC. Unfortunately for me, I was a patient back in Feb brought in by ambulance. The foreign nurse that I had, had no freakin clue what the hell she was doing and the DR.(using the term VERY loosely) was a total BI^ch!! I was nearly coming off the bed with severe kidney pain and DR.Sue Khanna comes over with an attitude and PUNCHES, yes, PUNCHES me in the right kidney and with a snide bit** a$$ attitude laughs and said, "Does that hurt?" If I had any ounce of strength, I would have come off the bed and punched her square in her face. For the most part, the docs in there are not bad, however, people like this need to work in a morgue far away from living breathing patients.

LetterWriter said...

I'm going to repost this comment here because apparently I should have read the newer posts before responding.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Every single job has its "annoying customers" whether we like it or not. If your annoying customers piss you off so badly that you can't be nice and respectful to the rest of them, do us a favor and QUIT YOUR JOB.

Jesus Christ people. The thing that really upsets me most is that I will one day need emergency staff to care for me in a time of critical injury or illness and the only thing I've learned in the last 2 days is that you people already hate me and don't want to treat me before I've even walked in the door. And when I'm at a time of weakness, despair and uttermost FEAR because of the critical condition I am in, if I get flustered over the fact that I'm waiting to see a doctor, I'm going to be lectured on how selfish I'm being for expecting to be taken care of in a timely fashion.

If the murders, rapes and prostitution weren't enough to make me move away from Salisbury, I think that perhaps the staff at the hospital will. Your sense of entitlement and lack of concern for the emotional well being of those you treat is APPALLING. I am absolutely horrified. You blame your patients for your shortcomings, and you do it angrily. What is wrong with you? Why did you get in this industry in the first place? Please, for the sake of those of us who may be in dire need one day and need the emotional comforts of a CARING ER staff, quit if you hate your job as much as you seem to.

Anonymous said...

There is no "Dr. Stevens" that works at PRMC, so whoever you are please stop writing nasty comments. I can honestly say that the nurses, technicians and physicians at PRMC work selflessly and tirelessly to provide the best care possible for the people in their community. They are passionate about patient rights and do the very best to provide complete care to their patients. Yes, there are shortages of nurses and doctors but that is not unique to PRMC or the Eastern Shore. Yes, you do hear some grumbling from staff about being overworked and I can assure you that is NO excuse for compromising patient care. There is a national shortage of all specialists and the physicians that live in your community are doing their very best to provide evidence-based medicine to treat each and every person that comes into PRMC. Unfortunately, I think more people like to post negative thoughts/views/experiences rather than positive experiences. I encourage people to post some positive aspects of care from least stop all of the negativity...there is enough of that in the world...let's try to live/work in a community where people can work together to change things and do the right thing within their own community. Let's work together to support PRMC in their mission to "improve the health of the communities we serve."

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

Hey Anon 6:05 or should I say hospital admin, Peggy?!

I worked for the great PRMC for 6 years off my life. The first 3 years were a paradise, then the last 3 years were pure hell. I think I know were all of the negativity comes from in that place.

1) They no longer promote from within, they always hire people from the outside in departments that were running great. And when those outside supervisors run their departments into the ground, they don't blame the new department head, but the people who have done the lion share of the work.

2) The place doesn't pay competitive wages. I know in my field I was making $10/hr less than the Maryland average. When I presented those numbers to HR I was written up and told "That I needed to know my place"

3) The CEO in waiting read a book called "The seven thing that would change if Disney ran a hospital" and people I'm not lying on that. She wanted us to tell a patient after every test "Thank you for choosing PRMC as your health care provider". She thought that would bring back patients. You know what brings back patients: GOOD QUALITY CARE. Word of mouth is worth more than a 10 million dollar ad campaign.

Didn't Disney make a film called Armageddon? Well folks when you go the the ER next don't forget your popcorn and enjoy the thrill ride.

Believe me I could write a 5 volume book on that place, and the rude and incompetent employees.

Anonymous said...

I come at this from a different point of view. I have the privilege to work in not only PRMS but EVERY hospital on the eastern shore of MD. and VA. I have seen them all and worked in them all. I have also worked in most of the hospitals in the Baltimore Washington area. All in all they are places full of people that care for the patients they take care of. I see no difference in any of them. It is no different form getting bad service and any place of business. IT HAPPENS! All in all they are all great hospitals. The Drs at all of these hospitals are over worked do to shortages. The nursing staffs are over worked do to shortages. It is the same at all of the hospitals. I think the people of the eastern shore should be very grateful to have such a wonderful group of people and facilities to care for us. I hope if you have had bad service at any one of the hospitals that you would right them a letter outlining what happened to you so they can learn and get even better at the hard job they do. I am thankful for the job that they do taking care of me and my family.

Anonymous said...

A lot of this is pure garbage but the one thing that does ring true is that they do prefer to hire outside rather than promote from within.

Anonymous said...

Theres better ways to seduce me "Mrs Robinson"...

Anonymous said...

I too have had problems with PRMC ER. My granddaughter was ill with the flu last summer (admitted to the hospital for 1 week) and the foreign nurses were so incompetent that when my daughter complained she received a personal apology from the Nursing Supervisor and her daughter was cared for while in the ER for that visit by the charge nurse only. Then my mother fell this past July and broke her hip, her care in the ER was great but when it was time for her to be moved upstairs to a room I overheard one assistant ask the other why she couldn't do the transport by herself and the the assistant said "because the patient is fat". Once we were on the orthopaedic floor she received excellent care. After her surgery she developed heart problems and was moved to the cardiac floor. Most of the nurses there were good, but some were more interested in watching the tv and then a foreign nurse just brushed off my concerns (my mother died the next morning). The internist that cared for my mother in both units was wonderful. So I have had both good and bad situations at the hospital which is what you get at just about any hospital.

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

We're talking about PRMC which let a doctor perform 25 "unnecessary" Heart Stent procedures without questioning him until the 25th.

Also PRMC which did a major expansion of space by 40%, but has a net lose of 10 beds. Are we sure Barrie isn't running the joint?

Anonymous said...

If the "Mighty PRMC" is such a wonderfulf place to work for, ask the HR dept how many of the new nurse graduates from Worwic and Salisbury University in the last graduating class actually applied to work there? HARDLY ANY OF THEM!!! They went through clinicals learning not only how to take care of pts, but also got a bonus class from disgruntled RN's and other staff about how MISERABLE they are. PRMC administrators, GET OFF YOUR PATHETIC NOT WORTH A DAMN A$$E$ AND PAY THE STAFF WHAT THEY DESERVE!!! You put up your pretty little tower but do not hire the people to staff it. OOPS, foreign nurses who don't know any better and will be your little puppets. SORRY, MY BAD!!!! If you paid your nurses what they truly deserve and treat them better, they would not be so pissed off and not look forward to coming in to work. But no!!! You would rather write them up for calling out or suspending them for doing so even when they have a true family emergency. PATHETIC!!!! You wonder why the nurses at AGH seem pretty happy, THE ADMINISTRATION GIVES A DAMN!!!!! And their RN's are paid more also. WTF?!!!

P= Pissed On
R= Railroaded
M= Misstreated
C= Crapped on

What a wonderful place to work for!!!

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

Maybe the original post is just angry because they can't take their 20 smoke breaks anymore

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

To anon 7:45

If you have worked at every hospital on the shore then that means 1 or two things

1) You must be shown the door a lot at these places, incompetence or you don't wanna set down any roots?

2) Or you're 80 years old.

There's another, you sure sound like the CEO in waiting because you described her history to the tee, and the second half of your statement sounded like a press release

Chimera said...

My late Mother contracted a wicked staph infection during an extended stay in PRMC and actually had to be airlifted to UMMC Shock Trauma to treat it and succumbed to it a little over a week later.She had inoperable cancer and did not have much time left,but the infection effectively shortened that time.
Another thing that disturbs me is their infant mortality rate-I do not know what it is statistically,but if you read the local obits with any regularity,you begin to notice these things.
McCready is no fun to deal with either.....The service and staff are excellent at this small hospital,but the administration,mainly billing,has issues.I have had more problems with them submitting bills to my insurance company than anywhere else,and am currently trying to get a whopping bill they screwed up on collecting squared away.
No hospital is perfect but the lack of quality care on the Shore is appalling,very few specialists,you name it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully when Peg Nelappa takes over after Newberry retires, things will improve. I have already been impressed with her proactive approach to things. You can be assured that I will post again once I see changes or lack of.

I agree with the comment about not promoting from within. It seems to me and others, that we have failed many times by hiring from the outside while bypassing those who have a proven track record.

With all the money we spend on recruiting, perhaps that money would be better spend on pay increases and promoting from withing.

These people who come here that have a history of hospital hopping? Isn't that enough of a clue that they are usually here to pad their salaries and then move on?

Don't get me wrong, I love working at PRMC, but I also see things that can be improved. Don't we all?

It pains me to hear of all of these horror stories. There are procedures in place to expedite the wait times in the ER. Perhaps it is time to review them again to see what can be done.

If you are a patient and unhappy, we want to know about it. We want you to be satisfied with your service. We really do strive to do our best. There is always, ALWAYS room for improvement and any institution be it a hospital, a school or a retail business.

I have found that those who complain are those who want to help us improve. Let us work together as a community to make our local hospital a place to go to get care and be cared for. Not a place to be feared.

Anonymous said...

Joe Joe Joe.....All of this coming from someone who probably won't qualify for a medical license or certification of any kind because of his criminal record. Even if it was let slide I'd be willing to bet you'd have a hard time keeping one with your lack of patience and piss poor attitude. Not to mention you actually have to have a working brain of some type.

Anonymous said...'s my two cents worth. Our mother had Altzheimer's disease before she passed away a couple of months ago. She was admitted to the PRMC for the flu. My sister and I were extremely adamant about having someone call us if there were any changes. That evening, we went up to see her and she was gone. In a panic, I asked the charge nurse where she was. Without looking up she said, "oh, she was moved to another floor after she fell. AFTER SHE FELL!!! We went down and finally found her. Upon checking her out (my sister is a registered nurse), her hand was swollen to almost twice it's normal size. Nobody bothered to treat her!!! We told the charge nurse that her hand was to be x-rayed NOW. She had broken bones in her hand and they didn't give a sh!t!! You can bet your sweet a$$ that we contacted an attorney!

Anonymous said...

How would these so call doctors and nurses feel it this is how their family members were treat. How would they feel if they receives the wrong mecidine or wrong diagnoses, you do have a mother, father, son, daughter, husband,wife.Wake up doctors and nurses life to short and shorter if you make a mistake slow down and think with your heart not your pocket book.