Enough Is Enough! It's 9:00 AM and they have had PLENTY of time to deliver, yet there's NO PAPER! Are you missing your Sunday paper as well? This company is crap!
CALL IN AND GET YOUR CREDIT THAT YOU DESERVE! I just got off the phone with the Daily Times and the first thing they wanted was my phone number, address and then they said, "and your e-mail address?" Bull Sh!t! I said to the lady, nice try. She just laughed and moved on. She explained how I should expect my paper arourn noon today, they had production problems. I said, I expect my paper in the morning and that's why I PAY for. Well I'm really sorry Sir, it's not your carriers fault. I replied, I never said it was. Well it will be there around noon Sir. I said, where's my CREDIT then? Oh, you want a credit? I replied, your damn right I want a CREDIT!
My strong suggestion to ALL of you is, call in and get your CREDIT too! Make them pay for these mistakes and make them pay by the thousands of us. This will wake them up! Yeah, you never had competition live like this before Greg Bassett and it HURTS, doesn't it!
Missing my paper in Salisbury near the airport. I have checked the box several times and each time no paper.
Ali in Salis.
Hey Joe,
Went out to the driveway to pick up my Times to find it M.I.A. Called the Times and the picked circulation on the menu option. Heard a few clicks and got sent back to the main menu again. After being run around in circles a few more times, I got a message stating "Due to unforeseen production issues, your Sunday paper will be arriving 4-5 HOURS LATE. No mention of the paper being FREE for such tardiness.
I got mine ,live in Nanticoke.
I thought they finally realized I had stopped paying for it!! Obviously that is not the case LOL.
Crisfield hasn't had the paper delivered timely for the past 4 days. Yesterday, it arrived around 2 p.m.
Whats it matter anyhow? Their new "high tech" equipment smears the ink so bad you can't read the dam thing anyhow!
I get my news here and online for free.
I got mine timely...live in Nanticoke. We have the best carrier working for the Daily Times and they had better not piss her off and make her quit either or there will be many of us cancelling our paper. Jenny Joseph is the best they got working for them.
Our dog just learned how to go out and get the paper every morning. He has gone out four times to retrieve the paper this morning and sure enough the paper wasn't there. This has happened several times before and it really messes up his mojo man. You guys need to get your stuff together.
10:30 just left wa wa on north side no papers not the first time I am sooo pissed
I don't have the DT delivered to my door anymore. Why? because of the same old crap; can't find enough delivery personnel or something goes wrong with the production. They should make Shanie deliver the papers, maybe that way she would be more productive to Salisbury.
to anon 9:11am where at near the airport are you missing your paper?
When the DT says credit, it really isn't a credit. They just extend your expiration date. For example you call into today & you want credit, they change your currect expiration date from 9/1/08 to 9/2/08.
I buy the Wash Post and the Sunday Daily Times on Sunday at WaWa every week. I was at WaWa at 8:30 am and no Daily Times. The Wash Post is always delivered. What is the problem with the Daily Times?
Give up! It's not worth the hassle. I quit the Daily Slime months ago. My wife buys a copy on Thursdays at the dollar store for 25 cents to get the grocery store coupons.
Finally recieved the DT. What a sad paper. You pay $1.25 for Sunday paper and you dont get any ads. No wonder the stores don't have much business. We dont get the advertisements.
Boy what a sad newspaper. Just recieved it and hey where are the ads? No wonder the store are not getting the sales that they expect it's because we are not getting the ads to shop. any we still pay $1.25 for the Sunday newspaper. What a joke for a newspaper. Credit for get it. Never see it.
Email Walmart and complain about the ads not being in the Sunday paper. I'll bet Bassett and his lazy bunch get off their asses then. Walmart will make Gannett an offer they can't refuse. Watch and see.
Why would you buy the paper anyway? I get some of my coupons from the local retailers by snail mail or email anyway.
After several years, I cancelled this weekend. I had no paper 5 times this month, 4 were consecutive days in a row (Wednesday - Saturday).
I even gave in when I called to cancel, they promised they would fix the problem and give me 2 weeks free if I stayed.
The day after our "deal" the newspaper still didn't come, so I called to cancel. I hated to do it, but sometimes you just gotta put your foot down or it'll keep going. Oh well, now I cab find something else to do with that $130/year.
Why are you IDIOTS still getting the paper???? CANCEL YOU SUBCRIPTIONS!
joe please find another copy of the daily times to post. i really get tired of mr. hanky = alessi wif his two fingers prancing around like he's at a disco dance, and that attorney in the cheap suit and the crappy mustache of an idiot doing a groucho marx impression.
If you think he's bad, you should see his wife Lassie!
bow wow huh?
It has changed names. It is no longer a newspaper,it is now a history paper............
It's gone from a newspaper to a history paper!!!!!!!!
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