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Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Comments Are Rolling In

There were 265 comments accepted yesterday and Blogger went down for several hours. Not a bad day again. I'll bet even the Daily Times wishes they had comments like that on a daily basis.

Your input is important Ladies & Gentlemen. The fact that people are responding allows the Mayor and others within the Administration to realize there are more than just a Dirty Dozen concerned about the City of Salisbury and our environment.

If it were not for the Blogs, everything would have stayed its course and things would be a whole lot worse and none of you would be aware of it. Keep those comments coming and let everyone know how you feel. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. Always remember, when you comment anonymously, NO ONE, (including me) knows who you are. I want you to remember this as well. Many of you are scared to do so because you're afraid someone might try coming after you. It hasn't happened once and Barrie Tilghman doesn't have that power.

I'll close with this however. I support Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster to go after ANYONE who makes any kind of threats. For those of you who have done so and I did not publish your comment, know that I did in fact forward it to the proper authorities. Other than threats, it's none of their business who you are.


Tim Chaney said...

It is good to see new faces at the city council meetings speaking up. I need to get to the next one. Mrs. Lloyd and the Disharoon's have been keeping the candle burning.

Good to hear somebody else bitch about the bottled water too, those ARE things that one would want to cut if times are THAT tough.

We need more and more people to come to at least a couple of meetings to help support, even if they don't like to get up and speak. There's and election to conquer yet.

I don't care what anyone says, I think this blog had a lot to do with the defeat of Gilchrest.

Last month I went to Lowe's with the roofer one day and he was asking me what was up with that Motel where Joe took the pictures of the hookers.

I told the roofer from Snow Hill, "It's a whorehouse, always has been for as long as I can remember." Joe takes pictures and finally something gets done about it.

Do I agree with everything blindly? Of course not, however I'm not going to have a pissing match over differing opinions.

Anonymous said...

Good comment, Tim. Wish I didn't live so far away that I can't attend meetings. I have said it before and I'll say it again: Those of you who live within the city limits of Salisbury, make your presence felt! Show up at the meetings, and if you have the courage, challenge the mayor and her 3 cronies on the council to have the "government in the sunshine" and "honesty and disclosure" that was promised to you. Ms. Cohen and Mrs. Campbell are working very hard to get that for you, in spite of the stumbling blocks placed in their way. Show them you support their efforts. And for heaven's sake, turn out in record numbers next year to defeat Gary's bid for mayor and Shanie's re-election (assuming she doesn't get a clue by then). Vote in people who will work FOR Salisbury's residents, not just a handful of landlords and developers! And Joe, keep doing what you do best. Expose the wrongs no matter how trivial people may think they are. Small cracks lead to bigger ones, and soon the dam bursts!

Anonymous said...

i understand what your saying about threats, even though alot of people do it, i do see where its a crime. we all better watch our tempers and words a little closer these days. including myself. basically i think it means to keep it on an adult level.