A special thanks goes out to my friend Elbert who delivered today's Sam's Club prices but looks at these rates per gallon. Don't tell me they don't have control in lowering their gas prices. Three other Exxon's along the way were ten cents a gallon less than any Gorddy Exxon here in Salisbury as they're still at $3.59 a gallon.
UPDATE: I take that back. After this Post went up this morning, Gordy has reduced his priced to $3.54. We're on a roll now!
""UPDATE: I take that back. After this Post went up this morning, Gordy has reduced his priced to $3.54. We're on a roll now!""
So what, WaWa was $3.51 this morning. They have much better coffee and better service. Gordy's Tiger Mart you can go to hell.
I see a lot is being made of the gas prices and rightly so. I dont use 87 octane but I seem to recall 89 octane being only ten cents more than 87 and 93 octane being ten cents more than 89. As these pics show, that is no longer the case and you can pay 10-30 cents more per gallon for the next grade up. Does anyone else remember this or know why it has changed?
GREAT point Two Cents!
I forgot to mention that in this Post because I noticed the exact same thing. I believe it used to average only 10 cents more for super. I have no idea why they're fixing those prices like they are. Perhaps they don't mix ethanol in the higher grades of fuel? Does anyone know?
Exxon/wawa is basically 20% oil and 80% water.
dont go to either of them, chevron and texaco have the best gas
Oh, BS! I watch the Eagle trucks leave from the end of my road day and night and the crap about Exxon getting their own blend is BS too! They are all, (for the most part) getting their gas from the same places.
Whatever you do, don't go to Citgo unless you want to support Chavez and Venezuela.
Joe, let me help you out here. All gasoline is the same basic feed stock. Different additives are used for different brands. Yes, before you ask, all additives are unique. For example, Shell promotes better mileage and therefore they must be able to back it up or the FTC would sue them to cease and desist. Unbranded fuel uses a generic additive. I am not saying it won't work. It just doesn't have a regsitered trademark and claims about performance can't be made.
3:04, I dont understand how that explains why the price difference between reg & plus and plus & super has increased so much. I recall it always being 5-10 cents. For example 1.59, 1.69, and 1.79. Now plus is usually 30+ cents more than regular. What's the deal?
3:26, I can't give you any reason why other than supply and demand. Unleaded plus and premium sales have continued to diminsh yet the cost to produce and transport them has gone up. The day is coming when they will be gone.
But in order to get the Sams price, you have to be a member, right? If you are a member, how can you pay or do you need a Sams Charge Account?
Just Curious said...
But in order to get the Sams price, you have to be a member, right? If you are a member, how can you pay or do you need a Sams Charge Account?
4:22 PM
Sams Membership card and a credit card. You can get a membership card from just about anyone who will add you as a user.
It's worth it, Joe has turned me on to some good deals he has found there.
Just curious, anyone can buy gas at Sam's Club.
But you won't get the advertised price unless you are a member. Non-members pay 5 cents per gallon more than the advertised price.
Members and non-members can both use any VISA or MasterCard to pay for their gas at Sam's.
Members have to insert their membership card first, then if the membership card is not used for payment, the payment card (Visa/MC) is inserted next in the card reader.
Does anyone know if they accept fleet cards for payment? Just trying to save my company some $$$.
The Citgo near the new firehouse on Cypress Street had $3.49 on their sign but I think it is also 0.05 cents off for cash making it $3.44. Then again that's Hugo Chavaz, our dollars go a long way down there.
most gasoline all comes from the same place, i know someone that works delivering gasoline. the only difference is in some of the additives
Anonymous said...
Exxon/wawa is basically 20% oil and 80% water.
dont go to either of them, chevron and texaco have the best gas
1:35 PM
Bullshit!! Prove your facts.
Basic Chemistry. Water and gas don't mix. Don't you think the vehicles would break down since the engines can't burn H20?
Is it just me or is the service at Gordo's gone down hill? It used to be a good place, but now the employees arent as freindly and they defanitely arnt as busy as before. Do you think Joe has had an affect on them? Really? I know they remodelled the places but it seems like they are less busy than before.
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