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Thursday, June 12, 2008

JFK, MLK & Ron Paul Banned! Why?

Have you heard these words from any of the other candidates?


Ddubb said...

"Bureacracy Gone Mad"

Wymzie said...


macbeach said...

Regarding the claims made in text at the start of the video:

My guess would be copyright violation.

Was there any original content in these videos? Looked to me like a composite of other people's materials.

You'd have a case if all traces of Ron Paul's remarks were being systematically removed. Nothing is further from the truth.

Ron Paul failed to materialize as a mainstream candidate. Nobody is sorrier about that than I am, but part of the problem might be guilt by association with fringe concepts and conspiracy theories.

Best we can do now is vote for the candidate that comes closest to those ideals on which the country was founded (do I have to spell them out for you?) and still has a chance of winning.

Hint: In which party was Paul seeking the nomination?

In November I'll hold my nose and make the best possible (possible to win that is) selection.

Anonymous said...

AMEN.....I thought we liked to fight for the underdogs? Where is your God given right to vote for whomever you want? It's not a throw-away vote it you truly think he's the right candidate. I refuse to allow the crooked government and twisted media to shove these other candidates down my throught! Ron Paul speaks more to my sense of what's right than any other candidate in a VERY long time....

Anonymous said...

I’m actually sitting here at 2:55 am in tears after watching this. Honestly, what the hell have we done to ourselves? Have we all become so “self serving” and “self centered” that we forgot what is truly… I mean, TRULY important to us?

It is not about the “stuff” one owns. It is not about “will I be PC enough to the folks who need to vote for me?” It seems that unfortunately, it HAS become all of this… and more.

Look, I don’t care if you’re a democrat, republican, independent, black, white, yellow or green! What happened that allowed us to forget what was important to ALL of us?

I’m a middle aged white male. I am sad that I never got to meet Dr. King or President Kennedy or many like them. I don’t believe either one of those individuals even knew what PC was; yet they knew the difference between good and evil. Perhaps that is why they were both assassinated?

Strange world we live in today, very strange indeed. Although I do not necessarily agree with the current war, I support the men and women over there fighting at this moment. Do I think we should be there? No, probably not. I am a firm believer that we do NOT have to be the police force for the entire world. I also believe that we have the technology to improve our current use of natural resources found within “our dirt….not some foreign sand.”

You better believe that we have some extremely difficult decisions ahead to make. Although they are going to be difficult, you have to remember that they also may not be the most popular at that moment that which they will be made. Most of the politicians be damned… we need some folks with some guts and strong backbone to lead this county to where it needs to be.

…..are you willing to make that sacrifice for the sake of you, your family and your community?

I am.

Anonymous said...

Great clip, but his bid is now unrealistic, IMO. For VP, perhaps? Nah, the 2 wouldn't get along.

I believe a vote for anyone other than the two main candidates is a vote for Obama.(for whom we're NOT)
For this reason, alone, we will vote republican, the lesser of the evils.
Just remember, Ross Perot.

Wymzie said...

Paul is not Perot and hasn't even spoke of dropping out.

He is encouraged by the grass roots, and he is encouraged by the young and the young at heart to still have the courage to question authority.

This is My County Land that I love, a my vote will count!

Anonymous said...

I meant how Perot split the party...a third candidate always does.
I like this man, really.