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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dick Morris: Prepare for Sarah Palin versus Hillary Clinton in 2012

Sarah Palin is an "authentic model of feminism" and her vice-presidential candidacy "could well" lead to an historic all-female White House race in 2012 against Hillary Clinton, according to a former senior adviser to President Bill Clinton.

By Toby Harnden in New York
Dick Morris: Prepare for Sarah Palin versus Hillary Clinton in 2012
A 2012 general election between Mrs Palin and Mrs Clinton is distinctly possible Photo: EPA

Dick Morris, who was a top aide to Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1996 and has since become a harsh critic of the former president and his wife, said that a John McCain victory in November would make the two women the front-runners for 2012.

"McCain will be 76 in 2012," he said. "I wonder if he'll even run for re-election. And Obama has put Joe Biden on the ticket this time. It's very hard to imagine Biden [who would be 69] running in 2012 with any chance of success, particularly after being drowned out by Palin like he is now.

"So I think that Hillary would have as easy a shot at the Democratic nomination as she did this time - but she blew it this time. You can't take these things to the bank."

The 2008 US presidential election could force a realignment of how women vote, Mr Morris said.

"In Palin, you have an authentic model of feminism and in Hillary you have a counterfeit one.

"Even Hillary's best friends agree that Hillary would not have been where she is if her husband had not been president. Palin's worst enemies concede that Palin would be where she is no matter what her husband does."

Mrs Palin is poised to attract significant numbers of Hillary Clinton supporters, he suggested. "There are three kinds of Hillary voters.

"First are the early supporters who are dedicated feminists and liberals who followed Hillary for decades and love her. They will almost all vote for Obama

"Your next group are racists who voted for Hillary because she was running against a black guy. And Obama's still black so they're going to vote for McCain.

"Then your third group are kind of impulse voters, more women than men, who realised that there's a woman running and gee it would be nice to have a woman as president. They're not dedicated pro-life, not dedicated feminists. Those women could well be drawn over by McCain-Palin."

Bill and Hillary Clinton, he argued, are determined to avenge her defeat in the Democratic primaries by allowing Mr Obama to lose in November.

"They desperately want McCain to win so she can run in 2012.

"But at the same time they can't let the Democrat party base think they're being anything less than aggressive in campaigning for Obama.

"But fortunately for her, the more she campaigns for Obama, the more it becomes clear that she's not on the ticket as vice-presidential candidate, as she should be, and the more that hurts Obama."

It was notable that Mrs Clinton had not taken on Mrs Palin, he said. "Right now, the Clintons are just getting out of the way and letting Obama hurt himself with Sarah Palin," said Mr Morris, 59, now an author and Fox News commentator.

"You have to ask why Hillary was not in the forefront of the attacks on Palin. She's not about to damage her political capital with women by defending Obama for not picking her."

Both Clintons would campaign vigorously for Mr Obama in public, he predicted. "But their hearts won't be in it and Bill will send signals to that effect in offhand comments he'll drop that won't be helpful."

By choosing Mrs Palin as his running mate, Mr McCain had burst the balloon of wild enthusiasm for Mr Obama.

"When you deal with charisma, it's kind of like love. You can only really be in love with one person at a time. And Palin pulled the spotlight off Obama."

Mrs Palin, he predicted, would appeal to the "single moms" who could be the key voting bloc in 2008, just as "soccer moms" were in 1996 and "security moms" in 2004. "About 27 per cent of the national vote is unmarried women and they're a core constituency of the Democratic party.

"Democrats have to carry them by four or five to one in order to win.

"The Republicans have made inroads among them with Palin's selection and with the Democrat attacks on her," he said, making Mrs Palin an "existential threat" to Mr Obama.

A 2012 general election between Mrs Palin and Mrs Clinton was a distinct possibility, he concluded. "It could well be."


Anonymous said...

you mean Dick Morris -- paid Fox news contributor. Wow, what a suprise that he would make these comments when he works for the right wing media giant of Fixed news.

Open up your eyes America. McCain/Palin brings more of the same. They are flat out lying on a daily basis to the american people. Every single thing we have heard about Palin is nothing but a lie. Watch her ABC interview --- she is not ready.

McCain squirmed on the view because he knows he is full of sh*t. The straight talk express has derailed. Pathetic.

joe albero said...

The only more of the same is your CONGRESS. Get a grip and open YOUR eyes.

Anonymous said...

there's gotta be a GOOD reason Mr. Morris "jumped ship" He was more than an advisor to Clinton, he was a CLOSE, PERSONAL advisor. If you know of him, he is often correct in his appraisals & predictions.

Anonymous said...

Here we go with trying to blame all of the Bush/republican disasters of 6.5 years on the democratic leadership. Do you realize that Bush has used the veto at least 12 times since the Democratic control?

Tell me Joe, how does McCain differ at all from Bush's policies? Give me concrete examples

Do you think that Roe v Wade should be overturned?

Should we not teach evolution but creationism?

Do you realize that Obama's tax plan gives a tax cut to the middle class?

Do you realize that McCain was wrong about Iraq, and voted against the GI bill before he was for it?

Do you realize that Palin's resume is nothing but lies that have as of today been debunked!

McCain says he can "change WARshington" but he has been there over twenty years -- is he going to change himself?

McCain/Palin -- lies,lies, lies -- just more of the same Bush B.S.

joe albero said...

To think I'm going to have to listen to all this bellyaching for the next 4 years. Oh well, it's worth it to me. McCain/Palin will win this election. Get used to it. In the mean time, we're all ears. That's what good Americans do. We take care of those people who need to be pampered and cradled. Looks like the Democrats and Indipendents need both. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Still no answers to any of the issues.

joe albero said...

Well, there are no FACTS on your behalf either. Just crybaby, I want my way crap.

Anonymous said...

8:25 Are you serious? I will admit Fox leans right, but they balance their coverage with left leaning people also. The have liberals like Alan Colmes, Greta Van Susteren and Geraldo. Now talk about fixed news the left has MSNBC where the people dont even try to hide their bias, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times Washington Post and on and on. And as to McCain /Palin bringing more of the same lets look at Obama/ Biden. Obama and Biden especially Obama to the best of my knowledge has never crossed the aisle to sponsor a major piece of legislation. He always votes with the idiot Harry "the war is lost, the surge has failed " Reid, while McCain crossses the aisle, to the chagrin of many coservatives to work with democrats like in McCain Feingold, McCain Kennedy, etc. Be prepared if Obama should be elected because with the brilliant leadership in the democrat party like Reid and Pelosi and Obama we will probably not be speaking english much longer because if we are attacked again their response will be to go hide under a chair. One more thing, I dont understand the democrat party. I was raised in a democrat household and was so proud of President Kennedy. The same Kennedy that backed tax cuts and strengthened our military. If he had lived he would not recognize the democrat party of today. His policies of the early sixties are the policies of the republican party today. He was proud to be an American and would not be associated with people of the ilk that are Obama associates like Jeremiah "God Damn America Wright"

Anonymous said...


Did you know Wasilla has its own version of Joe Albero?

Her name is Sherry Whistine, and apparently is a conservative critical of Palin's performance.

Gov. Palin's assistant, Lore Chambers, I mean, Iva Frye, called her and said, “You should be ashamed! Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!” (Actually, in all fairness, the young Ms. Frye seems more like Pam Oland by all accounts.)

Anyway, wonder if Palin will sue Whitstine like Barrie's doing to you?

Anonymous said...

anon 9:04,
again you have been mislead by the right winged propoganda machine that is Fixed News. Here are three items of legislation that Obama has sponsored

The Lugar-Obama Non-Proliferation Act
This law, authored by Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama was passed in 2006 and signed in 2007.

The Coburn-Obama Transparency Act
This law (which John McCain co-sponsored) was the work of Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Barack Obama

Relief for the Democratic Republic of Congo

In the current Congress, Barack Obama is the sponsor of 129 pieces of legislation. John McCain is currently sponsoring 38.

As for his state record, Barack Obama introduced over 800 pieces of legislation as a State Senator.

As for your claim that Obama will hide under a chair if attacked. You are a fool. You have caved into the propoganda of the republican party that they are the only ones that can keep us safe. They consistently use fear for political gain. Remember that 9/11 did happed 20% into Bush's first term.
Also remember that under repulican leadership we have lost over 4000 soldiers in Iraq. Even Petraus says there is no real "victory" to be achieved.

McCain and Palin have no real solutions. No changes in policy from Bush. They are blatantly lying in their campaign adds and the resume of Palin has proved to be nothing but false proclamations.

joe albero said...

Wah, Wah, Wah!

Do tell us, do you work for any of the Campaigns, or do you come to the Blogs and wine like a Democrat everywhere?

I was just watching a show on TV where they're asking people IF Palin can handle being a MOTHER and be a VP at the same time?

WTF? Mommy, Daddy, what's the difference today? There are millions of men in families who are not the bread winner of the family and raise the children.

There are also Idiots like Barrie Tilghman who send their kids off to Boarding School.

Bottom line is, it's all about Democrats being pissed off that THEIR woman got the boot and Palin didn't.

Wah, Wah, Wah!

Anonymous said...

Ah, funny you should mention Barrie, Joe.

Sarah Palin wanted the museum staff of Wasilla to be 2 people instead of 3. Ah, good, you say, cutting out needless civil servants from such elitist crap as a museum. Fine. Maybe they only needed 2. No problem.

But Palin told the three museum staffers TO PICK THE ONE TO GO, a la that game show.

All three quit together. GOOD FOR THEM.

THEY obviously have more integrity than Sarah Palin.

Go ahead and vote for Barrie Palin, Joe. Just like Barrie, Palin'll go in saying she fights the good ole boy system -- right before she brings in her own worse one.

She already did it in Wasilla and Alaska. Ready to do it now for America. Calling herself a pitbull with lipstick is an insult to dogs. A pitbull will deal with you honestly whether it loves you or hates you.

joe albero said...

Wow, you guys are really starting to convince me that ALL women belong in the house pushing out babies, cooking and cleaning, only to come home at night to great sex and a meal.

Gotta love that Democrating line of thinking. I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

to r haddad and others:

Yes I absolutely believe Roe should be overturned.. Killing is killing period

Yes OBama wants to give Tax Credits to 40% of the American people who DONT pay Income tax... Yes they pay FICA--but should FICA taxes be everyone's responsibility.. it is a huge handout when u get 65

And all u says is lies lies lies... back them up with facts.. but Liberals don't do that..they just throw mud and use lies lies to hide behind.

Income re-distribution is Socialism/communism.. if u think "rich" people are just going to get drained without cutting back on investment, hiring, building businesses especially small business... you are entirely wrong.. I am small business guy and I am not working just for the governement and my employees... I want to suceed for myself

Working long hours and investing in risky business is what "rich" people do... SO give me a break... Haddad.. and smell the coffee You were not guaranteed Prosperity by the Constitution.. you were Guaranteed the right to PURSUE it.. some people get it and some people don't---this isn't RUSSIA in the old--and now present days

Anonymous said...

We Democrats want qualified women to be our political leaders--we don't just vote for a uterus. Ask Sarah Palin what she thinks about dinosaurs--her pastor believes that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Does she? The more people start to question Palin, the more problems arise. I just saw an ad that continues the lie that she stopped the Bridge to Nowhere. It is total b.s. the McCain camp has slipped into running a dishonorable campaign--he will now do anything to get elected. If Hillary Clinton ran against Sarah Palin, Clinton would win in a landslide.

Lordlokipv said...

DOes not matter, Msnbc is campaigning for the Obama Team everyone knows that,
but id does not matter, if she has a agenda or not one thing for sure Obama does not have one, and he has less experience than than Palin,

Obama is riding on the bubba Vote, just like Dick Armie meet the press,
Obama getting the BUbba vote, in other words black people and many others are going to vote for Obama no matter what, even tho he has no agenda,
and he wants more, of the same voter, Obama wants any vote he can get, 75% bubba Voter,
Me I feel the same way, THey should be able to vote for everyone they want,
it their right,

I Voted Hillary , but now McCain,
Now I am Voting strictly for Palin,
A woman , Pretty , Sexy, more experience than Obama ,
I am hot for Teacher,

If we can train and give Obama on the job Training just like Joe Biden said, then we can train
A woman who looks HOT,

And on the other subject, Bias
Media, Fox is Favors to the right but over all THe balance is very fair, I never use to watch Fox every until this elec

Does anyone in here really believe, in this Kieth Oberman insanity,
His days are numbers on Msnbc, Bias,, then he got upset, during the republican convention, when they showed, 911, footage,
But Msnbc thru is his face, and then 09/11/08 Msnbc did show mostly the same footage McCain showed,
HMMMMM talk about throwing it in his face,
Now you know why they kicke them out of the coverage,
Now kieth Oberman, is going to sunday night Football,
Now he going to screw that up,,

tion, Because CNN & Msnbc is on barack Obama Payroll,
They are upfront campaigning for the barack Obama Team, Obama TOld Last week CNN & Msnbc, to go after
Palin, they are on the Obama Payroll to change history,

Anonymous said...

For years, Republicans said exactly that, Joe...women belong home with babies and cooking.

Now, all of a sudden, they're the champions of feminism, equality and...

Affirmative Action! Yes, that's right, putting an underqualified (note I did NOT say UNqualified) woman in a position that they would never have hired no man for.

The difference, really, is that there ARE women who would have been qualified, but they weren't "exciting" enough.

Joe, your "wah, wah, wah" is an infantile response, giving support to the Republican elitist position that Americans ARE stupid. Give 'em American Idol, and they won't give a damn if their jobs are sent overseas and that they have no healthcare.

When someone has no quality argument, they respond as you do, with some sort of fingers in the ears, going, "nah, nah, wah, wah, I can't hear you."

I thought you were better than that, but my mistake. You can't take a discussion beyond "Republicans are better, nyah, nyah." You can say it, but you can't explain it. Blaming Congress is just another nyah, nyah response.

Lordlokipv said...

DOes not matter, Msnbc is campaigning for the Obama Team everyone knows that,
but it does not matter, if she has a agenda or not one thing for sure Obama does not have one, and he has less experience than than Palin,

Obama is riding on the bubba Vote, just like Dick Armie meet the press,
Obama getting the BUbba vote, in other words black people and many others are going to vote for Obama no matter what, even tho he has no agenda,
and he wants more, of the same voter, Obama wants any vote he can get, 75% bubba Voter,
Me I feel the same way, THey should be able to vote for everyone they want,
it their right,

I Voted Hillary , but now McCain,
Now I am Voting strictly for Palin,
A woman , Pretty , Sexy, more experience than Obama ,
I am hot for Teacher,

If we can train and give Obama on the job Training just like Joe Biden said, then we can train
A woman who looks HOT,

And on the other subject, Bias
Media, Fox is Favors to the right but over all THe balance is very fair, I never use to watch Fox every until this elec

Does anyone in here really believe, in this Kieth Oberman insanity,
His days are numbers on Msnbc, Bias,, then he got upset, during the republican convention, when they showed, 911, footage,
But Msnbc thru is his face, and then 09/11/08 Msnbc did show mostly the same footage McCain showed,
HMMMMM talk about throwing it in his face,
Now you know why they kicke them out of the coverage,
Now kieth Oberman, is going to sunday night Football,
Now he going to screw that up,,

tion, Because CNN & Msnbc is on barack Obama Payroll,
They are upfront campaigning for the barack Obama Team, Obama TOld Last week CNN & Msnbc, to go after
Palin, they are on the Obama Payroll to change history,

Anonymous said...

All of the media is controlled by the elites who control both political parties. Their job is to get all of us regular people to fight over the Left-Right paradigm. We need a paradigm shift. Americans know it is all fixed. Regular Americans would not have chosen either of these people. Think about it. There is only an illusion of choice. They want us to argue and fight and cry and become defensive . . . so we believe we have made a choice. How very sad.

Anonymous said...

to 9:04 I said any Major legislation not mickey mouse little things. As to Bush being 20% into his first term it was actually a little less, but all the media reported that an attack like that takes five years to plan and execute. That means it was planned during Clintons admin. We had numerous attacks during the Clinton admin.Embassies in several countries , the USS Cole and the World trade Center. He treated them as lawenforcement problems and the terrorist got more brave. Unfortunately for them they thought Bush would act like Clinton did. He didnt and we let them know that the U.S. would no longer take this. We have not been attacked at home or abroad since. I have no doubt that another attack has already been planned, but will not happen as long as Bush is president.


Anonymous said...

For all the accusations of democrats being whiners the republicans sure do whine about the democrat's responsibility whilst ignoring their own in the run up to the collapse of the WTC.

George J. Tenet and J. Cofer Black attempted to engage Condoleeza Rice in discussions that they beleived bin Laden was up to something really big and ugly in July of 2001. She was too involved in missile defense systems to take them seriously.

The intelligence was there, the Bush administration ignored it.
Tenet and Black wanted to take action against bin Laden months before September 11. Condoleeza Rice wouldn't listen and Donald Rumsfeld stalled things questioning the validity of the intelligence.

The above is fact, not whining, not supposition but fact. The WTC collapsed while the Bush administration was asleep at the wheel.

Mardela said...

Everyone is assuming that Obama didn't choose Clinton for VP. But what really happened is that Clinton told hom she wouldn't accept being his VP. After all, she wants to be president, and if she was VP, she would have to wait 8 years, and look what happened to AL Gore. She can't take that chance.

Now, let's set some facts straight. We already won the war against Iraq. We removed their dictator, wiped out there military and won the war. We aren't fighting the Iraqi army. We are fighting insurgents from other countries who are trying to disrupt the rebuilding of Iraq into a free democracy. They don't want us to set up permanent bases like we did in Japan and Germany to name a few. They know if we do, we will have a strong hold on the region and a place to launch further operations to combat terrorism and keep the fight in the middle east instead of on our soil. make no mistake, if we don't figtht these people were they live, they will come here to attack us.

Anonymous said...

Some of you might want to familiarize yourselves with how a bill gets passed, which is a big part of what congress does.

Each house must have a majority in favor of a law in order for it to pass. Then it either gets signed into law by the president or vetoed.
A veto can be overridden but that takes a 2/3 majority in each house to accomplish.

If you take that into account it should become painfully obvious why this Democrat controlled congress can't get anything done. The Democrats control the House of Representatives by a margin of 233 to 202 while the Senate is split 49 to 49 with two independents. Joe Lieberman being one of them.

Bush has vetoed ten bills, only one of those was before the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in January of 2007.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 12:54

Regarding terrorist attacks on the US you may want to look up the following dates:

January 22, 2002 Armed militants on motorcycles fired on the U.S. Consulate in Calcutta...

January 23, 2002 Armed militants kidnapped Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi, Pakistan.

March 17, 2002 Militants threw grenades into the Protestant International Church in Islamabad, Pakistan...

March 20, 2002 A car bomb exploded at a shopping center near the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru.

June 14, 2002 A car bomb exploded near the U.S. Consulate and the Marriott Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan.

July 31, 2002 A bomb hidden in a bag in the Frank Sinatra International Student Center of Jerusalem�s Hebrew University...

October 28, 2002 Gunmen in Amman assassinated Laurence Foley, Executive Officer of the U.S. Agency for International Development Mission in Jordan.

May 12, 2003 Suicide bombers attacked three residential compounds for foreign workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

August 19, 2003* A truck loaded with surplus Iraqi ordnance exploded outside the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad's Canal Hotel.

September 20, 2003* Gunmen shot and seriously wounded Akila Hashimi, one of three female members of the Iraqi Governing Council, near her home in Baghdad.

September 22, 2003* A suicide car bomb attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad killed a security guard and wounded 19 other persons.

October 9, 2003* Gunmen assassinated a Spanish military attach� in Baghdad. A suicide car bomb attack on an Iraqi police station killed 8 persons and wounded 40.

October 12, 2003 Two suicide car bombs exploded outside the Baghdad Hotel, which housed U.S. officials.

October 15, 2003 A remote-controlled bomb exploded under a car in a U.S. diplomatic convoy passing through the northern Gaza Strip. Three security guards, all employees of DynCorp, were killed.

October 26, 2003 Iraqis using an improvised rocket launcher bombarded the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, killing one U.S. Army officer and wounding 17 persons. The wounded included 4 U.S. military personnel and seven American civilians. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz, who was staying at the hotel, was not injured.

October 26, 2003* Two gunmen believed to be Baath Party loyalists assassinated Faris Abdul Razaq al-Assam, one of three deputy mayors of Baghdad.

November 15, 2003 Grenade attacks on two bars frequented by Americans in Bogota killed one person and wounded 72, including 4 Americans.

December 31, 2003 A car bomb explosion outside Baghdad�s Nabil Restaurant killed 8 persons and wounded 35. The wounded included 3 Los Angeles Times reporters and 3 local employees.

The above are from the US Dept of State. The ones with an asterisk by them are not necessarily direct attacks on US citizens or establishments but were attacks where we certainly should have had our guard up.

Anonymous said...

we don't just vote for a certain color, either.
calling a woman "a uterus" is offensive.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You right-wing extremist nuts crack me up!

thomas augustus littleton said...

What kind of idiot crys foul that Palin is for overturning the "law of the land" by reversing Roe v. Wade?
That's exactly what Roe v. Wade did, overturn the law of the land!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against abortion, myself, if a woman doesn't want to have her baby, let the innocent soul be sent back to Heaven so it given to a deserving, decent woman! But to cry about overturning the "law of the land" is stupid, that's how abortion rights came to be in the first place:)
I would like to see a Rice/Palin ticket in "12"
I know a lot of racist morons who comment here call me a racist because I don't like Obama, his message or associations. But my ideal ticket would be two women, one black, one white, BOTH INTELLIGENT, PATRIOTIC AMERICANS!
How very un-sexist & un-racist of me:) TAL


Anonymous said...

I don't even like Hillary, but to be honest, she'd clean Palin's clock.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mrs. Palin has adequate secret service protection if she is ever around slick willy.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Hillary is very well qualified to "clean Palin's clock."
I'm sure Governor Palin would pay her Hillary very well for cleaning if she did a good job!

Lordlokipv said...

Open up your eyes American
Barack Obama & Biden bring more of the same, They are flat out lying, on a Daily Basis to the American poeple,
Every single thing we have heard about Biden is true,, he is not ready Hillary was a better pick,

I voted for Hillary because a woman should be in office for a change, Not Obama,
Palin has more experience than Obama Biden, McCain all put together, yet Obama has zero experience, no matter what anyone says, it just the fact, check Politcal facts sheet,
But Obama is counting on the bubba Vote ,, he does want the dumbest voter he can find, You know the ones the one who cant think for them self, The reality TV crowd, who has to be told what to do,
YOu know YOU GUYS<
He wants you to vote for him because he black ,, that is the only thing he has been riding on,
I guess long live the simple minded bubba voters,