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Monday, March 31, 2008

On the Eve of Pocomoke City Council Election District 3 Nothing Has Changed

It's now the eve of Pocomoke City municipal election for City Councilman in District Three. While the Tattler gave incumbent city councilman Bruce Morrison an endorsement last February, he has not had the common courtesy to respond. Common courtesy is something that the people at Pocomoke City Hall show very infrequently to the citizens.

Challenger Angela Hayes, who is being supported by Eddie Lee, President of the local NAACP and Maryland Democratic Party Central Committee member, has not responded to phone or e-mail requests concerning her platform. Ms. Hayes your silence is a deafening forecast of what you have to offer the citizens, if elected.

Once again Pocomoke Citizens are faced with the choice of an old school incumbent or another black person who is backed by black racists running on the race platform.

It does not really matter who wins the election tomorrow because City Manager Russ Blake is firmly entrenched as the longest sitting city manager in American history with 32-years going on 33-years and he is not going to leave office voluntarily.

The people of Pocomoke City are truly disenfranchised with its past history of crooked electioneering and ballot box stuffing engineered by the Boss Hogg political machine to its openly corrupt City Manager who is accountable to no one, not even the voting citizens.

It's Pocomoke...


Anonymous said...

I worked in Pocomoke for 10 Years and I Know there is a BLACK pocomoke and a WHITE Pocomoke... Back then the booster club for the High school was by invitation only... Look anywhere on the EASTERN SHORE and you will see more RUNDOWN houses in pocomoke than anywhere on the EASTERN SHORE and they are owned by The Whites who DON'T CARE and the Building Inspector who lets it happen

BossHogg said...

The housing "inspector" in Pocomoke is black.

But he would not qualify for his job if he applied today.

Some of the very worst slum properties on the eastern shore are owned by a black city councilman.

Anonymous said...

Russ Blake does an outstanding job as city manager of Pocomoke. That's why he has held this position. He keeps things status quo. Everyone in Pocomoke who is anybody is satisfied with the city government. Those that aren't move to Salisbury where they are free to complain. We don't like complainers in Pocomoke period.

joe albero said...

Just how far can someone get their head up someone elses a$$?

Anonymous said...

We hope you don't find out. Your kind has been dealt with before with great success boy.Pocomoke government is united and notfragmented like your city of Salisbury.Better check things out while you are ahead.