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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do You Believe In Miracles


Mardela said...

That's awesome! First time I saw that one. Joe your the best at getting things first!

Anonymous said...

MIRACLE? You're kidding.
Just wait until the dust settles and the real Sarah Palin story comes out. He who laughs last....

Anonymous said...

I was an independent voter deciding on who to vote for this election... Well my decision is made.

There is no way that I am voting for McCain/Palin. Their dirty, lying, mudslinging combined with Palin's glaring lack of knowledge in her ABC interview makes me scared to have her that close to the presidency. I don't see how anyone with objective eyes could think she would be a good choice.

I am very disappointed with McCain and his campaign. After doing research, everything that Palin was touting turned out to be a lie!! Is this how they are going to govern, by lying to the American people?

Probably the scariest thing is Palin's strong desire to overturn Roe V. Wade. This alone is reason to keep her out of office.

You know, I can see PRMC from my backyard, but that doesn't mean that I am a health care expert (e.g. I can see Russia...).

McCain you lost my vote by picking a VP for political gain only. She is not qualified for the big stage and has such extremist views that I think she would be dangerous for the safety and security of America and the world...

joe albero said...

I love these Posts. The uneducated wanna be political critics come out of the closet with all their anger and express strongly how a woman can't do the job.

I'll repeat, change your CONGRESS and things might change. The faces of the President can change every 4 years but the reality is, unless you change Congress, nothing will change at all.

Anonymous said...

I guess you have no response to the fact that McCain and Palin have been debunked as liars so you come back to trying to blame the congress.

joe albero said...

R. Haddad,

Are you God himself? Have you EVER seen a Politician that didn't lie? Are you saying Joe Biden and Obama have NEVER lied? Sorry Sir, you're an Idiot.

Anonymous said...

It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman. It's that she's so unqualified and inexperienced. AND, extreme.
Choosing a running mate BECAUSE she's a woman is as bad as NOT choosing someone because they ARE.
Having breasts doesn't make up for her inabilities.
Why do the Repubs think they NEED a miracle? Wasn't their candidate strong enough?

Anonymous said...

Let's just review

McCain unveils Palin as a refomer..

She said Thanks, but no thanks to the bridge -- oh wait, no she didn't

She is against earmark spending -- but wait, unless she is for it

She went to Iraq to visit the troops, but wait, she never was in Iraq

She has experience commanding the national guard - but wait, she never gave a single order.

These outright lies about her experience combined with the mudslinging lies about Obama from his Tax plan to his support of "sex education for kindergarteners" is a disgrace.

You may not want to talk about issues and want to vote the guy in who you can have a beer with, but look at what the last guy did to this country.

The issues are too important this year and you continue to skirt the fact that if McCain is this willing to lie to America then it will only continue when he is in office...

Anonymous said...


You're turning into a big disappointment here.

1. Because if President isn't important, only Congress, then why do we elect a President? Get real, especially since Congress was controlled by Repubs up until early 2007.

2. Your attacks on anyone disagreeing with you about Palin or McCain as "angry, jealous, etc." are the same as what you get from the anti-Alberos.

3. Your forgiveness of Palin's "Barrie Tilghman" background while continue to pound on Tilghman is just plain hypocritical. Either call Palin what she is, or praise Tilghman with the same fervor.

As for politicians lying, almost all stretch the truth. But even Republican commentators are calling McCain and Palin down for some of their because they have just out-Roved themselves. When you use legislation to protect children as a weapon to paint someone as a pervert, well, John McCain has sunk to a low worse than Bush painting McCain as mentally unfit because he was a POW. And the "lipstick on a pig" comment? Please, EVERYONE uses that phrase.

Swallow your pride, Joe. McCain made a bet on Palin's political possibilities and won. But if she were a man, you'd be bitching louder than anyone what a stupid choice it was.

Good choice for McCain. Bad choice for America.

joe albero said...

Wah, Wah, Wah!

Want some cheese with that WINE?

How quickly YOU forget about Clinton having extra marital sex in the White House and then LYING to all America. Yeah, those Democrats are so trustworthy and believable.

joe albero said...

Oh, that's right, Democrats don't believe that oral sex isn't sex, I forgot.


Anonymous said...

Obama is a Marxist. That is so much worse even than being a liar or a Bush clone! Just what principles does Obama embrace that you supporters find so endearing? Is it that he plans to take (ROB) from all those "evil rich"? I thought that democrats cared for everyone. I guess that is everyone who is poor or "middle class". It is a badge of honor to hate the rich and all aspects of success. Be careful what you wish for!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe how stupid you Dumbocraps really are you say Palin has no knowledge of the oval office. You obviously did not watch the interviews that Rick Warren did with McCain and Nobomma. Nobomma could not answer any question with starting off with uh! Talk about no knowledge look at Mr. Fraud Nobomma himself who has no valid birth certificate on record as of yet. This is the person you want to run this country. Talk about a LIAR if he wasn't trying to hide something he would have brought forth his legal birth certificate for everyone to see. You try to make it as if Palin herself is running for the job when truth is she is going to get her ON THE JOB TRAINING under a true leader - Mr. McCain.

Anonymous said...

r. haddad.............You suck. Maybe you and blowbama should get into bed together. What has he done for this country? What has he done for anyone? Oh sure, he can get a crowd stirred up with all this shit about giving everything away to all the deadbeats who won't work and just keep pumping out babies. I'm sure they love him for that. Fact is, he hasnt run a government at all....small town mayor, state governor, nope nothing. Get your head out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to puke. I would love to vote for a woman, but Palin is a nightmare. Look into what she has done, and you will see a governing style very much like Barrie Tilghman, with even more hypocrisy. I guess it took a "maverick" to take over $200 million from the Bridge to Nowhere project (which she supported before it was already a dead item) and keep it in Alaska for whatever they want to use it for. Makes it a lot easier to give tax rebates to Alaskans when you and I are basically paying for them. Heck, I'd be popular too if I gave everyone in Salisbury $1200. You guys need to wake up--Sarah Palin is the most hypocritical, cynical choice ever made for vp. She makes Dan Quayle look like a good one.

joe albero said...

Wah, Wah, Wah!

Another ANONYMOUS Democrat not man enough to stand behind his words with a name.

What a bunch of pussies.

Anonymous said...

Please try to elaborate a bit more about how Obama wants to, as you say, give everything away to all the deadbeats who won't work and just keep pumping out babies?

Where in Obama's plan does he talk about this? What he talks about is raising the taxes of those making over $250K to what they were when Clinton was president. He will be cutting taxes for everyone else..

And who, Roger, are you talking about when you say "deadbeats who won't work and just keep pumping out babies?"

And Joe, I never mentioned the fact that Palin was a woman in any of my posts... you brought it up. I am just questioning her abilities as we know nothing about her. What the republicans presented to us turned out to be a bunch of lies -- e.g. bridge to nowhere, etc... so, I am not whining or crying, just stating facts.

Anonymous said...

oh lord, all this praise for a small town mayor and governor. I'm still voting for Ron Paul or Bob Barr

Anonymous said...

Democrats have a ring in their nose , meaning they need to be led.
They are followers , not leaders!

Mardela said...

As an independant thinker (that means I'm not swayed just because of party affiliation), I think that Gov. Palin has done alot for her state. She has represented her people (80% approval) which is a far cry from most politicians. She ran on a pledge to reduce government spending and to cut the waste out of Alaska's budget. She accomplished that. That speaks volumes for what it means to make a pledge and then once elected, follow thru. Most politicians when they first get into office have a learning curve. That means everyone, both Dem and Repub. She didn't like earmarks, but if the goverment is going to dish it out, she might as well get her state's share. She didn't abuse the system by asking for too many, or adding them into everything. That is commendable. I expect any one of the nominees running for office for the first time will have a learning curve, it doesn't matter who it is. It is normal for this to happen. Most people going into new jobs will take time to get settled in. This point should not be debated by any side because it's a given.
One of the questions I have for Obama and Palin would be about their drug use. Just like I didn't like that Clinton and Bush used drugs, I don't like that Palin and Obama used. This shows a severe character flaw. This is something that is preached to everyone about since they are young. Drug use means that you do what others do peer pressure. This is not a quality that a leader should have. they should set the example of right and wrong. How we run the country or what way we tax is a matter of opinion, but drug use is bad, that's a fact.
I think all candidates should present all documentation prior to even filing for office. Nothing should be under scrutiny. Everything should be open to all. After all, the responsibility is so great. If Obama has a US birth certificate, let it be submitted, just like the rest of the candidates.
Let's understand that all the candidates are quite qualified for the offices they seek. This debate should be taken off the table, as well as debates about the families of the candidates. By wasting our time on these issues, it clouds the real topics that are vital in the way that the next president governs. What their values are and how they are going to protect us from the evils that try to bring us down. We should be debating how are tax dollars are spent and what vision do they have for the next 2, 4, 8, and 25 years. This is what is important.
Some people would think that Roe vs Wade will be the first thing to go if Gov. Palin is our next VP and some think that the rich will be paying for everyones healthcare if Barak gets elected. Neither is going to happen. Their might be discussion on these topics, bills might be presented, but the reallity is things like this don't change over night.
It is important to remove the labels that divide us, and instead come together like our founding fathers did, and move forward with positive government policies that promote us as a united people.
Stop the childish name calling. Stop the mud slinging and take the steps needed to further our country in the direction that our founders started us on.
We are all Americans. We were founded on Christian principles, but welcome all faiths to worship as they like. But don't try to change our Christian values.
We speak the English language. You may speak your native tongue in your homes, but don't expect us to change our language to suit you. Learn our language like all of our ancestors did.
Remove the hyphen from your ethnic name. We aren't African-Americans, Japaneses-Americans, Polish-Americans, or anything else. We are just Americans!
Love and rwespect your neighbor. They are different, but they are just like you. They want the best for themselves and their family. They want their children to be healthy. They want the OPPERTUNITY to get ahead and achieve great things. They want to work hard for things and Don't want handouts. If we pay into an insurance program, we want to ba able to use those benefits witjhout prejudice.
They want the same things as you. They love their country and want us all to continue our wonderful way of life! This is the greatest country in the world! This is the greatest country in the world!
God bless you and God bless America!

Anonymous said...

I think we need to change the Republican mascot to an ostrich as it sure seems they've got their heads in the sand. IIRC the last Republican dominated Congress was the most corrupt we've ever had.

At least when a Democrat gets caught in a sex scandal it is with someone he/she knows. You Republicans always get caught tapping toes in public loos.

Regarding Obama's birth certificate that is a false rumor. Have a search of snopes. The claim that he is Moslem is also quite false. Put down the kool aid or step away from the voting booth.

OTOH Palin did lie about the bridge to nowhere and she's lied about her stance on earmarks. FFS what has she said about stance that is true about her record?

Joe, please try to remember we're talking about 2008 and Bill ain't running. His lying about the where abouts of his member is hardly a defense for Palin's lying about her record as a governor or mayor.

I know this isn't really of any true substance, but I can't help but be curious - just how many of her kids are hockey players?

And now we've got the king of twisted truth and sleaze, Karl Rove himself, going on record about the McCain campaign going too far with the lying.

It doesn't get any better than this.

Anonymous said...

Joe - You are losing it! Your "unbiased" site is falling apart with every Palin post.

McCain/Palin winning... yes, that would be a MIRACLE

Anonymous said...

Joe, you don't even defend your beliefs or provide an argument to these posts. You simply name call and dismiss them. Possibly because you can't sensibly actually defend Palin?

Anonymous said...


Obama's birth certificate was released in response to the BS lies about his citizenship some time age. I suppose the e-mail is still flying around there and many are ready and willing to believe it.

Honestly, with the internet at your finger tips (obviously it is as you are here) why not take a little initiative and look up things rather than swallowing every fetid lump of feces that finds its way into your in box?

Snopes is a darn good tool for finding if things are debunked and google is a pretty good tool for weeding out things. You've just got to sort the yapping dogs from the more sensible webites which isn't hard to do. Just keep in mind how paranoid the preaching sounds and you'll get an idea about their reality.