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Friday, February 01, 2008

Ellen Sauerbrey Endorses Andy Harris

Annapolis - In her first political act since leaving the State Department, Ellen Sauerbrey endorsed Andy Harris in Maryland's first congressional district Republican primary.

"Andy Harris is the type of conservative leader we need in Washington," said Sauerbrey. "As a resident of the first district, I will be proud to have Andy as my congressman."

In her endorsement, Sauerbrey cited Andy's commitment to controlling the size and scope of government, and his fiscal record of opposing all state tax increases and big spending budgets as reasons she is endorsing him. "In this time of economic uncertainty, we need leaders in Washington who know that lower taxes, eliminating wasteful government spending and respect for the rights of private property are crucial to stimulating our economy," Sauerbrey added. Sauerbrey also noted Andy's pro-life record which is a stark contrast to his opponents support for tax-payer funding of abortions.

"Ellen Sauerbrey brought the Republican Party back to life in Maryland by establishing the Republican Party as the party of fiscal discipline and government restraint" said Andy Harris. "I am proud to have the endorsement of such a respected Republican."

Ellen Sauerbrey has a long record of service to the Republican Party, the State of Maryland, and the United States. She is a former Minority Leader in the Maryland House of Delegates, Republican Nominee for Governor in 1994 and 1998, U.S Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and Assistant Secretary of State.

Sauerbrey joins a long list of endorsements Andy Harris has received. Former Governor Bob Ehrlich, House Minority Leader Tony O'Donnell, seven of the eight Republican state senators who represent parts of the district, ten members of the House of Delegates, former Secretary of Agriculture Lew Riley, Eagle Forum PAC, Gun Owners of America, National Right to Life PAC, and numerous other state and local elected officials.


Anonymous said...

Another conservative Republican is endorsing Andy...where are Wayne's endorsements. With the exception of the establishment which helped cause this problem (Bush and Gingrich), he's got nobody...let's go Andy!!! Time for a change!!!

Anonymous said...

So many people from the eastern shore and western shore have taken a liking to Mr. Harris and I am personally convinced he's the right man for the job. Wayne is a nice guy but I have written him letters and received a response on a totally different subject. He didn't address my concerns at all. He's a nice guy but it's time for a chenge. Mr. Harris has my vote too.

Anonymous said...

Andy Harris is the tax payers hero!

I think his values, record and vision coupled with all the endorsements which he has recieved makes that statement true!

Andy Harris 08, get out and vote on the 12th!!!!