Although the Daily Times announced Fruitland's Police Chief Paul Jackson is retiring, they didn't mention the assistant Chief Sandy Bradley has NO INTEREST in the job.
Although she qualifies and although she could take the job over any man in that Department, Sandy is more interested in raising her three Boys and spending time as a Family. So to all those Bloggers out there who think they have the inside scoop on what's about to happen, YOU'RE WRONG!
A panel will be created of at least three people from outside the County to search for a new Chief and more than likely, (99% sure) they will NOT hire from within. Heck, they're not even going to hire someone from within the County. So for any of those out there thinking they might have a shot, NOT!
Mr. Jackson, you're a VERY smart man and you have the interest of the Citizens in mind. I know and understand how and why you've made the moves you have and my hat is tipped to you.
I know you pointed out that Sandy Bradley doesn't want the job, but I feel compelled to say...What a fine fine police officer she is! A couple of years ago she, singlehandedly, took on a situation and brought some bad people to justice, after we had NO response from several other agencies that could/should have taken this situation on. Thank you for pointing out how GREAT she would be at this position. She's the BEST!
the fruitland police dept has been plaiged with problems for years, many of them a direct result of the leadership in that agency. chief jackson's retirement is the best thing that could happen. and as far as truitt being mentioned for the next chief, things would only get worse. they need to bring an outside person in to straighten that place out. what a mess.
I heard Leatherbury has it in the bag!
Wow, he would be great but still works for MSP, I think.
Fruitland will be very fortunate if it is successful in hiring a Chief of the quality of Chief Jackson.
Chief Jackson was dedicated to the town of Fruitland and its citizens. He is a man of character and integrity who devoted himself to doing the RIGHT thing.
Congratulations on your pending retirement Chief. Those of us who know you best and always appreciated your professionalism will miss you.
please do some more investigating efore you contine to endorse sandy bradley's achievements. you really don't know her as well as you think you do.
Such sour grapes. Don't you have something better to do - George and company? Like tip off drug dealers or cater to the likes of the Geritys, the Miciottos and other criminals in town.
I have the highest respect for Chief Jackson. He came to Fruitland at a time when the Dept. had a high turnover rate and not the best of reputations. He took a small time dept. and work very hard to get the best officers, train and retain. I can only hope that I get to tell the Chief in person before he retires. By the way I used to live in Fruitland, but moved away to persue other interests.
co3153 how about you think about your comment...do you have any idea how big the turnover rate is at Fruitland? How about extremely high!!! In a 12 month time there were at least 6 people that left!! Not including the one who just left last month.
I have the highest respect for Chief Jackson. He took a small department and brought it integrity and respect. Do you think that maybe the turnover rate is not due to the Chief but due to the fact that the Sheriff's Office pays more money. Chief, if any deserves the benefits of retiring it is you. Thanks for all you have done for Fruitland.
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