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Monday, October 13, 2008

Chicago Politics

In the last six months 292 people murdered in Chicago

221 killed in Iraq

The leadership in Illinois ... all Democrats.

Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin

Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.

Governor: Rod Blogojevich

House leader: Mike Madigan

Atty. General: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

Mayor: Richard M. Daley (son of former Mayor Richard J. Daley)

Chicago is a combat zone. Of course they're all blaming each other.

Can't blame Republicans -- there aren't any!

State pension fund $44 billion in debt, worst in the country

Cook County sales tax 10.25% highest in the country

Chicago school system, one of the worst in the country.

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois..

And, he is going to fix Washington politics?


Anonymous said...

It does not matter what this says, a friend of mine who is a democrat says it is NOT true. But of course, I know better.

Wymzie said...

This is absolutely TRUE!
Additionally, being there last week I saw and personally experienced the worst traffic I have ever been in.
AND they nearly every road they have is a toll road. But the thing that stands out the most with the toll roads is that you are not just charged to get on the road and then again to get off, but there are toll plaza's in the middle of the highway that span all 6 lanes and charge you yet once again several times across the state. These toll plaza's are open 24 x 7 fully staffed with gov. employees at top salary and benefits, standing there collecting your money.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and is a preview to what will happen if Obama is elected.
With the Billions he has earmarked for his state, and then to add even more expenditures on his citizens and tourists is appalling.
What a crappy place to live.
Anyone who is considering voting for this man needs to go to Ill. for a visit and take a good look at what you are voting for.

Anonymous said...

Eventually all AMERICAN roads will be sold off to forien investors for up-keep and all tolls will go over seas. This shit keeps up there wont be anything left to save or fight for.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to see that half of Americans want this guy in office. I really don't know what is going to this country if Obama wins!!! It is not going to be good I do know that.....

Anonymous said...

Federal Government screwed with World trade, NAFTA, Etc. which ran business after business down the tube! Then did nothing to bail them out like they are doing with the banks today! This is what raises unemployment and crime!

The company I worked for even opened a plant in China to try and compete. BUT they soon found that the Chineese Government controls the company. Over 90% of the material used MUST come from China. Over 90% of the workers MUST be Chineese. We can't provide anything but technology, the rest is Chineese. And you wonder why they are growing while we are sinking??? Let the US limit the importation of "Imported Goods" to less than 10%. Imagine that Toyota, the one they say is assembled in the US, being made with US Steel. The assembly line being equiped with tools made in the US. Televisions made by GE, Motorola, Admiral, etc. with American parts and labor. Now imagine China with no place to sell their goods! Who do you think would have the stronger economy???

Anonymous said...

Richard is absolutely right! I remember China when we were disarming and sending the japanese soldiers home after WWII. It was the poorest country in the world then. Their living wage for a houseboy was $8.00 a month. And look at them now. They all drive cars (never saw them in 45-49) and have all our businesses making our stuff over there? There is something really wrong with this picture and we better change it quick!

BossHogg said...

You are all afraid of a competent black man getting into office.

Quit being racist and state some facts

Anonymous said...


I'm on your side! I'm a Republican voting for Obama! McCain doesn't have the economy covered!

joe albero said...

Boss Hogg,

You white trash, blind, ignorant SOB. LOL

How's that for racism, honkey?

Now we at least know who has the brains in your household. God Bless that woman. ;-)

Bob said...


I'm not afraid. I just didn't know Colin Powell was running. If you are inferring that Nobama is intelligent enough to run this country, well......I'll just say that I thought we had a lot more in common than we obviously do. Come talk to me when he starts picking YOUR pockets to "redistribute" your wealth to some lazy SOB's who refuse to carry their own weight. I simply refuse.....they can come get me!