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Thursday, January 24, 2008

The SFD Isn't F/N WalMart

While shoppers park by the thousands and shop inside WalMart, they installed a video surveillance camera system outside for your protection and theirs. The system secures the parking lot and lowers the cost of insurance for WalMart.

That being said, WTF does the SFD think they're doing? I have heard complaints going on two years now on why they won't fence in the parking area of the FD for those working there and volunteering when an alarm goes off.

Instead, they built a "Safe Room" with BULLET RESISTANT GLASS, at taxpayers expense and tried lying about it at first. Now they want a camera surveillance camera system to secure a parking garage with doors on it?

While WalMart MAKES money and has reason to have such a system, since the SFD refuses to have a kitchen and banquet room in this $10,000,000.00 building to help pay for it, how can they justify all the money it will cost for a surveillance system?

Now here's a building that will be manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but they have to have it all! There's also an add for someone to Network their computers, hopefully so everyone can access Salisbury News?

At $10,000,000.00 and growing, add on a new $1,000,000.00 Fire Truck and a $800,000.00 Fire Boat to boot, the SFD is a money pit that just refuses to work with the people. I hope many of you did in fact throw away those donation envelopes and for those of you who got pissed off at me for suggesting everyone do so, I hope you are the ones that added additional donations to help things because the donations were so light. You're the ones that should be fronting all the cash anyway because you're the ones that want all those toys.

Why don't you get some of your Staff off their asses and hang OUTSIDE and OFF the computers 24/7 and keep an eye on the parking lot at the new Station? Oh, that's right, you have to be bigger and better than ANY other Fire Station in the Nation. Sorry, I forgot. Delmar, Delaware is laughing their asses off at the City of Salisbury.


Anonymous said...

Is this surveillance system to be paid for by the taxpayers or the volunteers? I ask this question because I know the volunteers offered to pay for the furniture in the new fire house and they offered to pay for the museum only to have their donations refused by the city. So what is this donated money to be spent on? Why are the volunteers being treated like red headed step children?

WHY would the city/mayor refuse money from the volunteers? This money was given to them by the same taxpayers that are being raped repeatedly by this administration.

Who holds the purse strings on the volunteers money these days? I've wondered that ever since Barrie ran the Brinsons, Williams and others out of the Naylor St fire house. Gary Comegys was a volunteer over there at that time now he is city council vice president. Was it Bubba that stabbed those that built and paid for that fire department in the back? A dollar to a donut says he was instrumental. Does anyone know? Will anyone speak up and tell it?


Anonymous said...

DONNA 9:12am My understanding that the purse strings are controlled by the Mayor now.That is why i tore my gift envelope up and do not donate anymore.HARDHEAD

Anonymous said...

Delmar is not laughing at Salisbury Fd. Delmar has a very good working relationship with Salisbury Fd. They support everything that SFD stands for!

Don't go trying to start a turf war!

Anonymous said...

Donna said, "I ask this question because I know the volunteers offered to pay for the furniture in the new fire house and they offered to pay for the museum only to have their donations refused by the city."

Is this true???? They turned down donations for the museum? Is this true??? If so, THAT PI$$ES me OFF!

Get that POS mayor out of there!

joe albero said...

"Sorry, I forgot. Delmar, Delaware is laughing their asses off at the City of Salisbury."

I didn't say the Delmar Fire Department, now did I!

joe albero said...

YES, what Donna is saying is absolutely TRUE!

The Volunteers wanted to pay for a lot of things in the new Fire Department but See & Gordy chose to charge it to the Taxpayers instead and mortgage everything.

The Taxpayers are being screwed, especially after some may have SUGGESTED their donations might be going towards those items and things at the new Station.

Anonymous said...

Hardheads reply leads me to my next question(s). Why does Barrie Tilghman hold the purse strings to a private corporation that belongs to the Salisbury Volunteer Firefighters? If, in fact, she does hold the purse strings, for what purpose is the donated funds being used? Who decides how this money is used? Can we have some accountability for our hard earned donated money, please? Answers to these and many questions I'm sure others have but are afraid to ask might just increase the donations. As it stands now, no one trusts Barrie Tilghman or the council majority therefore, expect donations to be minimal. Maybe the SAPOA members should pony up to raise the kitty because it appears the average citizen is sick and tired of the shenanigans.


Anonymous said...

we need those camras fer are safety we kant have dem blak fokes over yonder steelin the weels off are big trucks.

rednek farmin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is not suprising to me. Look Joe offered to remove paint from walls...rejected...offered good hard cash for the fire house....rejected...the pattern continues. Is there a legal reason they cannot purchase their own furniture? maybe they wanted a wide screen and pool table, if they buy it I support it, the museum should be run and adminstered by the FF, with no city funds to let the mare have controll. These guys are asking to save us money and the mare just said no...unless you name the privey after her!!!

Anonymous said...

I received one of those donation letters complete with return envelope and I will not put one red cent in that envelope until I know who controls the money and how it is being spent. I'll keep supporting Hebron and Sharptown through their carnivals, Allen through their chicken bbq's and every other fire dept fundraiser but Salisbury won't see one damned dime until some questions are answered.

Anonymous said...

This chain leads me to pose the following question. What fundraisers do the Salisbury Fire Companies hold? I find that many of the others hold great fundraisers, not only providing a source of income but also a source of entertainment for the local population.


Anonymous said...

I believe Salisbury does not have fundraisers and this has to do with the city charter.
Instead of blindly bitching about this on here call the Salisbury Chiefs office and ask them these questions. Go to the horses mouth for the answer

Anonymous said...

If the horse wasn't foundered I'd ask him. The assistant horse talks out of both sides of his mouth so no use asking him. Who would you suggest one talk to that knows and is willing to share a close version of the truth?