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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gore Vidal: Bush Ended U.S. As a Republic

US Novelist, Historian and Social Critic, Gore Vidal claims that America is now dead as a Republic. The evisceration of Habeas Corpus, the Bill of Rights, and any remnants of the legacy of the Magna Carta have been obliterated by the Bush Regime and taken away all Constitutional links that made America a Republic in the name of 'The War on Terror'.
Vidal was interviewed Friday morning Iran time on Press TV


Anonymous said...

What a jerk off. Tell that no good commie liberal bastard that he's free to leave and live anyway in the world he chooses. Preferably Iran or Iraq or any other oppressed country, then maybe he'll get an idea of how great America really is! Why do we even pay attention to wack jobs like him?

Anonymous said...

in my opinion he is right in part, his facts are true. im sick of everytime someone has an opinion about america the doesnt fit into a little american dream tea cup, their communist. what is this the cold war mentallity all over again. bush has disgraced any resemblence of what makes america great. nothing will change if we hide in the closet and pretend its all good. this president has stepped all over the constitution. we were supposed to be looking for bin-laden remember. bush should be held responsible for all his actions.chaney too.

Anonymous said...

No, he's not right. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and noboby blamed him for the ill's of America. I'm sick of all the america haters out there. Its always blame America first, blame Bush for everything. My god its a wonder they haven't blamed Bush for the woes of Salisbury, but wait, there's still time. Is Bush perfect? of course not, mistakes have been made, but has he made the country safer. Absolutely!! We've had no attacks since 9/11. And yes, the little dream tea cup is just that, a dream cup. Why? Because America better wake up and realize there are people in the world who want to kill us! No talking, no dialogue- just kill us!
Thank God we had a president who recognizes that and took decisive action, rather than wait for the other shoe to drop. In WWII, we took the fight to the enemy, and won. bush has done the same. Is it perfect. No, but at least he didnt sit on his butt and hope nothing else happens.

Wymzie said...

For the past couple of days I have been trying to bring to your attention the fact that our Constitution has been eviscerated.
I'm not even sure we have the same point of reference any longer when we call someone a liberal or a conservative.
I promised that I was going to do an article on NeoCons and NeoLibs, but I gotta tell you guys this is probably one of the most confusing issues I have tackled.
The definitions are different than they used to be and the deeper I search the more apparent it is becoming how dark and deceitful our government and the media is becoming to justify their actions to seemingly make it all the more confusing on purpose.
FISA is no small little comma in our Constitution, but when I brought the article to your attention, I am labeled a left wing liberal.
This is so not me! I well up with emotion when I sing the Star Bangled Banner or say the Pledge of Allegiance. For a reference point if Jefferson were running for President today; he is who I would be voting for. However, given today's spin on where ones allegiance is or isn't; I wonder how his views would be received in today's world.
I am very disturbed by the labels that our government and our people are placing on each other.
It makes me so sad to see what is happening right before our very eyes and the largest majority of us are too ignorant to realize that our rights and liberties are being taken away faster than we ever thought imaginable.

Anonymous said...

"We've had no attacks since 9/11."

That makes me laugh. Its like saying thanks to FDR we havent had any attacks since Dec 7 1941. What a ridiculous statement and not a measure of "safeness" by any means.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Wymzie that thought that tax dollars should be spent to build a bridge from the projects to Wal-Mart? Sounds like pretty "liberal" use of government dollars to me!

Anonymous said...

Look we blame the President. We do not blame the Congress, since they are the ones that introduces laws, passes laws, approves Judges that rule by their opinions and not the law / case law and they raise taxes so they can spend more of the little peoples money. But blame the President he just signs them into law and the President has to have the approval of the Congress for the most part. So just blame the President, because the Congress does nothing wrong. Where is the logic or common sense inthis theory?

Anonymous said...

cant take the truth of the matter.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Thomas Jefferson as well. However, he would have a difficult time today. After all, wasn't it he who said "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism?" Also, he was not a Christian, prefering instead to be a "Deist." He actually rewrote the New Testament taking out all of the miracles of Jesus rendering him a philosopher rather than divine. Oh yeah, and there was that Sally Hemmings fling.

Wymzie said...

Same Wymzie that said the Pocomoke City government was negligent in not having Walmart put in a Cross Walk let alone an overpass or tunnel for all of the pedestrians.
Now there isn't a snow balls chance in hell Walmart would pay for such a thing, and if it is to be addressed correctly the burden WILL be on the taxpayer.
FYI Walmart answer to foot traffic is an 8ft iron fence blocking the organic foot path.
My whole argument was that it was poor planning and if we are going to make this a better community for all of it's citizens we need to plan and have business pay a part of what expansion really costs.
The good news is that Capitalism is working here in Pocomoke...There is a Dollar General on the City side of Rt. 13 that is carrying more and more groceries than ever before, thus meeting the needs of many walking citizens.
You can't buy a Porterhouse there, but you can get some milk, cheese, eggs, and bacon, and biscuits.

Wymzie said...

Did you ever read Vidal's Lincoln?
He didn't portray him in such a bright light. No one liked Lincoln according to Vidal and his characters in his story.

Anonymous said...

Vidal is right. But just wait what President Barry Hussain Obama has in mind for us. All in the name of "freedom," "tolerance" and "diversity."

Anonymous said...

Vidal is right.

And I know a ton of Republicans who agree.

Anonymous said...

Blame the liberal leaning SCOTUS for any Constitutional eviscerations. And look out if "Hitlery Rotten" gets an appointment. They're there forever.

Anonymous said...

you are pathetic.

You wouldn't know the real America if it walked up to you accused you of being a terrorist, arrested you, held you in secret without legal rights, stripped away your citizenship, and then brought you before a military tribunal.

Well us real Americans aren't going to leave. We are here to stay and what's more, we are goint to fight to get our Country back again.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Lincoln, the staunch abolitionists of his day didn't like him.

Lincoln's approach to slavery was to free them and ship them back to Africa. I am assuming via the same luxurious accomodations they were shipped here in to begin with.

He didn't believe in racial equality.

Proud decendant of Levi Coffin

Anonymous said...

Didn't Abe Lincoln do the same thing? Threw elected Maryland officials into jail (that's right, AMERICAN CITIZENS, not POWs) without cause. He also threw the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in jail, Roger Taney. Look it up. Yet 150+ years later we are still a Republic. Somehow I doubt Mr. Vidal's veracity.

Anonymous said...

I am just a little confused. I have looked really hard but I personnaly haven't experienced any lose of rights or freedoms. As an everyday just doesn't exist. I have experienced more scrutiny at the airport, but if I am 30,000 feet in the air, I want to make sure the passengers who are with me are not a security threat. So I have to take my shoes off, which I do atleast twice a day, big deal. I have to show ID, so I do that when I write a check. And because of the Patriot Act someone may be listening to my phone conversations. Have fun, how boring that will be. Hey, if the federal government wants to search my house because they think there is a possibility of a terrorists in the neighborhood, come on in, don't want a terrorist in the neighborhood. People get over it, we are at war, accept a little incovenience. That is how the greatest generation won WWII.