We registered the kids in Soccer, and Baseball, Field Hockey, Volleyball, but they were just never good at it. With our youngest I registered him in PeeWee Soccer and he spent the entire time laying on the field looking up at the sky. Occasionally the ball would capture his attention, usually, when it was being kicked down the field by the one kid who really grasped the concept and strategy of the game. He would get up and run toward the ball and kick it.Unfortunately, his kick would usually be in the opposite direction that his team was heading for. This was hugely humiliating for me as a parent. None of the other kids were behaving like this, they seemed to have been born with the rules of the game engraved in their brains and were ready to play this game and prove themselves to be the future saviors of Pocomoke High’s Soccer Team. I
I was determined this child was going to be different and learn to be a team player. I would practice with him at home, explain the rules to him in 5 year old speak , and tortured the both of us week after week with going to the park putting him on the field after yet another stern warning about how he was to behave only to have immediatley throw himself down and roll across the field. At some point I gave up, and told him that was it.
Every spring, and every fall go by and his friend register in these games and he never mentions a desire to participate, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
But now; we have a Skate Board Park. The child is no sooner off of the school bus he is sitting down with his homework and getting it done as fast as he can so that we can go to the park so that he can skate.
It has been a very pleasant experience. I have taken my laptop with me and have been able to write. I have had pleasant conversations with the officer assigned to the park, and have met quite a few new faces here in town that I previously did not know.
It’s a different group, the Skate Kids they all seem to have an individualist streak in them, and I like it.
Yes, sometimes I think it would be great if he were a team player, but it’s just not in his genes. He certainly gets his individuality honest, and he is certainly comfortable in his skin.
So I will now proudly say I’m a Skater Mom.
wymzie... i'm glad you're proud to be a skater mom! not many parents of skaters bother to get involved at all. i myself am both skater, and a parent of a skater. so hats off to you! i would however like to give you a small piece of advice. a board, isn't a board, isn't a board. you should get your son a better board to skate on. not one from toysrus/kmart/walmart. those boards are not the same as the quality boards that are available. if your looking for something that's "affordable" you may want to look at some mini-logo models. these are affordable, yet quality items. skate on grayson!
Anon 11:17,
Unfortunately, he was given a very nice board when he was younger, by his older brother at Christmas one year. He had built it custom from one of the skate shops.
It got left outside and has cracked and broken wheels.
We are planning to refurb it.
However, Grayson had been reading the paper, and cut out the coupon, and had his gift card from Toy r us, and with his B-day money was able to get the $50. package for $18.00 and was quite proud of himself.
His father is registering today and will be riding his 1977 G&S. God help us!
Hat's off to you Wymzie. You have come to realize that not all kids are interested in team sports. People need to realize that skateboarding is also a sport and offers a fantastic work out for kids. These kids need a place to "play" the sport they love just like kids need soccer and baseball fields. I commend your community for realizing this and filling the need. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to offer the same for the children in our community.
Craig Brock
Salisbury Skatepark Committee
What a relief! Here I thought I was the only mom out there with kids who could care less about team sports. We tried every sport out there and nothing worked. Thankfully my daughter eventually discovered horses and jumping and has done well with that. My son currently thinks video games are a sport. In their way I guess they are, sort of, but I'm still working on exposing him to the sunshine and fresh air on a regular basis.
"His father is registering today and will be riding his 1977 G&S. God help us!"
hey that's cool! i'm 44 and i still skate! tell ya what though... if he falls and hurts himself, i'll be glad to take that G&S off his hands! seriously, he should hang that on the wall and get something new to ride! a 1977 G&S anything is a collector's item!
and good for your son on taking the initiative and getting "his own" board! i didn't realize the circumstances before i posted.
take care... and tell your hubby that a hot bath and epsom salts work wonders on an aching body!... i know... it's what i do!
Billy is from So Cal and used to skate with Alva and the rest of the Dog Town Boys.
I'm praying epsom salts is all he will need!
They would skate down Angeles Crest Highway. They were nuts!
I want to talk to Billy! I'd love to hear what it was like skating with the Z boys. I still skate and I grew up in the same era. Oh, I had a couple G&S Fibreflex boards. I wish I still had 'em.
i want pictures!
I have a freind at work that built a huge halfpipe in his back yard for his 9 year old. Now his 3 year old is already on it and said his wife went wnd bought the LiL one a $400 helmet LoL They have both boys and Mom is beginning to get worried. Dad was a skater and still surfs She's out numbered poor gurl : )
The younger they are when they start they better they are. Grayson couldn't walk on his 1st B-day and his brother got him a board and he was right on it and did a kick turn in the 1st five mins.
It's amazing.
The shame about the P-City Park is you can't even go in until you are 8 years old.
What a dumbass pointless article
@ former... you say that because you probably don't skateboard, or have children that skateboard, or even know anyone who skateboards! you have to have something that interests you. let's see... probably fishing or hunting. so i'll bet if there was an article on one of those topics you'd be salivating. you need to broaden your horizons.
THnk you im from sby and yes im a skater and we are trying to build a skatepark :D plzz help out http://www.salisburysk8park.com/
Help us :) if you want bring your kids to fuel..Its a christin bible school on the new road they built soon leading to zion across from kmart :D right next to the church starts at 7pm every friday ends 9:00pm
but if u like your son to skate bring him 5:45pm then pick him up 9:30 They must be in 6 grade or higheri am a student there and its an awesome..awesome community Did i mention they have a halpipe, two flat ramps,pool room,rail,and a skate shop WAAAAY cheaper then connection? $22 an mini logo? please help out..
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