40Years Ago today HB Rew Chairman of the Board of F&M Bank wanted to have a festival for the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce. seafood_114.jpg He envisioned a festival that featured Chincoteagues famous Lil Nik Clams, and other Island delicacies to bring people to the Island and showcase it’s Chamber of Commerce. The first Seafood Festival drew 500 people at $5.00 per ticket.
This year Mr. Rew proudly proclaimed that they sold 4000 tickets at $40.00 per ticket.
As always the food was absolutely phenomenal. Of course the Lil Nik Clams were there as were the Oyster Fritters, Clam Fritters, Jambalaya, Fried Oysters, Fresh Fried Drum, and Trout, French Fries, and Hush Puppies.
The beer and Rum Punch flowed all day, and a good time was had by all.
Governor Kaine sat at our table with his cardboard box of food, and we chatted for a few minutes he was loving the clams!
The highlight of the day was The Marshall Tucker Band! They played all of their old favorites and some of their newer stuff. Their were lots of young girls hanging out by the back stage entrance cheering and dancing to the music. Doug Grey one of the original members, and the lead singer found this extremely amusing as these girls weren’t even born when they were in their ‘Hey Day’, but all of us 40 somethings thoroughly enjoyed the music of our youth. The band was extremely accommodating as they invited the 92.5 radio crew onto the stage, to sing a song with them. They also posed with as many people that came up and asked and signed everything from old record albums to one young lady’s chest.
They played three extra songs as they said they had 500 miles ahead of to get to Allentown, PA., and they weren’t looking forward to getting back on the road.
I spoke to the lead guitarist Clay Cooke after the concert and told him about the Marva, and our Block Party and he said to give them a call, they would be happy to come back to the area. The guys genuinely had a great time, and thoroughly enjoyed our Eastern Shore seafood hospitality!
I thought Buddy Burton HaD A LOT TO DO WITH IT ALSO.
I'm sorry I don't know who Buddy Burton is? I met HR on my way and was introduced to him as 'the Man'.
So I don't know. He seemed pretty sure of himself yet humble, and I'm sure he would give anyone credit who helped him.
Kenny Burton is the owner of Tom's Cove! The Marshall Tucker band really sucked!! Everyone I talked to at the festival agreed!!
i bet they DID suck...unfortunatley. They probably still made 5G's or more though, God love em.
Great work guys!
Sorry, I didn't know the owners name. Yes, I'm sure since it has taken place at Tom's Cove for 40 years it he certainly had something to do with it. The set up of the campground was perfect as was the weather.
Regarding the band, all of the people that were dancing and singing and enjoying the afternoon tunes I think would have a different opinion.
The music was clear and undistorted, and having a band play music that everyone knows words to was refreshing.
Correction: They made $15,000 and thats the truth.
first off this event is delt with by the easternshore chamber of commerce, the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce puts on the oyster festival every october,(witch has about the same attendance) and is held at Maddox Family camp ground,
Kenny Burton and his entire staff and family worked their tails off just like they do every year.
The entire Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce pulls together a lot of resources to make the event happen.
H.B. Rew said he was very pleased to be "...just a committee member this year..." and praised the other people who were doing the heavy lifting.
The Marshall Tucker Band performed their classic line-up with precision and were very professional on stage.
If anyone did not like the band it was because of personal preference, NOT the performance.
Wymzie got to meet everyone from the Governor to the band to H.B. Rew on our way out & did not mean to leave anyone out but this was a huge event with over 200 people behind the scense making it happen.
Well done to the ESVA Chamber, Toms Cove and the entire support team.
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