Here is a complete list of every fire department & unit the was mobilized for the fire. Either to the scene or transfered because of...
604 South Atlantic Ave. Dough Roller
Only 1 911 call reporting smoke from the roof area
FF-21 advised working alarm on dispatch & requested the 2nd.
Ocean City;
Chief: 51,52,53
Engines: 1,2,3,4,9,12,16
Trucks: 5,11
Rescues: 7
EMS: Paramedic 1, Paramedic 1-1, Amb. 4, 41-D
Worcester County;
Engines: 505, 604, 608, 803, 804, 906, 907, 1101, 1102
Trucks: 6,11
Rescues: 11
EMS: Paramedic 1100-A-1
On Scene: Berlin, Showell, Bishopville, Ocean Pines
Transfers: Newark
Sussex County;
Engines: 701, 702, 703, 719, 732, 742, 745, 758, 761, 763, 794, 802, 832, 844, 853, 901, 905
Trucks: 70, Quint70, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90
Rescues: 77, 84, 87
EMS: Sussex County EMS Medic 105
On Scene: Bethany Beach, Dagsboro, Frankford, Georgetown, Lewes, Millsboro, Millville, Rehoboth Beach, Selbyville, Roxana
Transfers: Blades, Delmar, Ellendale, Gumboro, Indian River, Laurel, Milton, Seaford, Medic 105
Wicomico County;
Engines: 1, 604, 707, 801, 1103
Trucks: 14
On Scene: Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards
Transfers: Salisbury
Final transfers for OC stations after 9th alarm was struck;
Headquarter: Parsonsburg Rescue/Engine 604 & Georgetown Truck 77
Station 3: Indian River Engine 802 & Seaford Rescue 87
Bethany Beach Fenwick Island Station: Sussex County Medic 105
Totals Mobilized
Engines: 38
Trucks: 15
Rescues: 5
EMS: 6
Totals on Scene:
Engines: 28
Trucks: 11
Rescues: 5
EMS: 5
This kind of incident is what everyone needs to look at when it comes to volunteers vs. paid firefighters. Everyone today came together for a common cause it didn't matter when they were on scene who was being paid or who was just volunteering their time. Fire departments from pretty much everywhere came together today to help save what they could of a landmark in OC. In the long run it doesn't matter about the status of the firefighter it's what drives him that matters, whether paid or volunteer the drive to help those in need is what burns inside every true firefighter. So guys and gals let us remember that we are all here for the same thing to help those who can't help themselves.
What exactly is this post trying to prove Joe?
What an outrageous over-use of resources! Why are is these out of state equipment there?? I do not pay DE taxes to have the stuff I pay for fight fires in MD!! The streets are lines with unnecessary fire trucks. If they needed to people, the could have come in pickup trucks or their own cars. What a waste of tax dollars.
You talk about Delaware going into Md for a fire, but they were just returning the favor from last weeks fire in North Bethany were we needed extra resources.
Thanks Ocean City! Thanks Bethany Beach!
I have to agree anon. 10:58AM. A couple of the big ladders and a couple of pumpers should have been all that was needed. A terrible waste of my resources that I paid for.
10:58 If you had a clue about the fire, and how mutial aid works, you would see just how stupid you are, in the meantime everyone else knows.
I was there in the inlet parking lot and saw the fire start. The OC fire department needed all the help they could get. The fire started fast and ravaged through the building, without the other departments there the building would have burnt to the ground and spread down the boardwalk. I thank them for saving the building and surrounding area as best they could. We should be thankful that no one was seriously hurt or killed in this fire.
I just have to ask where Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company's Truck 6 was? Out of all the tower trucks from all of the other companies, Ocean City's Truck 6 never left the fire house. Nobody was there to get it out. Hmmmmmm!
Truck 6 was left at the station due to the paid crew not being able to bring it and yes there was enogh people eventually at that station to bring it. That is going to cause some chaos. all in all it was a good effort by everyone.
parsonsburg was never on scene. they stood by at station 3 i believfe and then went to headquaters. check their website www.parsonsburgfire.com
joe you need to buy your own fire truck and put the fire out your self . because u are gods gift to the world no body can do it as good as you. thanks see you in hell
As an OCVFC member i would like to thank all companies who came on the assist. To 10:59 I would like to say i have been to delaware to either fight fire or stand by there. I don't think anyone in OC has a problem with us coming up there why is it a problem with you. When the job needs to get done we gotta call more people in. So to all of the Sussex and Kent companies thank you and to all companies involved id like to say a job well done.
What an outrageous over-use of resources! Why are is these out of state equipment there?? I do not pay DE taxes to have the stuff I pay for fight fires in MD!! The streets are lines with unnecessary fire trucks. If they needed to people, the could have come in pickup trucks or their own cars. What a waste of tax dollars.
10:58 AM
You people cry about your tax dollars when in reality the maybe 2000 dollars that You payed probably only like 4 dollars of that went to fire departments. And a was of resources...The stuff was called because of a possibility of it being needed. needed or not atleast it was there if it suddenly got put into use. you see when firefighters call for all that extra stuff its about safety and what we think we need to do the job and to be honest we dont care where it comes from. If it were your business or home I dont think you would care where it came from either. so stop your crying
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