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Friday, February 01, 2008

Chief Webster Should Learn To Close His Office Door

My inside COEIU Agent, (Crack Offshore Electronic Intelligence Unit) was able to intercept a conversation between Chief Webster and upper Management at WMDT yesterday.

It turns out Chief Webster freaked out over Salisbury News being placed on the WMDT 47 News BLOG Link on their Website and wanted it removed.

It's my understanding that this is an ABUSE OF POWER and I for one will NOT tolerate it. Did he learn how to throw these temper tantrums from the Mayor? Webster thinks he can control other businesses, like my Blog interferes with Police work!

Please Chief, stick to doing Police work and leave me alone. This certainly will not help your case.


Anonymous said...

You Go! Joe!

Anonymous said...

Since you mentioned the word "case". What happened with the lawsuits? They were supposed to be in court in January now here it is February and no court date. Are they running scared? Do they finally realize they have no case? Did they finally realize that you don't scare off easily? Geez, what a bunch of maroons.

Chiefy should spend his time investigating his buddy Barrie. Maybe, with all of his investigative skills he can figure out where $11 million unposted dollars came from that could have funded his employees salary and overtime. He then wouldn't have to come back to the council begging for scraps.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic how Barrie's entire administration is in full damage-control mode? Everyone running around trying to circle the wagons and keep anyone from objectively questioning their very questionable tactics. Let's see, this reminds me of something....oh, yes, that's what it is: it reminds me of Nixon tactics. And, come to think of it, Barrie exactly mirrors Nixon's behavior, too. All bad.

Anonymous said...

This is leadership? New Mayor, new Police Chief.

BossHogg said...


It sounds like Chief Webster has enrolled in Russ Blakes School of Boss Hogg Politics in Pocomoke City.

He is walking a fine line of violating your civil rights by abusing his power to deprive you of your First Amendment Right to express 'Freedom of Speech' under "The Color of Law" against a private citizen.

Writing a letter to the editor as a private citizen who happens to be Chief of Police is one thing, calling the station owner or manager getting irate as the Chief is another thing, which is totally unacceptable.

I remember when Mayor Barrie T. came into office as an outsider on the 'reform platform' and applauded her efforts.

I personally supporter her efforts to keep the City Manager form of government OUT of Salisbury using the dictatorship of Pocomoke's Russ Blake as a prime example.

Now she looks & sounds like the Governor from the movie O'Brother where art Thou...

When you have the Chief of Police of a large city, using the power of his office, trying to shut down an independent blogger because of the truth being published, he has crossed the line into criminal behavior.

This can only mean one thing, you are hitting a nerve by publishing the truth.

Two days ago was the 75'th anniversary of Adolph Hitler's election...

Maybe if there were Joe Albero's and Billy Burke's sharing the truth with people in an open forum like we have today, that NAZI would not have been elected to a second term.

Be just and fear not.

Anonymous said...

who the hell does the police chief think he is? i didn't realize he was the emporer of salisbury. he had better learn where his place is. his actions like this are one hell of an abuse of power( or what he percieves as power). i didn' t realize that someone had died and left him king. he should be paying more attention to those non-existent gangs in salisbury instead of worrying about your blogs. for a guy that doesn't live in salisbury, he has a lot to say. thanks sjd