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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Meter Technician Gets Fired By The City Of Salisbury

When you have an employee who is doing their job and getting results, what do you do with them? Well, the City of Salisbury FIRES them, that's what they do and have done.

Yesterday the City of Salisbury terminated an employee because they were doing their job, (IMO) too well. The word has been going around for the past three months that too many tickets have been given out and some have even said too many alleged FOB's were complaining.

Even Council Members have brought this up in meetings and I believe Councilwoman Cohen asked, how can someone be giving out too many tickets?

Well, it turns out, the City of Salisbury's revenue has dramatically increased in money brought in from meters because people are doing what they're supposed to and they're feeding the meters on time. Considering the City just increased new fees on meters in Salisbury, these increased numbers BEFORE the rates went up and this allegedly didn't sit well with the Mayor.

Granted, they used a different excuse for termination by stating this person didn't put the bags on the meters the night before, (they simply forgot but did put them up early the next morning and every Council Member did get their space) but the word throughout the Council was that this person had been too aggressive.

OK, now put two and two together. You get hired for a job and your job is to give out tickets to anyone violating the law. You do exactly what you're told but then you find yourself in a pickle because the Mayor wants to raise the rates for the Meters, but wait a minute, the numbers are now showing this isn't actually necessary. SO, the person writing all the tickets gets terminated for some ODD reason, the numbers go back down, allowing the Meter rates to increase.

Let me ask you a question Folks. Aren't YOU the one getting screwed in the end? YOU are the ones that will have to pay the increased rates for parking Downtown. Then take a look at the Downtown Plaza. Do you think increasing the rates is going to draw MORE people to the Downtown area? Or do you think it's going to decrease the value of ALL properties Downtown and allow some friends to get some really great deals on properties down the road?

I'll end with this. I walked into the Zoo over a 12 day period and found 9 dead ducks. I complained and even posted the pictures of them dead each and every day, back when. It wasn't till the 13th day that Jim Rapp finally set a trap in the Zoo to get the animal that was killing all the ducks. No one was FIRED for that, yet a Meter Technician gets fired for allegedly not placing bags over the Meters? Homey Don't Think So! Is the Tilghman Administration asking the Meter Technician to break the law by NOT writing tickets when someone is violating the law? Oh, what's a FOB? LOL


Anonymous said...


Has the mayor and her crew just COMPLETELY flipped out?

Anonymous said...

There's more to this story than what you have been told. The law suit award would be in the millions for firing someone for doing their job. Get real!

Anonymous said...

is it Vic you are referring to?

joe albero said...

No, Vic is a Salisbury Police Officer.

anonymous 9:48, PLEASE! This Mayor has fired more good people for the City than any other Mayor in the history of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is more to the story and it is even worse than it sounds here.

Anonymous said...

well lets have it, let the cat outta the bag baby. i want some juice.

Anonymous said...

I know the Meter Technician, in fact the person just called me and informed me to read the blog. We have lunch together weekly and during conversation we dicuss how unfair my friend was being treated at work. I am glad this is getting out and something needs to be done. I wish my friend good luck as I know I will be kept up to date.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone who has information about the "story being worse than said here" needs to contact the employee so he can defend himself!

Anonymous said...

In all likelyhood he was generating complaints from the elite who think they're untouchable. And the Mayor was tired of her friends getting citations.

Anonymous said...

I know the gentleman and have spoken to him before this happened. He told me of all the people who park illegally and then call when they get caught breaking the law. The Mayor bows down to her special interest buddies and the little guy loses. Why does the city have meters and laws if they wont enforce them. It works the same way with the housing stock. If one of her buddies gets a citation from BHZ she reems the inspector and excuses the fine. He wrote me a ticket one day and I paid it. I accepted I was wrong and paid the fine. He did his job.

Anonymous said...

is this ortiz? i know he is an excellent meter tech and i would be appalled if he lost his job!

Anonymous said...

cyeesfMeter reading should be a clear cut process. It's sad that grown adults have to go crying to their friend Barrie instead of putting money in the meter. I guess she should have given him a list of people to leave alone in order for him to be an effective city employee.

Anonymous said...

Barries buddies can damn well afford a dollar for a meter violation. In fact, their fines should be higher because they are friends of Barries.

What a bunch of sissies, go crying to the witch over a dollar. Who you gonna cry to after the election?

Anonymous said...

Meter Tech, please seek redress against Barrie--she is a walking disaster and we must bring her under control. Anyone who can give us more details?

Ed Dean said...

This "Gentleman" has been my neighbor for over 5 yrs. and is the most well liked person in our neighborhood, great guy..... He works 7 days a week working numerious jobs to provide for his family but still makes time for them. Good luck friend ! Just another example of City Politics.........

Anonymous said...

He needs to take a walk over to the EEO officer at the State Employment Office and file for unemployment, when they deny him there will be a hearing. In the mean time, he can also file against the city for his wrongful dismissal.

Pam Oland lets 10.2 million laying around off the record and didn't get fired. This guy gets fired for doing his job, writing tickets and not putting bags over meters? Something is terribly wrong with this picture.