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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Global Warming


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the HUGE pop.

The pop that sounds when you finally pull your head out of your a$$ and realize that global warming is here and is caused by man's use of "fossil fuels".

What a DUMB sign...

Anonymous said...

Okay 9.31, Florida on 10/29/08 2nd lowest temperature since 1850 and snow in London, England they are still checking historical data to find out the last time this occurred.Also the average temperatures in the USA in the last 7 years were below normal!You drank the cool aid while Al Gore has padded his pockets.

Anonymous said...


Global warming doesn't necessarily mean that every part of the world gets warmer all the time. Nature isn't that static.

Get educated about the issue before you make accusations at and name-call others.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutly right most climatologist in most non goverment funded studies say the real cause for any up and downs in the climate temperatures in the history of the earth are caused by sun spots!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that both holes in the ozone layer have decreased in size by 40% in the last 2 years?

The earth goes through heating and cooling trends, nothing to see here no global warming.

Oh mars is heating up, maybe the fossil fuels being burned over there caus... wait -_-

Greenhouse gases cause some problems, but they are more at ground level then atmospheric levels.