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Monday, September 01, 2008


A top Obama advisor, Don Fowler, has proclaimed that Hurricane Gustav is “God’s Favor to Democrats.” The following remark, made by Fowler, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, to Congressman Jack Spratt (yes that’s his real name) on an airplane flight from Denver to Charlotte, was overheard and caught on video by another passenger: “The times, at least as it appears now, is that it will be there on Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side.”

This duplicates a comment by another Obama supporter, Michael Moore, that “this hurricane is proof that there is a god in heaven.” Obama has not repudiated the notion that despite the destruction and suffering that it will cause, the hurricane is a good thing because it helps his imploding campaign.

For details of the Fowler And Moore episodes see:


Anonymous said...

What losers they are!!! No votes going their way.
Has Obama stepped up to the plate on this off the wall comment? Probably not...he is too busy out there
campaigning for higher taxes and higher everything!
Fowler -- such an idiot!

Anonymous said...

Remember when John McCain's problem pastor, John Hagee, called Katrina God's retribution for New Orleans' sinfulness? Or, when Pat Robertson endorsed the late Jerry Falwell's view that 9/11 was also divine wrath against godless America (and, thereby, essentially agreeing with radical Islam)?

No one, right or left, should presume to know the mind of God.

Can we call it even now??

Anonymous said...

It will NEVER be even... Joe's thoughts count as 2 people!

Anonymous said...

10:31 - NO!

Obama is running for president and has allied himself with Fowler.

Anonymous said...

Was Fowler the author of Ms. Obama's "first time I've been proud of my country" statement?

Anonymous said...

bad religion.

Anonymous said...

What a gloating PIG!!!

Anonymous said...

G.A. Harrison joins the ranks of Republicans who would rather talk about stupid comments than the economy, war, etc.

These guys probably threw those comments out to have everyone remember the Pat Robertson et al comments, and to not disappoint the Republicans who were predicting it, all the while they discussing how to capitalize on the hurricane for political purposes.

Michael Moore is both genius and egomaniacal idiot. He is not running for president. Pols can't always help who supports them. Look at all the local pols that catch sh*t just because you guys mention their names.

Just when I thought the public focus in a national election couldn't get any dumber than it did with the dumbest of them all, Dubya, along comes this.

So glad to be an independent.

Anonymous said...

Good thing our region is safely blue.

I thought this was a NEWS blog?

With a headline like that I think you should change the name of the site in the interest of fair advertising.

Obviously it's just a like-minded community coffee klatsch.

Anonymous said...

So, now the news is out that Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant and will marry the dad.

That's real life, fine. I don't hold it against her.

But all those abstinence only right wingers are going to be mad as they have to make excuse after excuse that Saint Sarah is not "all that."

Just laughing at the newfound tolerance of Republicans as they have to eat all the judgmental crap they have smeared on others.

Paragons of Vitriol.

Anonymous said...

This appears to be a prevelant sentiment amongst liberals. First Michael Moore, now Obama advisor, Fowler...
What the lefties are hoping for a disaster for political gain? That's too sick.

Anonymous said...

Just shows how running scared they all are on that ticket. The Dems feel they need all the help they can get and you, I think thier right!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Listen the Obama poeple are desperate. They had no post convention gain, Obama's message was perceived as same old, hollow, cliche stuff. It failed to deliver.
A Huricane hitting New Orleans may give them the opportunity to make some noise & gain some political ground.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Just last week, Rev. Dobson prayed to God to deliver a rain storm on Thursday night, so that Obama couldn't accept the nomination. So, please, if the Democratic reps are talking about God being on their side, it's just to counter Dobson.

steveangell said...

And Dobson was just joking. I thought is was funny and never for a moment thought he thought he could pray for rain and have it happen.

This is a major error on the part of Obama. It will come across to americans as anti-religion and very callous to the people who are suffering in this storm.

Use of death and destruction for political purposes is so naive it really proves he is not ready to be President. At least three died being transported to other hospitals if you hadn't heard.

Anonymous said...

The guy apologized, unlike your nutjobs who wish famine and pestilence upon our great country for tolerating differences in people. You Republicans will give your VP pick tolerance for things you won't tolerate in anyone else in this country.

You McCain guys would like to discuss anything but the issues. Let's spend a week discussing this guy's comment, okay? That'll help America. Not.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Let's see what happens in Nov. before we declare who God wants to be president. We only know for sure that God is carnivorous and doesn't care much for vegetables!

thomas augustus littleton said...

anon 10:31
I believe Hagee endorsed McCaine.
I don't believe he was EVER McCain's pastor:)

You must be confused with Obama; the white hating, America hating,"God Damn America," screaming Rev. Wright was his pastor for over 20 years! Elect Obama? NO way anyone who loves America culd even think of voting for him!

Anonymous said...

You guys are such hypocrites! Dobson actually prayed for rain--he wasn't kidding! But in your mind, Dobson was joking, but the Democrat could not possibly have been joking. Cut slack for Dobson, none for a Democrat. Pat Robertson not only said Katrina was God's punishment, but 9/11 was due to tolerance of gay people. The guy was practically salivating, he was so happy about the events of 9/11, yet social conservatives still pander to the guy. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

I love America, and I will be voting for Obama. Mr. Littleton, we can certainly disagree over positions, but it really is disheartening to see rhetoric like that.

Your pal, Final Frontier

thomas augustus littleton said...

Hi FF :)
Welcome back!
I just love rhetoric:)! My rhetoric is not intended for you and many others. But much of the popultaion, of every political view, is incapable of persuing reason; everyone can consume a little well placed rhetoric! (See George Bernard Shaw:)) Although a mental midget, myself, I enjoy trying to keep up in intellectual battle with really smart people like you. But I'm equally comfortable slinging mud & fighting in the streets, where I belong, with the mass of mankind! I happily admit that I am a simple minded plebian, if ever there was one:)

You know I hold your intelligence as first rate! Don't you find it more problematic that Obama had such a long affiliation with, "God damn America," Wright; and do you not find his being on a friendly basis with the murderer and proud terrorist, Ayers, just a little more problematic than Palin's daughter getting pregnant?
your friend & servant,
Oh, could I have your opinion on another comment of mine that "God is carnivorous and doesn't care much for vegetables?
Have a great Tuesday:)

Anonymous said...

"What the lefties are hoping for a disaster for political gain? That's too sick."

ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? The repubs are using this storm as an excuse to keep Bush and Cheney away from the convention (which is a best case scenario for McCain, seeing as how he has done nothing but try to distance himself from their low approval ratings for this entire campaign...), saved the announcement about Palin's daughter until right in the middle of storm coverage, and are using the storm as a SOAPBOX?!?!? Are you kidding me? Where were you when Hagee said what he said? HUH? WHERE WERE YOU THEN?

Anonymous said...

And don't forget, She's black.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Littleton,

I agree that the association with the church is problematic, but then again, many church leaders have said outrageous statements, slept with prostitutes, fathered illegitimate children, messed with children, beat their wives, drove drunk, etc., yet they continued to have support. I think Obama found some parts of the church to be very welcoming, and other parts of it not so much. The media is highlighting (rightly so) the most vile statements of the reverend, but not highlighting the tremendous charitable work of that church. I can see how Obama could embrace the good, while letting the ridiculous just go--like all those folks who forgave Falwell, Swaggart, and Robertson for their repeated transgressions. Obama has never acted as if he hated America--he has never done anything against his country, and has never himself publically attacked it. Let's judge the guy by his actions, not his minister's words.

And whoever created us certainly is a meat lover--otherwise, why is bacon so tasty?


thomas augustus littleton said...

Excuse me, but who is black?

citizenwells said...

I have extensively researched Obama. I have covered the Larry Sinclair allegations more than any other source.
Robert Blackwell of the Obama "legal retainer", money laudering scandal contacted me.
I am in daily contact with Larry Sinclair.
I was in constant contact with Montgomery Sibley before and after Larry sinclair's news conference.
I get news from a Washington insider.
I am in touch with a National Press Club insider.
I am in touch with Philip J Berg and I helped break the story about his lawsuit against Obama and also when it was served on Obama.
I have reported on the deeper connection between Obama and Dan Shomon and Chicago corruption. familial ties go back to the 1700's in the Salisbury area.
I have contacted the Salisbury Post.
Do you want the truth about the real Obama?
Citizen Wells