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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Warning, This Is Long But Worth The Read

After long and serious thought, I have decided to endorse Senator John McCain for President. I have always voted for the person and have not voted for anyone because some political party was telling me who I should vote for.

We all know the choices by now and, that said, I do believe that the process of selecting a chief executive is deeply flawed. The words "money" and "special interests" come to mind, among many others.

Here's the way I see it:

Barack Obama, you are a fine public speaker. You are also an extremely liberal Senator from the State of Illinois, which has a long and rich history of political corruption of the first magnitude. You are indeed a child of that system.

You have finally insulted my intelligence far beyond my capacity to tolerate your insults. It has nothing at all to do with your skin color. As a matter of fact, it would be so COOL to finally have an African-American for President. What a great statement that would be to the entire world that we are indeed the greatest country on earth!

But, unfortunately, General Colin Powell is not running, and YOU are NOT the man for this job !

Barack baby, you want me to believe that you have never heard the sermons of your own pastor, the Right Reverend "God Damn America" Jeremiah Wright. It is a matter of record that this has been your church for over 20 years. It is a matter of record that you were married there by this very pastor, and that your children were baptized there.

The good Reverend saw fit to visit Khadafy in Libya with you and to give a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan, of all people.

We have all now seen excerpts of his sermons all over the airwaves by now. And you have publicly stated that this man IS your "spiritual mentor".

BUT, your pastor is NOT the reason I am NOT voting for you. His words were disturbing enough, but it is your own HUGE church congregation, seen jumping, hooting and howling to his words in the background that disturb me the most. And please don't tell me you attended church there and never once heard a "discouraging word" in the 20 years you attended there. Don't tell me, that in addition to the good reverend, that you are now not having anything to do with all those other people seen hooting and howling out in the audience in the background of his fiery tirades.

Even Oprah Winfrey got disgusted and walked out. I am no Oprah fan, but still she did the right thing.

Now YOU look me in the eye and ask me to believe that you never heard such language in all the years you attended there ! This is like me telling you that I attended dozens of Klan rallys and never once heard the "N" word. Yep. And Bill Clinton "did not inhale".

Yes, Mr. Obama, we all have friends who have said stupid things that embarrassed us, but NOW you have asked me to believe something that is so incredibly stupid that you are telling me that I am just stupid enough to believe you. THAT is the main reason that I will never vote for you. I am deeply sorry, that in a county teeming with enormously talented African Americans who would make a good President, that the political system has chosen YOU. You are a pathetic and plastic excuse for an American, who will not even salute the Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. God forbid you ever get near the Oval Office.

Now, did I mention Bill Clinton ?

AH YES ! This brings us to MRS. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, who this candidate really is, in spite of all the other names she may care to call herself. This "feminist" piece of work of course would like to be referred to as MS. and we all know who wears the pant suit in that family.

MS. Clinton, (sugar), it is just as depressing to realize that there are dozens of women who would also make great Presidents. But, fortunately, the horrible state of the selection process has selected YOU. Ms. Clinton, I'm sorry, but you could not tell the truth if we waterboarded your worthless ass !

Still you play the role of the "embarrassed but dignified noble wife". What utter malarky ! I am not voting for you for a world of reasons, but the main one is the same as my not voting for Senator Obama. You persistently insult my intelligence. It COULD be conceivably possible that you did not know about Monica Lewinsky, extremely remote, but possible if we stretch our imaginations a bit. But you turn around and then ask me to believe that you also did not know about Paula Jones and the legion of other women who were chewed up and spit out by your lecherous excuse for a husband. Puleese turn off this broken record !!!

But let's set aside your hubby's flagrant pecadillos. The real reason I will never vote for you is that I don't think the country can survive EIGHT MORE YEARS of Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Sandy Berger stuffing his socks with classified intelligence, Janet Reno's goon squad, and the myriad other corruptions that seem to stick to you like your ugly face. So our former President can't keep his dick in his pants. The REAL issue is that he committed perjury under oath when he lied about it and the pathetically-attempted cover-up that followed.

Like you, he is totally incapable of telling the truth. He could not do it if you tortured him, and in voting for you, we would get the BOTH of you, all over again. The same folks who could have taken out Osama Bin Laden over 3,000 dead Americans ago !

And please stop telling me that you have "8 years of experience" to lead us. You were the freakin' first lady already, not the Commander in Chief. Jeez ! The sum of your "experience" is that of the most worrisome and incompetent meddling in the history of the White House. You even cursed your pitiful staff and the Secret Service agents who were and still are unfortunately charged with risking their lives to protect your worthless, thieving hide, and all at the expense of other people who have to work for a living.

Your single pathetic platform is to finance the illegal drugs, alcoholism and bad habits of the very lowest and most irresponsible freeloaders in America and to then "garnish the wages" (your own words) of every law-abiding and hard-working American to pay for it. This disaster you refer to as "Universal Health Care". Where have you been the last 30 years ? Did you not see that socialism is a failure wherever it has been tried ? Did you not notice that the Soviet Union has collapsed since it gave no reward to those who worked the hardest for the fruits of their own labors to pay for those who will not ??

It is interesting to see all the dead bodies that you and your hubby have left in your wake. Suicides, mysterious deaths, cover-ups that make Richard Nixon look like a rank amateur. The utter contempt and unbelievable arrogance of some of your strongest supporters, most notably the recently resigned and disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer, the epitome of hypocritical and malevolent arrogance gone wild, one of your most ardent, wealthy and powerful political supporters. A man the news media refuses to admit IS a "super delegate" in your own political machine, a fine example of your own "adopted" state of New York. No wonder you moved there to run for Senator ! The environment there is perfect for the likes of you !

Yes, I would vote for a woman, but I will NOT vote for YOU !

Which leaves us with Senator John McCain.

John, you are a flawed man. You are a bit old, a bit looney, and you have a notoriously bad temper. This perfectly qualifies you, in my humble opinion, to lead us for the next eight years. I WANT your trembling hand on the nuclear button.

Think about it.

We have Kim Jong IL, Chavez and Ahmadenijad all running around like lunatics, threatening America and threatening to plunge the world into nuclear Armageddon. We have Putin and the Chinese blustering and rattling their sabres at us. I want John McCain in the Oval Office and I want him to be really pissed off at all these other nut jobs around the planet.

John, once you are elected, I want you to go into the Oval Office and throw one of your perfect FITS. Jump up and down and throw something through a plate glass window. Rip the drapes down and foam at the mouth a bit. And I want the whole thing on camera so that Ahmadinejad can see it. I want ALL of these "world leaders" to lay awake at night and to break out in a cold sweat every time they think of messing with the United States of America.

I want the nuclear button sitting right next to the alarm clock on your night stand. I want pictures of this to be sent to Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, and those other assholes in the sheets, the Saudis.

On the domestic front, poor John did try and reach across the aisle to the opposition in a desperate effort to compromise and to get the Congress to do something. You may not agree with his efforts, but at least he TRIED. For all his efforts, all he got handed to him was his head in a basket. The liberals are pissed at him and the conservatives are pissed at him. Just my kinda guy.

I predict that John will select Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Good choice. I want a JEW whose memory of the Holocaust is still fresh in his mind and who is royally pissed off at all of these towel-headed morons in the Middle East to be the next in line if something should happen to John. Shalom, Vice President Joe. One heartbeat from the Oval Office.

Finally. John McCain knows on a most personal level what it is to suffer horrible torture for years and to see others die, right in front of you, for their love of America. When you ask him about it, he will tell you that what he did was "nothing special". Even more incredibly, he states that ANY American who truly loves his country would do exactly the same as he did in that situation. You and I will have a hard time believing that, but the real point is that John McCain believes that about the "average American", and that, dear friends and neighbors, is why I will cast my one poor ballot for on election day for John McCain -- warts and all.

God Bless America,
Senator Bob


Anonymous said...

He stoops to conquer:

Due to Barrack and Shrillary, President McCain's VP choice will be a woman of color -- Conde Rice!

And, you can count on that.

Anonymous said...

I am speechless. My hats off to the author of that letter, you said what I have been thinking for some time now.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to 504PM! Finally someone writes the truth...
and not distorting it! Thank you! I know who I am voting for!

Anonymous said...

Thank you,thank you again.To the dismay of my liberal {and some of my conservative} friends,I have been a McCain supporter since that dirtbag Limbaugh ruined his chances eight years ago.A rugged individual by many standards,he will be a no BS decision maker.As a bonus,Knowing he had the guts to tell that snake oil salesman Falwell to f**k off sits just fine with me. David Sapp

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Bush shamed him like a little kid, he was the doormat of the Republican Party. The real Republicans are upset because, once again, they don't have a real candidated. He is a non-candidate. He isn't even serious about the job. He knows he won't be the President - but you want to vote for him? He is the ultimate "paid for candidate". It is clearly the Democrats turn - isn't it? Haven't we drank Coca Cola long enough? Isn't it time for some Pepsi? You don't realize that the people don't choose the President. How sad. How pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Sorry annon 6PM.....where have you been all this time?
Do you plan on voting for a dude that wont even recite the pledge of allegiance or turn his back to the American Flag? And he supported a church where the
so called Minister used the GD America? Or do you plan on voting for someone who cant tell the truth and has already been in the Whitehouse long enough the first time? Rather than try Pepsi, as we already have had Coke and looks like McCain is it!!!

Anonymous said...

I would much rather have coca-cola over pepsi and day!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

None of these candidates are good choices. Once again we have to choose between the lesser of 3 evils. Personally, I like Mountain Dew. Is there a green martian candidate?

BossHogg said...

Forgot to mention Ron Paul

Anonymous said...

Bosshogg is right about Ron Paul being the best candidate. However, he was marginalized by the media so that no one took him seriously. He has said some great things about the Federal Reserve being the root of our problems with the economy.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:00 PM -- You must be a moron, a failure to understand the news and comprehend what Obama stands for or you are a member of his church who despises America. The article was well written by the senator and analyzed for the 3 presidential candidates.Please God let us have McCain for our next president.

Anonymous said...

I also believe Ron Paul is the best candidate for the job. One thing is he has never voted to raise taxes. How many other politicians can say that. We are taxed so much now that we work from January 1 till May just to pay taxes and then we start earning for ourselves. Also Ron has many answers to get the U.S. back on track economically and get back to the way it was when we were prosperous in the fifties and sixties. That being said, the Democrats have a long history of taxing the people to death and spending it on more useless programs. If you don't believe that just look at your Democratic
Governor O Malley. Yeah thats right tax tax tax. With gasoline prices steadily rising and more houses going to foreclosure we cannot afford to be taxed anymore.
My God, my wife and I work hard for our money and it is all we can do to pay our high mortgage, buy gas to get to work and eat. God forbid one of us would get sick and couldn't work. So the bottom line is if you are sick of being taxed into the poor house you cannot vote for Hillary or Obama because if you do I would hate to be the one to say I TOLD YOU SO. Because
that means I would be sitting in the poor house right beside you because of all the new taxes our new President would put on us to go along with the ones our Governor has already put on us. Just think about it people you know what I have said is true. I have the Democrats past history and O Malley's present time to back me up. So you better not put another tax-happy Democrat is there
or there will be no end to the taxes you are about to see.

Anonymous said...

I say God Damn Obama, not America. I an sick to death of hearing racist remarks from "reverends" Wright, Jackson, Sharpton. What about all of the "typical white people" that lost their lives in the Civil War to abolish slavery? Why don't the arrogant Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey head on down to the Congo or Darfur and take on the blacks there who are raping and torturing black women and children by the thousands daily? Oh , yeah, they would have to give up their million dollar lifestyles and luxuries. Easier to stay in the U.S. and whine about how whitey has "kept you down" . Alot of latent feelings about race are going to quickly surface and dominate this election if Obama runs--personally I will fight to stay the majority race.

dan said...

Anon 9:06,

IF you are in such a tither over remaining the "majority race," then the African American population is not your concern. The hispanic-based population is growing at a faster rate than any other in this country, and has the potential to be a much larger group than any other. Tackling the issue of immigration is a big isssue that is going unaddressed, and is a staple of the GOP. How does Obama being black change that?

Hate Obama all you want to, but do it for the right reasons. Seriously, there is nothing more pathetic than a racist who hates the wrong race. If you are going to be stupid in public (anonymously) at least be stupid about the right subject.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dan it is not about race, it is about the victim card that many blacks use as an excuse for all of their woes.That mentality is what has repressed their race, not white people. Clearly you are a rabid Democrat, that's great, but allow other people to express their own views. What is so wrong about being proud to be a White American? Why is it so politically incorrect to NOT feel guilty about disliking Obama's politics?

Anonymous said...

Yes, a very good analysis of our Presidential race this year and exactly the way I feel too. By the way which Senator Bob is this writer? Is it perhaps Bob Dole?

A. Goetz

dan said...


My main beef is with your use of the term "majority race." Whatever your views, terminology like that, and the thining/actions behind them, do nothing to help anyone, and further venomous discourse.

"Majority race" sounds an awful lot like "right race." Dem or GOP, its not really still about skin color, is it? There are plenty of other ways to make your argument and sound intelligent. That line alone burys your "pride" in a fog of misperception. YOu may not be racist, but those words make you sound like one, and remaining anonymous does nothign to help you in that regard.

Vote for whoever the hell you want to. Hate whoever the hell you want to. Just do both with some sense of tact.

Anonymous said...

Yo Dan, check Wikipedia and you will find the U.S. majority race as white/European descent. And that happens to be my race as well, why does the truth offend you so much ? What is wrong with the majority race of a country wishing to remain so? Is it equally offensive to your Democratic sensibilities that the majority race in China wants to remain Chinese, the majority race in Denmark wants to remain Danish? You say to hate whomever a person wants-well the persons I really hate are hypocrites that bend over backwards to look politically correct. At least I am willing to be honest and state that I would like for the current majority race of the U.S. to remain so.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if Shanie is endorsing Obama, that alone is enough for me to vote for McCain. Cause Shanie don't know JACK! uh huh dat's right.

Anonymous said...

You can put money on it, Condi ain't gettin' picked for squat.

dan said...

Yo anon, yo indeed.

So how does Barack Obama becoming president change the whole white majority thing?

Yo, your argument is kinda dippy.

Yo, Wikipedia is kinda stupid.

Not a strong come-back, yo-yo.