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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Please Help Spread The Word

"Hi Joe,

1st I want to say that I check your blog daily. That being said, I don't always agree with you or your point of view - but there's alot that I do. Whether I agree or not with your position, I do think that its good that our community has a person like you who is willing to put your 'you-know-what' on the line to keep us all in the know so we can make informed decisions. So for that - thanks.

Honestly I have to say that there are things that I've wanted to write to you about before now - but have been afraid to and here's why: I NEVER want to be under your radar and run the risk of being publicly humiliated like some of your... um... targets. That should boost your confidence right? :)

Anyway, the reason that I am writing tonite is to let you know about a fundraiser that my co-workers and I have put together for a young woman that we work with. Teena was diagnosed last month with Chiari Malformation. Its a neurological disorder that, if left untreated, can cause paralysis. I'm happy to say that she had her surgery to correct the malformation 1 month ago today and is doing quite well. We can't wait to have her back at work! If you are interested, you can read more about Chiari Malformation by visiting the website

So I was wondering if you would be willing to post on your website that we have partnered with Wheels that Heal Car Club and we will be at their show on Saturday evening from about 5pm till... dusk, I guess. Over the last week and a half we have scoured the community collecting donations of wonderful items to put in a chinese auction. Things such as gift cards from Outback, Red Roost, Chick-fil-a, Quizno's, Designer's Edge, and more. Also we have a 3 stone diamond necklace and various gift basket sets. We will be having a 50/50 raffle and a bake sale. We truly appreciate Wheels the Heal for allowing us to use them as an outlet to raise money for our friend.

All this is to help raise money for Teena, her husband and her 3 kids to help with medical expenses that aren't covered by insurance & other expenses during this trying time. I was hoping you would post this to help "advertise" it - especially since we are in competition with the Chicken Festival.

Thanks for your help - I appreciate anything that you can do :)

Cathy J."

Dear Cathy,

I happen to believe the "Wheels That Heal Car Club" is one of the finest organizations on the entire Eastern Shore and it is my honor to do my part to help participate exposing such an event. I also want to publicly thank you for your support. This Blog is not designed for everyone to agree and certainly just because Joe Alero says it, it doesn't mean it's always right. Healthy debate is what it's designed to do. Don't be afraid to say your peace. Besides, haven't I mellowed over the past few months?

Good Luck with the event and please let everyone know where the event will be held tomorrow under comments. Joe


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Joe for posting about our event. Of course I forgot the most important part - the WHERE! It will be in the K-mart parking lot. You can't miss us - there'll be lots of cool cars!

Thanks again :)

Tim Chaney said...

Things have been cool Joe, I hear people saying that they read your blog everyday and I never would have thunk it~! Good Job...

Anonymous said...

mellowed huh, ha,ha...

Anonymous said...

Cathy J.,

Good luck with this good cause. That is a fine organization, too.

As for Joe targeting people, don't be afraid. He doesn't target average citizens like the mayor of Salisbury does.

Anonymous said...

cathy great cause, great to see you found your voice.