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Friday, September 19, 2008


Sent to the Daily Times.

"You guys just kill me. It's no wonder Gannetts stock is slumping.

Instead of reporting the cause and effect relationship for SSU - (i.e. government confiscation and takeover of hordes of former private enterprise buildings) - your media gives the perception that it is just a sagging economy.

DA. . . what do you think put the drain on the system to begin with. . . MASSIVE GOVERNMENT EXPANSION.

Look it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. . .just drive your car down Bateman Street, South Division Street, Rt. 13, College Avenue, and look at the hordes of government confiscations. Hell, the Allenwood Shopping Center was bought by the State for $300,000 more than the appraised value. How about Tri-State Electric, Old Purity Bacon Plant, oodles and oodles of residential frat houses on College Avenue.

Janet Dudley Eshbaugh isn't even from around here. But she does do one hell of a Propaganda job.

Johnnie Miller"


Anonymous said...

The DT is already incompetent, and getting more mean spirited and secretive by the days. Keep writing letters to them (these will be mostly ignored and trashed)and challenging directly on THEIR message boards (this is much more effective). They can control what they print, but they can't control (until they ban your profile) how WE wan't to discuss the issues.

Anonymous said...

I thought SU wasn't "slashing" jobs...It was my understanding they are on a 'hiring freeze'. No new job positions will be filled. Have personnel actually been fired already? Maybe they should start with the biggest salaries first? Look out Janet!

Anonymous said...

It is just SU now. We did get university status. Please be in compliance or I will chase you with a stick

Thank You,

Dr. Janet Dudley Eschbach

Anonymous said...

Its not confiscation if you pay fair value for it....jeesh

Anonymous said...

Who defines/appraises "fair value" there, Mr. Comment?..And who wrote the check to have him "define it" in such fashion...How long are you going to continue to think we are stupid?

Anonymous said...

So now we DONT want SU to grow? My bad. Now I remember, we are against growth in Smallsbury.

Anonymous said...

12:56. Why don't you go up North to the vacant industrial parks and shout that out?..The only entities that have a chance here lately are SU, PRMC and City/County government. All the rest is becoming nothing more than Baltic Ave. for greedy landlords who just passed "Go" and got a little more equity to squeeze all the local, hard-working, law-abiding middle class folks out...once again we aren't going to be stupid to fall for this anymore.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if an SSU student would do a non-partisan business case study for extra credit concerning SSU's expansion.

Then, it would be very educational for the public to see the exhorbitant real property exemptions that have resulted from SSU's expansion. Please keep-in-mind that University Square Housing was also exempted.

Anonymous said...

RE: Post 8:54

My diploma states Salisbury State University or SSU-(abbr).

They changed the name to SU a couple years after my graduation but my I never received a new diploma.

So I would say SSU is partially correct.

Anonymous said...

Re:7:45 Technically, the name is Salisbury University, if you graduated from Salisbury State University or Salisbury State College you need to call the University and get a new diploma with the new and correct name of Salisbury University. So, for all you old timers, you can keep calling SU, SSU and show how stupid you really are.

Anonymous said...

Good gosh. . .I must be ancient then.

My Diploma says Salisbury State Teachers College or SSTC - for short.

Of course that was quite a few years ago when Salisbury was still small.