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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Hat Tip The The Salisbury Police Officers

Put your seat belt on Ladies & Gentlemen because this Post is going to knock you off your seat.

It turns out one of the Salisbury Police Officers was sent back to the Police Academy recently to take a course in Remedial Constitutional Law.

Allegedly this Officer has excessive force charges on his record and again had allegedly done illegal searches, allegedly cursing at people during traffic stops and allegedly at the request of fellow Officers and citizens he was forced to go back to the Academy.

This is excellent work by the 3rd floor Staff at the SPD as well as his fellow Officers to ask that this move be made. The risk this Officer could bring to the Taxpayers is of a very serious nature, should someone sue the City for this Officer getting out of line and going overboard.

It has also come to my attention that this Officer is also going to allegedly be forced to take an Anger Management Course as well. However, this may not even happen because I have been told that this particular Officer allegedly packed his things 2 hours before the second final day of the Constitutional Law Class and left. He then allegedly called in sick on the final day, not finishing the course.

Being a Police Officer is one hell of a responsibility and when there's a bad apple in the group showing signs of going over the line, they either take this slap on the wrist seriously or they fail to complete these courses and continue to be a serious liability.

My hope, (should all of this be 100% correct) is that the SPD terminate this particular Officer and simply move on. Everyone can be replaced.


Anonymous said...

Anger management is an oxymoron...if you're an angry person you can be taught to appear or act differently, but you've still got the anger.
Anger and an armed officer are not a good combination.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the chief needs to go back to learn some management skills as well as how to be more personable in public.

Anonymous said...

Certainly, Joe, YOU cannot be replaced! (That's a compliment, btw)

Anonymous said...

I hope that the bill for this officers re-training and thinking is coming out of the officers pocket and not the taxpapers wallet.

Anonymous said...

Maybe those people had prior records and they deserve that kind of treatment.

Anonymous said...

Was this officer driving the #13 Car?

Anonymous said...

Yeah 9:10, I'm with you. I hope the tax dollars go to something more worth while than corrective measures for someone whom has demonstrated (at least at first) to be of higher moral character. God forbid he had suffered a death in the family, a divorse, or whatever that may be contributing to his behavior. So quick are we to jump to ASSumptions without knowing more. Tax dollars are more worthy of spending on "entitled" persons or programs; while I work for a living and pay for them. Maybe just working a job (any gov't job) where the people and administration are always out to get you, you never do enough, and what you did wasn't good enough; could have made him nuts. If he is a bad cop, then I'm with Joe. The world goes on.

Chimera said...

Anger management-repeat after me-

Anonymous said...

Who is he or she, someone name the piece of shit so when we go on calls with that person we know what we are dealing with. No thin blue line here. You are one of us or one of them period.


Anonymous said...

Luckily I've never had to deal with this particular officer. From my experience with officers of SPD have been rather helpful. (Though I've never had to be on the bad end of dealing with them.) As a matter of fact, I found one officer in particular to be rather helpful and down to earth, Officer Calhoun of the SPD. Great guy, great personality and great efficiency.

Anonymous said...

Was this officer driving the #13 Car?

11:17 AM

FYI: They don't always have the same vehicle, so before you accuse someone who is driving #13, you should know that at least 4 different people drive car 13 each week!

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand, why are they sending him/her back to the academy? i understand when you pay so little and you are desperate, your choices are pretty slim, but why not just get rid of him? I am sure this person has applied other places...and they have been known to lie to other departments just to get rid of someone without firing them or lie to prevent the person from getting a job elsewhere just to keep them!

Anonymous said...

I think this particular police office should apply for a job at maybe Seacrets in OC. That way he can do what he apparently enjoys. He needs to be off the force ...NOW.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody think it is okay for this officer to act in this manner if the person he stopped has a prior record?

Anonymous said...

You all are so quick to condemn. Once again, Joe has been fed false information by a probable disgruntled officer of the SPD. Whether this officer did not get into a specialized unit or got kicked off, he or she obviously has a beef with the command staff and will do anything get back at them. Well buddy, who of us doesn't. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. The officer that may or may not have had to go to training didn't hurt or kill anyone.
Personally, I think the officer who keeps feeding Joe this crap should be fired. Come on folks...We all rely on Joe to give it to us how it is. But as a person who knows what is going on within the walls of SPD, he is being fed half truths which is not fare to Joe or us.
To the City of Salisbury taxpayers...If you want better officers 1) Get rid of Tilghman 2) Raise our pay...This will help us keep our young guys that are fresh out of the academy instead of hiring them, training them, and then providing them with the resume to get hired by WCSO, OC, or any other of the numerous agencies that pay far better than SPD.

Anonymous said...

I think this officer should get in the ring with Joe and beat the living shit out of him.

Anonymous said...

Look at what they have going on at SPD, rookies training rookies. My sister was beat up by her boyfriend and had a black eye. SPD came and the cop said there was nothing he could do since he didn't see the assault and told her to get a restraining order and take out her own charges. The guy was still on scene and was trying to get her while the cops were standing there and he was threatening her right in front of them. These are the guys that need to be retrained or fired too.

Anonymous said...

7:14 - "Look at what they have going on at SPD, rookies training rookies."

First of all, I highly doubt that several officers on the scene of a 2nd degree assault would watch as the suspect attempted to continue the assault and not take any action.

Second, if you are going to cry about the Police and laws in the state in which you live, you should really learn the laws. In the state of Maryland, if a second degree assault does not occur in the presence of the officer, and it is not a domestic assault (i.e. co-habitation, or the parties are legally married), the officer can do nothing but make the situation as safe as possible for the victim and refer them to the district court commissioner to seek charges and a protective order. It does not matter if the victim has a black eye, a bruise, a red mark, whatever. Bottom line, you have to meet the requirements of the law. Kudos to those officer's for knowing what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

After doing a little digging I learned who this fine young man is. It said he was with the MARYLAND STATE POLICE CADET PROGRAM. He was canned there for crediabilty issues, SPD hired him anyway. One gets what they deserve when when they dont follow another agencys lead. He also testified in open court that he smelled weed in the crotch of a suspects pants. Hmmmmmmm jsut how tall is this cop or did he bend over and sniff this dudes crotch. There is no need for a K-9 with this guy on the job. As you read this think hard SPD is this what you want wearing your uniform. SPD has some great cops this kid is not one of them. You know who your are, resign, get a job with Customs sniffing crotches for dope or they could give you a sent article of Bin Ladens and you could track him through the desert. I guess my point is, if you conduct a bad search and the court observes this dont lie about it, be a man let them walk you will see them again. guys like you bring the entire profession down. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

OK people...We need a new topic... How about increasing pay and the sworn staff at SPD... Did you know that SPD has 88 sworn officers, or should I say alotted positions. This number has not changed in at least a decade. However, Salisbury has many more stores, apartment complexes, and housing communities. And please folks...let's not forget the increase of Section 8 housing. Section 8, unfortunately, is coupled with drugs, guns, and crime.

Anonymous said...


Did you read what I wrote? It was her boyfriend. They live together and have a child together. That would be a domestic assault. The states attorney told my sister that her boyfriend should have been arrested right then and there. So how did they not see they should get a Kudos from you for knowing what they were doing since they did not follow the law for the state in which they work. They do not deserve kudos, they deserve retraining.