
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, May 09, 2008


Prices are quoted in US dollars per gallon for regular unleaded.

Oslo, Norway $6.82

Hong Kong $6.25

Brussels, Belgium $6.16

London, UK $5.96

Rome, Italy $5.80

Tokyo, Japan $5.25

Sao Paulo, Brazil $4.42

New Delhi, India $3.71

Sidney , Australia $3.42

Johannesburg, South Africa $3.39

Mexico City $2.22

Buenos Aires , Argentina $2.09


Riyadh , Saudi Arabia $0.91

Kuwait $0.78

Caracas , Venezuela $0.12

Hot Springs, Arkansas Who Cares? Ain't going anywhere.


Anonymous said...

and if we could drill for oil it would read: USA - $2.00

Kimberly K. said...

I think the quick leap had a lot to do with the Goldman Sachs report released Tuesday. No one really knows what to expect and that seems to be causing the prices to become even more erratic. Crude is down a dollar or so since it jumped up this morning. Regardless I think we are in for a long road where gas prices are concerned.

We are seriously considering trading out the Assateague Ready 4-Wheel Drive vehicle for a sporty hybrid that we might be able to afford to take to the mall once in a while!

Anonymous said...

The thing that makes me mad as hell is how long it takes for the pump prices to come down, they shoot up 5-6 cents overnite but take weeks to drop that same amount!! We have plenty of oil here in the United States waiting for what?? Ask the oil companies why they are only operating at about 55% of their capacity ??

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned...those oil wells in Kuwait belong to US. We spent billions puting those fires out, and more on the war to save that sand hole. Maybe McCain will have the balls to take them.

Anonymous said...

Why cant we use the oil that is here in the Good ole US of A? I keep hearing that there is oil in California, in Texas, in the Midwest, etc etc. ....but they wont drill because its bad for the environment. So would make much more sense than having all the oil imported to us from overseas. Sounds like a bunch of liberals to me!

Wymzie said...

The largest oil reserve known to man exists underneath of Montana, North and South Dakota.
Drill It!! Build Refineries!

We showed those people what that black stuff was in their desert.
Standard Oil went there and drilled the desert, and started pumping and created the wealthiest country in the world.

We showed them how to refine it, we built their highways, we taught them how to reinforce concrete. We taught them how to build cities with indoor plumbing.
We need to stop buying another drop of oil from these assholes and start drilling our own.
The buffalo and elk will get over it. There is nothing in this area of the country, yes it is beautiful land, but we need the oil and the gas, and we have got give up our dependency on these people!

Tim Chaney said...

In the past I wasn't in favor of drilling here. Now that they can do it with minimal impact to the environment and the idea that it could end up becoming a National security problem, go hade and drill for that oil Jed Clampett.

I read somewhere that the place wymzie is talking about has enough oil for us to have for 150 years. However, I still think we should keep on the search for an alternative fuel source. Whoever comes up with that will become the next Bill Gates or J. Paul Getty ten times over.

Anonymous said...

Before you go taking more oil off Indian lands without paying for it why don't you ask your government to uncap all those wells in Texas and Oklahoma? Then maybe you can pay the 2 billion dollars stolen from indian oil leases.

By the way, not only is there oil out in Montana, North and South Dakota there sits the biggest uranium deposit known to this government. Wanna go start drilling for that too? Opps, my bad, that's already been tried.

Wymzie said...

Anon 8:44
Native Peoples were royally screwed, and continue to be to this day, of that there is no doubt.
Yes, I believe also the wells need to be uncapped in Texas and Oklahoma as well.
The politics of oil is complete and utter BS and we all know it.
Do I want to see the environment destroyed any further? Absolutely not. I love that part of the country and want to spend the rest of my days there.
But these SOB's took the completely electric car (EV1) and crushed every one of them except for one to be in the national car museum. Google 'What ever happened to the Electric Car'?
The tire that lasts forever recipe is in a vault.
The alternatives are here and they are being suppressed because each and every one of our Senators and Congressman have stock in the oil companies.
The Great White Father is screwing all of now, not just the Native Peoples.
Every white man will know the meaning of slavery over the next two decades. We are already enslaved to our debt, and few just now are starting to realize it.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain why gasoline already bought and in the tank can go up , it used to be that an item on the shelf or in the tank would be sold at the old price before you can jack it up while in storage. If the price went up you had to sell what you had before putting the new in at the higher price ?

Anonymous said...

It's called Racketeering

Anonymous said...

All I know is Jed Clamitt (sp), Granny, ElliMae, and Jethrow sure lord couldn't have used up alllll that Texas teed fer that there cement pond of thiers. So where is it?