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Sunday, April 06, 2008

I Just Couldn't Resist Putting Up This Idiots Comment

Cowman Scents has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther King Shot 40 Years Ago Today":

Martin Luther King Jr. destroyed a perfectly good revolution. He helped to squelch real dissent in the Country. This Country has been corrupt for a long time. Martin Luther King Jr. convinced a whole generation of real people to forget about revolution. Just lay down and be arrested. Non-violent protest is not revolution. He was not a revolutionary person. He was an incredibly efficient pansie for the white power elite. Because of him, all poor people have been resigned to slavery for the rest of this Country's miserable existence. There were plenty of poor and educated white people in the 60's who were willing to join forces with the blacks to overthrow the power elite. They could have done it too. However, the white power elite was successful at getting everyone to sit around, play music, read poetry and get strung out on barbituates. They gave us Vietnam to get the poor people hooked on opiates. Now Americans are so sleepy that we couldn't revolt if our lives depended on it. All we do is ring our hands about the one gifted speaker who convinced our parent's generation to drop out. Dream a little dream, a little folding of the hands to sleep. Caesar Caesar won't you give us some freedoms? Won't you give us some college tuition money? Won't you give us back some of our money you stole from us? Remember this, two of the people standing on the balcony that day, are now the biggest losers of the so-called black political voice in America. The poor blacks and the poor whites have no political voice. But they still have drugs, plenty of drugs.


Anonymous said...

This dude here is going to get shot up

Anonymous said...

What makes him an idiot? Is he an idiot due to his unpopular opinion?

Anonymous said...

I think he is wrong about the purpose of Vietnam. However, he makes some good points about the lack of revolution. MLK clearly discouraged people from revolting against the power "elite" as he calls them.

Anonymous said...

A point to be considered here is that the person making the comments has the right to his opinion, and some of it is probably not far from wrong. American talk the talk but do not walk the walk. My example is immigration, the war, and the price of gas. We all complain, and for 6 years we have watched our country go down the tubes.
We have let it happen, we have indeed done exactly what your writer has said...what is it going to take for the american people to stand up and speak out? Or even insist that their representatives in government do something...anything...

Anonymous said...

Why do you think the white politicians are happy to celebrate King's birthday? They want us to focus on the softee. All talk and no action. This guy is right. The young people don't know it, but back in the day - some people were ready for a real revolution. This guy helped calm everyone down. Don't get me wrong. King was a good man, but he was exactly what the whites needed. Someone to calm the situation down.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with one thing King did. He confused the Church's agenda with the Political agenda of civil rights. The Church should have stood up to this. The Church had the high ground and they gave it up, because King tried to say it was the Process which could give us all civil rights. The Church people should have told him then, our rights come from God - not man.

Anonymous said...

Joe I would not be so quick as to judge this comment to be the thoughts of and idiot.
If one takes the time to read Dr.King's "Letter from the Birmingham Jail" you will realize Dr King's admonishments to the "Black Churches" and his race.
Should the Blacks of Dr. King's time have demonstrated in a different manner we will never know. What we do know is that is death brought about the violent demonstrations so abhorred by Dr. King.
The tragedy of those demonstrations was that American reacted by stealing the dignity of the Black's. That same loss of dignity now transcends a large segment of our population and race is no longer a factor. Government handouts have created a bi-racial generation of individuals who believe that government owes them their very existence.
What is as certain as the Sun coming up in the morning is the ultimate demise of this Country. The lack of leadership from our self serving elected official is appalling. The degree of greed from our citizens who slop at the government trough is equalling appalling.
The up-coming Presidential race is going to be run and won by the lesser of two evils. Barrack Obama and his ilk are as racist as the Whites that Dr. King alludes to in his letter. Hillary Clinton is,perhaps, the most disingenuous individual I have ever know of.
I too must vote for Senator McCain in the hopes his faithful service to our Country will cause him to serve in the best interest of the USA, and not his own.

Anonymous said...

Martin King and his influence helped to give some equal rights to the Blacks. Prejudice is still running rampant but not out in the open as it once was.People in America are unsettled,worried, no faith in the future, unhappy, losing faith in God, losing belief in morality, etc. Gangs consisting mostly of younger people are forming to pit one race against another. This is the tip of the iceberg. Older American will form groups in the future as people feel that they cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel.Citizens will become frustrated over our poor economy, inability to afford to live with high gas prices, food becoming almost unaffordable, people losing their homes, cars, etc. and no more credit left on their credit cards. Yes, I will live to see a civil war within the United States where one race will fight another such as the whites against the Blacks and Spanish immigrants.The loss of the quality of life will be blamed on someone. Logically this will be the minorities? Hitler blamed the Jews. Sad but true. Internationally, all US people will be in a religious war- Christians versus Islam. We all know what comes next. The AntiChrist will surface and restore world order. Then the world will be destroyed by God as we know it.Sorry but life goes on

Anonymous said...

Wow, some of these commenters need to re-read their history. MLK did bring real change that was revolutionary. Could we be further along today? Sure, but don’t blame MLK for his style or approach, blame James Earl Ray for cowardly gunning him down in the prime of his life. If he were still alive, who's to even say what the world would be like today. If JFK and RKF were not killed either...WOW.
Yeah we still have many problems in our country but if you think violent overthrow is going to fix them that you are part of the problem. Oh and anon 7:35, MLK knew exactly where his rights came from and that is why he held himself and his cause to the highest moral standard, the truth, the word of God. He knew these rights, but man (the US) did not, why else do you think he was trying to educate everyone. Integration isn't all things black to all things's all things wrong to all things right.

Chimera said...

May I suggest you check TiVo for an episode of an animated show called "The Boondocks" titled "Return of the King",a brilliant look at how King's ideals would be received in this decade.Aaron MacGruder is the creator of this animated series,which started out as a comic strip.
And I have never believed for a moment that James Earl Ray was the only person involved with King's assassination-but thats a story for another day. I read a very interesting book about possible conspiracies that Ray co-wrote before his death in prison.
While extremists thought MLK was too passive,the fact is MLK had God on his side.He more or less subscribed to the now-popular "What Would Jesus Do" theory.Not one of todays black leaders can fill the shoes of the likes of King,or his contemporary in the Movement,Medgar Evers.They both gave their lives for what they believed in and worked to unite rather than divide people.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that people could still write after a Templar and Cranial lobotomy both?

Great post Totmom!

Anonymous said...

We need a revolution to get rid of some of these deadbeats on welfare and taking up most of our prison space.They are lazy, want everything given to them, think the world owes them a living, have no goals in life except to drink,be merry, raise hell, don't want to work, and sit on their ass and keep having babies they can't afford. Welfare pays the bills. It is time to clean house. They quit school, roam the streets, commit crimes and are really no good to the America that we want for the model citizen.Our politicans run scared when they bark loud and cry prejudice. It's time to get some guts.When I was in Iraq, I shot every asshole who challenged or threatened me.I figure I sent around 43 to hell.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:06am - did you really mean to send that statement? Is that one of those cases where, after dropping a hit of acid . . . you thought something, and didn't realize you were actually typing it? Were you tripping? Come on now, you were . . . weren't you?