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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Questions Needed

It's quite hard to think of good question everyday. I am quite a busy woman with running a business with my husband, have 2 kids out of school for the summer and 5 dogs that need endless attention...not to mention in the process of building a home.

I would love some input from our readers. Do you have a question or thought you would like to share with Salisbury News? I will not use your name or blogname if chosen.
Please email SunnyInOC at


Anonymous said...

So no slots in Maryland but you can gamble on horse races in a KENO Machine in OCean City the pure and clean FAMILY RESORT.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone esle had copper wire stolen from their property lately?

Anonymous said...

What can we do about our potholes?

Anonymous said...

Question: How do you get the city of Salisbury to send you a letter threatening to cut off your water?

Answer: Don't pay the trash disposal fee on your water and sewer bill.(I do not use the city trash, therefore my trash does not go over the scale at the dump) The city used to waive this fee for those of us who did not use this service, but when that was changed they never bothered to inform anyone when the bill was sent out.

Question: So why threaten to cut off the water when it is the trash disposal fee? Just don't pick up the trash which wasn't being picked up in the first place? Schmucks.

Wymzie said...


Your Boston Tea Party question was along the lines of what I was thinking.
Our founding fathers thought that a Revolution was a healthy solution to keep a government in line and keep us from tyranny.
With recent major changes taking away major civil liberties my question is ... What kind of law or action would the government have to take against it's people to cause us to revolt? We have swallowed the Patriot Act, NAFTA, FISA, and countless others in the past few years. So what is Your personal line in the sand. What will make you stand up and say "Give me Liberty or Give Me Death"?

Anonymous said...

Come on my property uninvited or threatening our way of life. You'll soon find my line in the sand at the end of a double barrel shotgun.