The budget sessions of late have me asking many questions that don't seem to have answers. I realize money is tight for everyone, every business, every municipality. Gary Comegys, who was a member of the volunteer fire department, stated emphatically, he would not support an increase for additional firefighters for the SFD, yet on the other hand he was equally emphatic when it came to the banquet. He would not entertain the notion of cutting the budget in half for this banquet. Like their toys, they need their party. Is it possible in his pea sized, ill functioning brain he thinks the volunteers won't contribute without an annual party? It's things like this that set people, much like myself, to asking questions. Yes, we dare to question those that consider themselves to be in authority, shame on us.
The questions are, WHY is the CITY purchasing a new car for a VOLUNTEER? WHY are funds raised by the volunteers NOT being used for this purchase? WHY, at the price of gasoline, paid for by the city, would the council majority even consider approving such an appropriation? Why does he need a take home car anyway? Doesn't he have his own car? Can't he put those blue lights in his front and rear windows like ALL the other VOLUNTEERS? Someone please, help me understand.
A volunteer from Station 16 told me that he recently blew up the motor in the car he is driving now. He said the city paid $6,000 to put a new motor in the car. That is a lot of money to put into a car if they are going to get rid of it anyway? Who's stupid decision was that? I also heard the car was fairly new and he blew it up because he runs the car very hard and dangerously to fast to calls. If it has a new motor then why are they giving him a new car? How many chiefs does the fire department have anyway?
If ya ask me, Gary Comegys is just selling the taxpayers of Salisbury AND stirring up another Career vs. Vollie fight. He approved tons of money for ALL Vollie requests, but gave a thumbs down to the one major Career request.
So, who do you serve, Gary? Your buddy Bill Gordy or the citizens of Salisbury?
He ought to be recalled for what we know is the answer to THAT question, Sister!
Gordy or any other vollie does not need a vehicle for personnal use. The Mare took control of their money and equipment. OH well! The money has all ready been spent on the million dollar, cracked floor pole barn.
The "Blue" lights you refer to are for the Delaware Fire Service "Only" Maryland has traffic laws forbidding the practice of driving with a flashing lights unless you are a bonafide emergency vehicle. The only provision for lights on privately owned vehicle is for Chief Officers of a fire department and then that department is limits to only a few who could use them. The Maryland Fire Police must be "Stationary" any time they activate their ligh (s) on their privately owned vehicle.
GORDO is a POS. Does anyone know what happened to that worthless son of his?
If Comegys is a vol then why is he voting on issues affecting taxpayers money??????
All you have to be to get whatyever you want from the city, is be an FOB! I see no worldly reason why an Asst. Chief, who is a volunteer, needs a car, and especially not when he has a working model now!!! Also, we need to stop all these take home vehicles that we tax payers have to buy gas for, pay insurance for and maintain.
A. Goetz
Anonymous said...
If Comegys is a vol then why is he voting on issues affecting taxpayers money??????
4:49 PM
That's a good question. Someone ought to report him to the Ethics Commission.
Comegys is no longer a Vollie. I know those guys are thankful for that. He is now a life member and sports the license plates on his vehicle to prove it.
Gordy drove his car up N. Salisbury Blvd 90mph yesterday to the difficulty breathing call on Naylor Mill Rd. (40-45mph zones) Heavy traffic at the time, very dangerous. (lets hope he was going to that call, only call at the time, not driving home to Delmar) Plus he's an idiot for not taking Zion road to E. Naylor Mill Rd if those were the apartments, if it was on W. Naylor Mill Rd. he should have come up Northwood drive. While I appreciate concern for another human, being a cowboy is stupid.
He could have been racing up to his Tiger Mart in Delmar on Connelly Mill Road. Why would he be responding anyway, is he EMS? Does he carry O2 in his car?
Anonymous said...
Gordy drove his car up N. Salisbury Blvd 90mph yesterday to the difficulty breathing call on Naylor Mill Rd. (40-45mph zones) Heavy traffic at the time, very dangerous. (lets hope he was going to that call, only call at the time, not driving home to Delmar) Plus he's an idiot for not taking Zion road to E. Naylor Mill Rd if those were the apartments, if it was on W. Naylor Mill Rd. he should have come up Northwood drive. While I appreciate concern for another human, being a cowboy is stupid.
6:46 PM
I have seen Gordy and Hoppes responding to calls on Rt. 13 racing well over 90 mph just to see who gets there first. One of these days one of those idiots is going to kill someone. There is no need for two deputy chiefs to respond to any fire call especially at 90 miles per hour.
Hey Joe,
How much would it cost you as a taxpayer to bring career staff to cover what volunteers do. I spent 65 hours last week and took vacation from work for the volunteer work I do for the city. Where do I send my bill so you may pay for it? Also the Senior officers 3 have take home cars. All other chiefs do not. A response matrix calls 2 chief officers on certain calls primarily to act as the
Safety Officer. After 1700 hours this officers are on call back.. If you want I will drive standard speed in my POV across and pass your place of business and then come back. Then who may lose. A firefighter, additional loss of property to you.
The banquest budget figure doesn't cost anything compared to what the monetary value would cost you as a taxpayer for volunteer service to the city. You need to read the charter as what the city is to provide. Apparently you haven't a clue.
I thought you were getting better my ass............
The vollies also cant operate with out their allotment for Ocean City next week. How much does each member recieve from the corporations to go drinking at firemens convention
I do not, for any reason, deny the Vollies anything. You give of your time and yourself to protect others. Having said that, I will add that I do have a problem with your leadership taking full advantage of everyone in this city.
It's also very plain to see the game plan of Comegys/Gordy in their bid for the upcoming mayoral election. The paid guys didn't support Gary Comegys in his campaign for reelection so now he's going to use the Vollies, even if he has to buy them toys and throw parties to get elected. What will he do for you should (god forbid)he be elected? NOTHING until he needs to get reelected. Is this really the guy you want running the city?
To answer your question about cost of paid vs vollie. Gary Comegys says it costs $78k annually per firefighter. Obviously he doesn't think its worth putting vollies on the payroll because he voted against any compromise or solution offered to accomodate the requests for personnel for the SFD. Looks like Gary's attitude is why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?
Why is a "safety officer" necessary on a difficulty breathing call. Wouldn't that eliminate unnecessary response. Maybe the Feds should review "the flawed matrix"
Joe you are doing a great job at exposing the wrong and corruption in the city fire department.
Anonymous said... 10:18pm is obviously a paid fireman trying to pose as a volunteer to create problems.
Why does the fire department send a fire truck with firemen on calls with the ambulance. They go on just about every ambulance call with a fire truck. With the high price of fuel you think they would cut back on the unnecessary responses.
Slawsberry FD responds a fire truck on EMS calls so they can bill the patient's insurance for the additional help. It doesn't happen on a regular basis anywhere else in Wicomico or for that matter in Somerset, Worcester, or Dorchester. Ask Allen FD what was one of the reasons they got their own ambulance...Salisbury EMS was responding to EMS calls in Allen's area & Allen would respond a fire truck to get there to start helping the patient prior to ambulance arrival. Salisbury EMS would bill the patient's insurance for treatment, transport, & for the additional fire truck response (from Allen FD) BUT WOULD NOT FORWARD $ COLLECTED TO ALLEN FD!!!!!!!! I think Allen FD got tired of taking it in the bum!! The mighty Salisbury FD makes just as many "parking lots" as any other FD in Wicomico. Don't hate the game, hate those that change the rules as it is being played.
Yellow fire trucks rule!
Anon 1018 said: I thought you were getting better my ass............
10:18 PM
Sir/Ma'am if you will take note at the bottom of the post it clearly says Posted by EarlsSister at 1:25 PM
Don't blame Joe for what his contributors post. My shoulders are broad and my skin is thick. I can take the heat. Place blame where it belongs and it belongs with me, not Joe.
If I've stepped on your toes all I can say is, sorry about that. The vollies were not the focus of this post. Those that make appropriations are the focus. In fact, I don't blame Bill Gordy for asking for anything he can. I blame those that make the decisions for entertaining his requests. Those would be the mayor and her council majority.
Are we clear?
how much fuel would be saved if the administrative paramedics didnt chase the amubulances that the fire engines are already chasing? with tight budgets and rising fuel cost those administrative paramedics would be better used on the engine or staffing a 4th ambulance in the city.
Anonymous said...
how much fuel would be saved if the administrative paramedics didnt chase the amubulances that the fire engines are already chasing? with tight budgets and rising fuel cost those administrative paramedics would be better used on the engine or staffing a 4th ambulance in the city.
10:19 PM
I have a better idea. The fire engine shouldn't be chasing ambulance calls. Notice the terminology "fire" engine. Nothing medical about that.
It might be a better idea for the city to separate the EMS division from the fire department and then you would see where the money is being wasted and what is truely needed in this city. As a volunteer I don't want my pager going off for every ambulance call. This is ruining the voluteer fire department.
Salisbury EMS and Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company. Yes, that is the answer.
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