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Monday, March 31, 2008

I Can Fly!

Hundreds, (maybe 400 to 500) of skaters showed up yesterday to participate in a fundraiser for a new Skate Park in Salisbury or Wicomico County.

Some critics, (very few, mind you) complained about skaters, (jerk) and tried to express there would be a very slim turn out, WRONG! I know I'm an expert at everything, (LOL) but believe it or not I used to ride Skate Boards every day in Elementary & Jr. High School. Cheap transportation! Now, were we as talented as these kids are today? Heck No! I wouldn't have dreamed of doing the things I watched these young men and women do yesterday.

I know I personally chipped in with a donation and I received a ton of phone calls from people who had recognized the large crowded parking lot at the Civic Center. I was there early on and then headed over to Ocean City and returned again on my way back.

I'll have an additional Post on this article today showing locations they'd like to see happen for their Skate Park.


Anonymous said...

Im all for a skate park. I used to ride in middle school and high school. Kudos to these kids. Ocean City has a good park and could be an model for us. We used to have a small park behind the civic center but it was razed.

Anonymous said...

I, too, am all for a skate park. These kids need to have a place to go and skate. Seems like to me, this "All American City" wannabe should make sure that happens.

Anonymous said...

These kids do seem to have talent, however liability seems (at least to me) to be a huge factor in having a public skate park. most of these kids are flying high and only a few are wearing any type of protective gear, where is the responsibility? All it takes is for one persons head to strike the concrete and it's hello lawsuit.

Nick Loffer said...

Not everyone is into traditional sports and this is awesome that this project is moving forward for these extreme athletes. If you go by the skate park in OC you will always see kids out there skating. All kids deserve their outlets to be productive and to stay out of trouble.

To anon 8:39, assumption of risk and contributory negligence. If I could sue for every scractch from a playground I'd be rich!

Good luck guys!

Anonymous said...

Nick-love the picture of "Pre"!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:39... not if they sign a waiver... hello!

and a big HUGE thanks to Joe for covering this event, and for the support!!!

joe albero said...

It was my pleasure. It was a shame I didn't see John Robinson there but perhaps, (like me) he donated anyway?

I do hope you get what you're looking for and the turn out was absolutely fantastic. NO ONE, (especially the Mayor) expected it to be such a success and I love it when a plan comes together. You also have to admit, if we hadn't pushed so hard on this, the Daily Slime would have plugged it the day after the event. Instead, they're trying to compete now and they're covering events like this, as well as even Salisbury Police Reports.

Anonymous said...

get rid of the zoo, and put a park there.... Only this time dont get rid of it like last time. I was involved in helping the kid design the last one, it would not be what they want this time but it still should not have been destroyed. Liability bullshit.... Sign waivers, make the kids pay a yearly fee for insurance that is what all other parkds do and it does not cost that much.


joe albero said...

Tony Hawk has a program where it cost something like $5.00 to $15.00 per year for insurance. It's so inexpensive for liability insurance it isn't funny. No one can argue that any longer.

Anonymous said...

In all the pictures I only see two helmets. No other protection at all. There have got to be liability issues with a skate park, just like the last one.

Anonymous said...

Body protection is a good idea.
However ,some just won't use it.
The park is an excellent idea.
My son has been skating for 30
years and still does.There will be
liabilities , but , every activity
has some risks.We have enough lawyers in the area , may as well keep them busy.

Anonymous said...

Use the half acre that Mayor Clueless wants for a dog park....half an acre might be adequate for a skateboard park, but would be sadly unsuitable for a dog park, unless they're all toy breeds.
Where can we find someone with some common sense to plan and execute these ideas?

Anonymous said...

The city can find open space money for 10,000 dogs to "play" in a half acre area but they want parents to raise funds for "the children"? Give me a f/n break. Use that open space money for "the children" and let the dog owners raise the money for their own playground.

After all, "It's for the children"

Anonymous said...

anon 10:40... how old are you?... did you ever ride a bike, climb a tree, jump a fence, skip down the street, play hopscotch, jump rope, swing on a swingset, climb on the monkeybars, or PLAY at all?... i've gotten so sick and tired of this "LIABILITY" thing... it's like this stigma that seems to be attached to any physical activity these days... we live in a "sue crazy" society... people have their panties in a knot every time litte junior falls down... i was a kid once... i fell down A LOT... and i lived!... and my parents never sued anyone!.. these kids know what they're doing... there was so many skaters at this event and they skated for hours... and guess what?... nobody got hurt... and nobody got sued... so enough with the "LIABILTY" nonsense!

ps... would you rather have these kids at home turning into a vegatable in front of a video game?... i don't think you have to wear a helmet or kneepads for that!

Anonymous said...

Joe, thanks for coming to our event, posting those great pics and for the donation !!!

Craig Brock
Salisbury Skatepark Committee

joe albero said...

Craig, it was my pleasure.