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Friday, May 09, 2008

As If Last Years 14% Tax Increase Wasn't Enough

Tighten your seat belt Ladies & Gentlemen because you're about to get hit with a 45% Water & Sewer rate increase! At the City Council's work session on May 8, Salisbury's new Public Works Director recommended that course of action to keep the fund from depleting its surplus account to a dangerous level, which is what
could occur under the "no increase" budget that Barrie Tilghman has proposed
for next year, which begins in less than 60 days now.

That's right, you'll more than likely get hit with a 25% increase this coming year and another 20% increase the following year. That's IF they go with that program. The other option is a straight up 45% increase right away.

So what else will this mean? It means that once the elections are over and Barrie Tilghman runs with a no tax increase any time soon, there will be another huge tax increase the following year.

The budget is a mess and the Mayor is truly passing the buck off on the Council, not taking any responsibility for her shenanigans. Department Heads came to her with requests and she misrepresented her budget by stating none of these requests actually happened. It's the Mayor's job to show what requests were made and she absolutely did not show them.

I could go on and on for quite some time with all of this but the beef of it all is, you're going to get slammed in a very big way. Remember Folks, YOU voted for her. I'll bet everyone comes out in record numbers to make sure she's never voted in again.

It should be noted, no one from the MSM showed up last night for this meeting. That means you'll only read about it here. How convenient that not even the Daily Times showed up, eh?


Anonymous said...

man, i sure feel sorry for the retired ppl in salisbury. boy has this mare really ruined this city in every way in he hell can retired ppl keep taking this crap. i hope bob caldwell has enuff time to turn all this shit around.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for another timely post, and a question:

Does Mr. Caldwell (the new Public Works Director) realize that Queen BPT must run for mayor again in less than a year to stay in office -- and that's why she has proposed the "no increase" budget for next year?

Anonymous said...

Barrie has already taken Salisbury to the top of the tax category for towns on the Eastern Shore, and now she's doing the same for the water and sewer rates.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now- 2 years from
now--8,000 bag ladies and 8,000
bag men pushing grocery carts in salisbury.

Anonymous said...

TO: Salisbury Saps:
FM: Happy Harry in Hebron


Anonymous said...

Mr. Caldwell:

Update your resume over the weekend. By this time next week you will be wanting to send it out.

Anonymous said...

have been wondering when they would try this again. has the "surplus" newly found (by Deb & Ter) in this fund been exhausted, already?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mr. Jim Caldwell realizes what he got himself into coming to Salisbury. I'll bet Ohio is looking pretty good right about now. Poor fella, didn't anyone tell him that he is NEVER to buck up against Barrie? I hope he can ride out the next 11 months until she is gone.

Barrie wants no tax increase THIS YEAR. She is setting Debbie up for that one because Debbie is the only one coming up for reelection and can see what is truly needed to keep this city going. It's either CUT or RAISE, a no win situation for her. Shanie is coming up for reelection as well not that it matters, she doesn't even know what is needed to keep her personal affairs afloat.

Anonymous said...

What an election year shell game by Barrie Tilghman!

Oh, and thanks for all the growth, Gary Comegys. NOT!

Anonymous said...

I do not live in Salisbury proper,however being a service contractor I work in Salisbury quite often. You guys all talk like the queen is not going to be on her throne for another term(and I hope you are correct). With that said I must get to the point - most of the older customers I have don't have a clue of what is going on in this administration. With that said it is going to be difficult at best to remove this mare unless the good folks of Salisbury start making some noise about what is going on in YOUR CITY. It's a shame to be looking in from the outside and see clearly that the good people of Salisbury are getting SCREWED! The only way to change that is to start doing something about it now. Waiting until campaign time is going to be too late as has been proven in past elections in Salisbury. Problem is most of the older generation has a clue as to what kind of childish Mare and STUPID council is running this City. The only ones looking out for you all in Salisbury is Debby and Terri. They are only two really great people and need your Support to make a change NOW!

Anonymous said...

I am behind Debbie and Terry all the way! Getting rid of the MARE is not soon enough - even it was tomorrow. She has gone past her limit - time to put the old Mare down!

Anonymous said...

I think she knows she could never win again. Maybe she is setting up Lore' for a run?

A vote for bubba would be a vote for another outhouse here on the shore.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see it but when those retired folks that only read the paper get smacked with more increases, look for those folks to come out in masses.

When the masses are getting more state aid maybe somebody in Annapolis will finally wake up from their slots dream. If the retired folks can't afford slots, what's the point of even passing them?

Bob said...

I can see a time where it will become an financial necessity to dissolve the city charter OR put people in office who will place a cap on EVERYTHING. Let's look at this from a common sense stand point.

1) What business will want to stay in Salisbury when it has the highest taxes and water & sewer fees. What happens when these businesses relocate? (no place for people to work)

2) What happens to their employees? (They become unemployees and the welfare roles become increasinly larger)

3) What happens when people can no longer pay their mortgages or rent? (empty buildings fill up with homeless people who pull the plywood off of the windows at the rear of the buildings and inhabit them at night)

4) What happens to the empty buildings when no one pays the taxes on them? (The city or county will take them at tax sale and wont be able to get a nickel for them.)

That's right. The city and the county will become the owners of real estate that isn't worth a nickel. The tax base will plummet. Since you can't feed families with rickety old abandoned buildings, the govt. workforce will have to be thinned. (like the teachers who are being laid off in Delaware) The majority of your elected officials are spending the citizens of Salisbury into a ghetto. If they are permitted to continue, they will create an inner city that pollutes our rivers, eliminates the safety of our communities, and propogates unemployment and the societal ills that we can readily see when we look toward Baltimore, D.C., N.Y., Philly, Camden, N.J., etc. This is evident when we look at Church St., Delaware Ave., Lake St., and their surrounding neighborhoods.

I was born and raised in a city environment. I lived in Salisbury about ten years ago. I enjoyed the bells of St. Frances on sunny Sunday mornings. Better hang on to memories like those folks. The end of an era is at hand.

Anonymous said...

The retired people don't know about this crap. A very large percentage of retired people DON'T have computers to find out what's going on and they sure aren't going to read about it in the Daily Slime - so you tell me, how are they going to find out what's going on in this S__T town.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that take the cake? bubba has been supporting everything she wanted and bet she won't endorse him. Now that will be funny.

Anonymous said...

Encouraging time to think about a bankruptcy huh?

Anonymous said...

Hm. May well be time to start thinking about moving out of this town and into lower, slower Delaware. Sure does look like we are in for some big tax increases for next year and the year after that. Before election time, we better all get out and tell the real story of this towns administration and how they've taken all us tax payers for a ride into poverty!

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

How do we notify our elderly and retired? Simple answer, very simple answer.

Warm weather is here. BLOCK PARTIES. Bring a covered dish, everyone pitch in a few bucks for burgers and hot dogs. Get to know your neighbors. In the cities you can ask for a permit and have the police barricade your street during certain hours so there would be no traffic. Find out the needs and concerns of the elderly. Watch out for them in your neighborhoods. Its not hard to walk over to a retiree/elderly neighbor to just say HI, they love to talk. Besides all of this, it would be FUN, everyone is into having fun.If every neighborhood in the city had a block party or every street in the city had a block party imagine how many people could be reached, informed and enjoy their company. Quit being into yourselves, get into your neighborhoods. After all, you live in them.

Anonymous said...

The block party idea is nice for the election, but the budget is going to get passed SOON. There isn't time. People need to copy Joe's post and walk door to door with it on their street.

I saw the post about the May 21 public hearing, but this Monday is a public hearing on the budget, too, or some aspect of it.

People need to turn out and tell the administration they are sick of their mismanagement!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we're all missing something here. If only 28% of the properties are single family then maybe that is the 28% that shows up to the meetings.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe churches should used for politics, however many of the elderly's live's revolve around a church. They should be able to have question and answer forums to help them be aware of many up coming increases.

I don't think God would want the elderly and the vulnerable to be in the dark on these issues. All those churches will be impacted by the tax and water increases with a congregation on a fixed income, they may have to cut their contributions to the churches, or go without food and meds.