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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Liquor Dispensary Board Meets With County Council At 10:00 Ron Alessi Style

True to his typical form I am told that ALL Liquor Dispensaries will be closed this morning due to Ron Alessi instructing ALL Employees to attend the Council Meeting this morning.

This tactic may be somewhat useful in a Court of Law but NOT in a County Council Meeting. The Council Members will probably get pissed off knowing the TAXPAYERS are paying for all of these people to attend this meeting.

Secondly, (if I were on the Council) this would not intimidate me whatsoever. Ron Alessi and Jim Rapp regularly pulled this kind of crap in the past, almost as if they felt they were the right hand of God. I mean, why not, everyone is there to support them, right? WRONG!

Hopefully the Taxpayers will also be there to see this show and if they're not, believe me, my photos will be up later this morning showing the scene we had on hand. We'll fill you in later this morning as to how things went but if you're in the least bit interested, I wouldn't miss this meeting if you have the time.


Anonymous said...

Was Alessi really the Republican candidate for County Executive a couple years ago? How did he survive the party primary? Why hasn't he been canned by the party leaders?

Anonymous said...

Closing the stores is not what I would call serving the public. I own a bar and need to go pick something up, how is this a service to the community? Yet another reason to shut the place down.

Another difference is they will be before the county council not the city council, and there is a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully there will be a lot of restaurant owners and their employees there as well.

Having the stores closed is only going to piss off their customers, further shows they really don't care about anything but themselves.

Anonymous said...

If they play a handicapped employee to gain sympathy, they are twisted and sicker than I really tought.

Anonymous said...

Alessi has lined his trouser pockets all these years and he sure don't want that to stop so certainly he has to get all the employees to go bitch and moan about how bad it would be. I personally can't believe that the employees can be led around by the nose like that - but then they were probably told you either go to this meeting or don't come back to work.

Anonymous said...

The Liquor Dispensary provided Wicomico County with about $400,00.00 this year. It didn't cost the County $.01.00 to get that $400,000.00. Lets see where the County plans to make up that profit when the Dispensary closes.

Anonymous said...

Who said it's closing? Holloway and Prettyman and Kenny and Bartkovich, haven't got there wish to own a liquor store yet.

Anonymous said...

At their best they only turn over 10% of their $4,000,000 sales over to the county. What happens with the rest of the money?