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Monday, September 01, 2008

Palin’s Teen Daughter Is Pregnant

GO HERE to see the article.

No doubt Obama's supporters will conveniently forget that his mother was 18 when he was born.

On a personal note, I don't care one single bit about this. I only post it to put the news out there.


Anonymous said...

Just a'doin what comes natcherlie -- ask John Edwards for a second opinion.

Anonymous said...

Five months ago it was still mighty cold in Alaska! Maybe the car stalled on the way to the Prom.

Anonymous said...

Of course you don't care... unless Obama had a 17 yr old daughter who was 5 months pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I can SO relate to the Palin family. Best wishes to their daughter.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again: McCain and Palin are real people!

Obama & Biden are not even a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Anonymous said...

Anyone recall "Crazy Tom" Eagleton?

Anonymous said...

It's funny how a post about Palin's daughter becomes a post about Obama's mother for no apparent reason other than to diffuse the story.

Junior High school lives!!

Anonymous said...


Make that snowmobile, not car!

joe albero said...

Go back a hundred years, (or even less) and many of the young men were lying about their age, (usually about 16 years old) to go fight in the War. Women were easily getting married at that age and today women, (or should I say young ladies) are maturing so fast its scary!

Give it a rest. Like I said in the Post, Obama's mother had him very young, IT'S LIFE! Fore some, however, they choose death. God Bless this Family.

Anonymous said...

You heard it here first:

Palin won't be the VP nominee!

It comes down to Paris or Britany, now.

Anonymous said...

And this makes the news? The Democrats are really hard up for news! Lets see - how many other 17 yr olds have gotten pregnant ? Probably more than we will ever know about in life. I too came from a parent that "had" to get married many years ago. Does this make my mother less of a person? No, she kept ME and did not get an abortion! And here I am today - and loving life! So why is this poor girl being chastised?
Let us remember Bill Clinton and Monica. And John Edwards - and the list goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

Reporting all the news that absolutely worthless.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:27

You get it. Sarah Palin is one of us, the poeple, not an elitist, smug, out of touch Washingtonian, like that jerk Biden.
It's about time we, the poeple, have someone from REAL America represent us in that White House.


Anonymous said...

I am a democrat, and I don't see why anyone needs to make fun of this young girl. That is so dispicable.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Mom was too busy being "Superwoman" to know what was going on in her own daughter's life.

There's your family values.

Anonymous said...

Sen. McCain:

Christine Whitman. please.

Anonymous said...

What about the Republican mantra against sex education and condoms because abstinence is the answer?

Anonymous said...

Of course Obama is not going to comment on this other than to say it is off limits. His mother wasn't married when she got pregnant.

And this commenter said:
-Seems like Mom was too busy being "Superwoman" to know what was going on in her own daughter's life.

There's your family values.

5:24 PM

This was a very stupid comment. I am sure mom raised her daughter with values and to hopefully marry before getting pregnant. It doesn't always work that way. Hopefully you don't have any ghosts in your closet, but then again, you don't have to answer to the public or the media.

McCain/Palin "08"

joe albero said...

Don't waste your time on the nasty comments because I'm moderating them, period. Some of you people are just sick Idiots!

Anonymous said...

So... the Palin's believe in having kids too soon (daughter) and too old (mother)

Bob said...

Anon. 5:24...

Are you saying that women who get married out of wedlock don't have any family values?

These things happen to real Americans everyday. I believe it's what happens afterward that tells the whole story as it relates to values.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that women who get married out of wedlock don't have any family values?

What does married out of wedlock even mean?

joe albero said...

I wonder what Carrie Samis (former Salisbury Zoo Education Curator)would have to say about that?

Anonymous said...

BTW- I don't have an issue with women that choose to have a child out of wedlock. As has been pointed out, these things do happen to people every day, and these women deserve or respect and support.

I just can't help but see the irony when these things happen to conservative republicans. They are the ones who pretend that these things don't happen.

Anonymous said...

with tv and everyting out in the open the way it is, what the hell do ya expect? new america where evrything goes.

Anonymous said...

Do people honestly believe pregnancy demands marriage? A baby is the WRONG reason to get married. These marriages rarely work out, lasting only a year or so. Why punish an innocent child with parents that are forced to be together? If it was their choice to marry before pregnancy then go for it, otherwise forget it. Have the baby, raise it with love. The young man might be a better father for it.

Those of you that think a shotgun wedding is the way to go really need a reality check. The first pregnancy could be considered a mistake, there is no excuse for a second unplanned pregnancy.

Is this really the plan to prevent McCain/Palin from winning the election? If so, YOU LOSE

Anonymous said...

And the point is?
Sounds like the Democrats are scraping the bottom of the barrell!

Anonymous said...

This is a problem, not with politics, but with the society that the parties represent. America doesn't want to tell our kids the truth of "where babies come from", and that sexuality has it's consequences, BOTH positive and negative.

Anonymous said...

I believe I would rather be pregnant than drugged out of my mind like Al Gore's kids and part of the Kennedy Clan.

Anonymous said...

I just can't see how Palin remains a viable VP candidate.

There's apparently good evidence that this is her daughter's second pregnancy. First one was apparently covered up and ended in a Down Syndrome baby (or baby with defects due to incest).

McCain needs to take his lumps, pick another VP and just move on. It's not too late. He might even get some sympathy for loads of bad luck this week.

I agree with 5:27 that Christine Whitman would be his optimal power female pick.

Anonymous said...

Response to smears from the rabid DNC blog "The Daily KOS" Olberman's main source.

This site always has hateful post including death threats which are almost never moderated out.

They accused this poor girl of giving birth to Sarah's newest son. Despicable no evidence what so ever yet Keith Olberman hinted at this on air as well.

Common sense would tell you Downs Syndrome if far more likely in older women but anything to sell a smear by the KOS.

Anonymous said...

Carrier tower to McCain:

You are now 48 hours from point of no return. Proceed with caution!

joe albero said...

"This site always has hateful post including death threats which are almost never moderated out."

How would YOU know this, unless you're the one making all the threats?

Anonymous said...

You can't get pregnant in the month after you deliver. Furthermore there are plenty pictures of an obviously pregnant Sarah if you look. Then there is the fact that teens almost never deliver Downs babies while older women do quite often.

Get real.

Anonymous said...

I have gone to the KOS site as I try to get all point of views.

But the language keeps me away. Then there are the death threats.

Main reason is common unsupported stories. I go to no site that is totally unreliable and the Daily KOS is completely unreliable as this story proves. They even retracted the story then put it back again. What kind of a site does this?

thomas augustus littleton said...

To Anon 5:52
Yours believed in having one too many, YOU!

I asked John "Edwads," and he said there is no comparison between a normal teen who doesn't use the best judgement and becomes pregnant and a presidential candidate who's wife has cancer while he's running around with whores!

Anonymous said...

"You can't get pregnant in the month after you deliver."

But if they're willing to lie about the 1st pregnancy, why expect them to be honest about the 2nd. What kind of defense is that???

So.. She's now 5 months pregnant? Got it. Right.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Get real, no parent can be held responsible if a teenager gives in to their natural instincts. Did ANYONE out there wait till they were married to have sex? If so, you were a much better teen than I was! It happens. But I think the Democratic candidate for president is legally a bastard, is he not? But I don't hold him responsibe for his crazy mom's loose morals? He's responsible for all his own atrocities!

You liberals should be decent enought to leave a teenage girl out of this; she's not running for anything! Pick on a legitimate scum bag like Edwards, or bathroom buddy, Craig!

Anonymous said...

Obama handled it with class. HE did not forget who his mother was.

Few, if any of YOU, of course, will give him credit for handling it with class.

Personally, I don't care what goes on in their family. It's their business. I do care about the hypocrisy of a political agenda of judging other families in similar straights, especially those who don't have an extended family support system.

Some people are just more equal than others.

Bob said...

Whew.....I was in a hurry. I meant Pregnant out of wedlock......either way things happen and they can happen to anyone. The daughter should be off limits. I don't care that Obama's mother was 18's a non issue.

Anonymous said...

you can be the best parent in the world and have a great relationship with your children and it is not always the fault of the parents...not a reflection or that they have done anything wrong.....children will make their own way in life in spite of the way that they have been brought up. if most of you can remember back and not forget as to where you came from....noone ever thinks it will happen to them...,..How many of you people have had sex before or outside of your marriage? This girl got pregnant, most of you just got lucky that it didnt happen to happens...hormones are a part of doesnt matter how smart you are or how rich you are....and people dont stop and think only takes one time.....i will still vote Mccain.....this is not a reflection as to whether he can do the job as leader of this country. Mccain and palin are in my eyes better capable of doing that than Obama and Biden.

Anonymous said...

The big issue here is that the McCain camp did not properly vet this candidate. Although McCaind enies it, I guarantee he did not know about this situation beforehand. The problem is the hypocrisy--you cannot run as a "family values" candidate, have a pregnant 17 year old daughter, and be applying for a job with a 60-80 hour work week with an 8 month old kid with Down's Syndrome. these are genuine family struggles and I do feel sorry fo her, but I don't want to feel sorry for my president! You cannot tell me there were not better candidates out there. it is only a couple days into her being hte nomnee, and we have the troope scandal, a pregnant daughter, and what else are we going to discover? You all would be going nuts on her if she were a Democrat, and yo uknow it.

joe albero said...

You people amaze me!

Clinton was in the Oval Officer having oral sex, IN THE OVAL OFFICE and this woman has a Daughter who got pregnant, BIG DEAL!

This isn't about Republicans verses Democrats. Obama handles it better than most of you here. It's a PRIVATE issue. The children are OFF LIMITS!

joe albero said...

handled, sorry.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that Clinton didn't run as a "family values" guy! No excuses for what he did--it was despicable and he paid a huge price for it. His legacy will always be tarnished. But it is really hard to listen to someone who argues for abstinence only sex education in schools, when clearly her own family did not follow that rule. There were a lot of really good choices for McCain's vp, the fact that he chose an untested woman who was mayor of a town of 9,000 and a governor for less than 2 years of a state with fewer than 700,000 residents (smaller than many cities in the US) is a bit frightening. Now the news is that the 17 year old is going to marry the father. Let's hope the wedding is not in the White House. Palin seems like a decent person, but she needs to get her life in order, then come back as vp when she can focus on the job.

Anonymous said...

It isn't just that she got hot to trot, but it appears that her mother didn't tell her how to protect herself if she is just another girl who can't say no.

Could there be more that we (and McCain) don't know about Sarah Palin?

Anonymous said...

After Edwards and Clinton, Obama better keep a lid on his lip.

Anonymous said...

National politics is a deadly serious blood sport -- always has been and will be.

If McCain-Palin did win (unlikely, now), that would take a huge toll on her and her family. She should ask McCain to allow her to leave the ticket before she's nominated by the Party.

Anonymous said...

Senator John:

Not even JATO gear will get than clunker off the deck at enough speed to avoid ditching.

Anonymous said...

As usual, there are 44 comments, and 4 of them seem to be written by folks that have some understanding or common sense (beside your comments Joe which are half and half in my opinion)

Who cares? We care..why because we are human, we like to know other people are "human" and life is tough, human fraility is not the issue. How one deals with human fraility shows the character
of people. Bigotry runs rampant on this blog, and so does lack of intellegence that goes with that bigotry.

Our contry is in trouble folks, we need leadership, and god knows that most of the comments I have read in the past two days on this issue show a plethora of bigotry, ignorance, hatefulness and plain ole stupidity,and a derth of leadership and citizenship.

Our country is in trouble folks, lets focus on the election of people who are qualified to run this country, to get us back on track; with attitudes like these stated in the past couple of days there is little hope in my mind that electing a good leader is going to help, it the people that are definately on the wrong track.

Anonymous said...

This just made up my mind as an independent, but not for the reasons you'd think.

I just read an analysis of how this is being received among the evangelicals and how the Democrats can't say a word without looking bad.

Ok. That confirms for me that Sarah Palin wasn't chosen because she'd be a great heartbeat away from the presidency but for her appeal to a base McCain couldn't excite.

I know some of you will say that's true of Biden with the working class, but I haven't seen that in my workplace. A lot of people at my job have been for Obama a long time.

Sorry, John. I gave you every benefit of the doubt I could, but you aren't "the maverick" any more. I've seen too much of you selling your soul for the party and your ambition, and this just sealed it in my mind.

Good luck to Mrs. Palin and her family. I think you are a nice person, but that is not enough in what I want in a VP, and McCain has shown he's not what I want in a president, no matter how much I admire his service to our country.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Of course you don't care... unless Obama had a 17 yr old daughter who was 5 months pregnant.

4:22 PM

Then that would be typical.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And this makes the news? The Democrats are really hard up for news! Lets see - how many other 17 yr olds have gotten pregnant ? Probably more than we will ever know about in life. Let us remember Bill Clinton and Monica. And John Edwards - and the list goes on and on.

4:45 PM

Yep, don't forget the entire population of democrats from the other side of town. Yep, babies having babies and it is encouraged by those certain democrats. It's considered a bigger welfare check for them.

Anonymous said...

Well, how convenient. Now the choice of Palin for VP makes PERFECT sense. This is, quite possible, the most blatant political maneuvering I've ever seen in my life.

Anonymous said...

What she look like so I can deny the paternity.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry. Never mind about the poll link. It did say "Biden 93%, Palin 7%" when I went to it. But now it says Palin 100%.


Anonymous said...

I guess this brings a whole new meaning to "Labor Day" for the GOP.

Anonymous said...

This statement was released by the McCain party, not Democrats or liberals, so stop accusing liberals or Dems of attacking Palin and scraping the bottom of the barrel. In addition, this matter is no big deal, period. It's like Juno 08!

Anonymous said...

While Mr. Obama called children of candidates to be "off limits", we can't forget Dick Cheny's daughter. John Edwards smacked him in the face with that during their final debate.
Why does the GOP have to "account" and then resign office, but the DEMs get keep on "truckin'"? This IS a non-issue, but mark my words. It will be "alluded to" at every opportunity. The Dems wouldn't know how to keep it clean if lives depended on it. Witness Pelosi, Reid, Shumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Frank,ohhh, the list goes on...

Anonymous said...

Any fertile woman can get pregnant in the first month following childbirth... In fact, she's way more likely to conceive if she has sex.
Instructions "not to" are to prevent infection & the high risk of impregnation. To let that thing heal.
Not my womb, thank you very much!

Chimera said...

It does not change my opinion of Palin one bit.The family has the money and resources available that they could have arranged for the daughter to abort this baby and cover the whole thing up for the sake of the VP campaign but they DID NOT.17 yr olds get pregnant all the time and have done so for years,the only difference is they dont have to get married in a hurry and lie about due dates OR get "sent away" to a home for unwed mothers anymore.I hope it all works out well for them.

Anonymous said...

70 years ago women were "Old Maids" if they weren't married by age 17

Anonymous said...

With all the idle chatter aside lets look at the real issue. TEEN SEX. It is the real issue. In an ideal world preaching abstinance would work fine. In the real world teaching sex education and sexual responsibility should be the norm. I'm older now (50's), and don't run like I used to, however between the ages of 14-25 the most important things on my mind were SEX, school, SEX, work, SEX, money, SEX, fishing, SEX and anything else that came as an afterthought. PLEASE don't even try to tell me you were any different at that age. Thats the way God made us, to be young, dumb and horney so we could have kids before we knew any better. Thats life. Its been that way since day one. Just like we gotta eat, were wired for sex. What I don't understand is us adults hiding behind this false ideal of abstinance. I also want to state that I have teenage daughters who are educated on real life matters. I was shocked and outraged as hell when my wife told me they were on "the pill". I don't want any man touching my daughters. But you know what? thats what my father in-law said 25 years ago too.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I agree with Obama is that the families should be left alone unless they have committed a heinous crime or is a lobbyist of congress.

Anonymous said...

Wasnt palin the one who made the announcement? So why is everyone saying obama is grasping at straws?

Anonymous said...

More likely to conceive if she has sex..well thankyou captain obvious..I bet she is more likely not to get pregnant if she doesn't have sex...

Any fertile woman can get pregnant in the first month following childbirth... In fact, she's way more likely to conceive if she has sex.
Instructions "not to" are to prevent infection & the high risk of impregnation. To let that thing heal.
Not my womb, thank you very much!

7:51 AM

Anonymous said...

"in the first month following childbirth... In fact, she's way more likely to conceive if she has sex."
was in response to the statement that a woman CAN"T get pregnant in the first month following childbirth. when in fact they are more likely to. they are told not to have sex, but way too many do. the reason is the risk of infection AND THE HIGHER risk of getting pregnant.

You may be able to read, but can you comprehend?