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Monday, July 21, 2008

Liquor Board Lies ...

... and the Daily Times prints them all.

Sunday's Daily Times boasts a front page piece on the Wicomico County Liquor Control Board that has just enough truth to be dangerous. Unfortunately Greg Latshaw delivers an article that primarily consists of a series of lies from WCLCB Chair Stewart Haemal. Lathshaw must have had a hot date this weekend; he usually checks his facts a lot better than this. To find out more about how this motley crew is picking our collective pockets, read more ....


Anonymous said...

This is one damn good post!

Tell it like it is!

Anonymous said...

Great post G.A. I don't understand how a business that exceeds $4,000,000 in sales a year only shows a 10% profit (county's general fund) in a good year. In the corporate or private sector they would all loose their jobs.

Anonymous said...


G. A. Harrison said...

Sorry you were bored. It's a little amusing that it managed to keep your attention long enough for you to comment.

Specific criticism is always welcome.

Anonymous said...

Still too much name calling in your reporting. It severely lessens your credibility, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Again, you only complain when someone you disagree with lies. Stevie Prettyman started all this with a lie - never heard you complain about her.

Given the choice of believing Haemel, or Prettyman and Holloway, I'll trust Haemel. Look at the mess your county is in right now. Why would you trust any of those council members to do anything right.


Anonymous said...

B.C., I must agree. Some in depth reporting on the Council Members themselves should be done too, in the interest of telling both sides of the story. At least Haemel has the class not to call names and return the insults/assumptions upon his accusers.

Anonymous said...

Good post G. A. For no other reason than to get people thinking about how this set up is being run and whether it is good the way it is or should we change by closing the outlets and turning the sales over to local businesses. Personally, I prefer the latter!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

I can't recall any name calling by the council. The only thing that I hear is they want accountability. I suppose the lie that BC is referring to is the purchase of the beer. Well, heck anyone that has visited the stores has seen beer in the cooler. By the way, have you asked to see the receipts for the purchases. Maybe that would be a great place for you to start BC.

joe albero said...

I have, enough said.

G. A. Harrison said...

BC and his anon compadre should learn to read and analyze an argument.

First of all we hear that Stevie Prettyman has told a lie. Specifically what lie? The constant claim is that Stevie didn't buy the beer at the dispensary.

Guess what guys? I've seen the receipts. Feel free to call me a liar.

As for calling names -
I have refrained from doing so up to now. However, Stew Haemel cut his own throat by stating that unnecessary expenses were, in fact, the taxpayers' money. This is point that I have made all along in writing about this issue.

Therefore, since political propaganda is not a necessary expense of running a liquor store, the WCLCB is taking the taxpayers' money. This makes them thieves.

Since Sunday's article shows Haemel telling multiple whoppers (re-read the post), that makes him a liar as well.

The logic is simple. I am sorry that you can't grasp it.

Anonymous said...

Someone is also lying about being reappointed in 2007 by Gov. O'Malley. Not so, their terms expired June 30th 2007 and they are still serving without reappointment.

Anonymous said...

Well GA, thanks. seriously, that's the first time in months anyone on this blog acknowledged the receipts.

Have you seen them for all the beer. Not nitpicking, but I was told that store didn't sell one of the six packs she bought. And no one I know has even heard of those receipts. If you have seen all of them, I stand corrected.

I would still trust Haemel over your council though. Worked with him years ago in high school collecting glasses for the Lion's club. He's probably responsible for collecting hundreds of thousands of pairs of glasses for the less fortunate. Met Stevie in college with the young republicans. Didn't trust her then or now.


Anonymous said...

I just re-read the Daily disappointment article from sunday - seems pretty fair to me. And honestly, I don't think you want this issue on the ballot with slots. The slots issue will bring out a lot of older, conservative people, who will probably like to keep things the same.

And to anon 938, Exxon made a little less than 10% profit last year and everyone said they're gouging. Shouldn't the WCLCB's goal be to give the lowest prices ( meaning less profit) while still providing funds to the county? They could make zero profit, providing the lowest prices possible, but the county wouldn't get anything back...


Anonymous said...

Thanks G.A. The public needs to be informed on the facts without the propaganda that the LCB is publishing at our expense. I have nothing at stake in this deal but I am outraged at the LCB arrogance. How dare they spend the taxpayers money on false information.

Anonymous said...

so what ever happened to the two daily deposits in 1997 when two complete daily deposits went missing never to be found? the people at the bank remember it, it just got covered up cause heaven forbid the taxpayers find out about it

Anonymous said...

The 10% profit wouldn't really be a big deal if they didn't have an average mark-up of 35%. That would leave around a $1,000,000 a year, the county is lucky if they get $400,000 in a good year? So it cost's $600,000 a year to run the business?