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Friday, January 25, 2008

Gilchrest, the "Hero of the Taxpayer"?

Are you F/N kidding me? Let me ask Marylander's one question. HOW'S IT WORKIN FOR YA?


Anonymous said...

How can this man allow his campaign to call him a hero? Our hero's are in Iraq risking their lives for this Country. Gilchrest is far from anyone's hero and he should be ashamed for allowing this to be put up. Isn't that also a city parking lot property?

Anonymous said...

Gilchrest has illegal signs placed all over Salisbury. Some hero!

Anonymous said...

Well now, I guess Anon 10:20 doesn't know th background of our Congressman Gilcrest. He spent a tour or two in the Nam in the Marine Corps and was wounded, so I'd say he does have the right to be called a hero. Don't get me wrong, I don't like what he's been doing in the last two or three years in Congress, either, but the man did "walk the walk" and we shouldn't forget that.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Actually Joe, you are paying less in federal taxes than you have ever before (unless of course you have moved into a higher bracket).

No. The only area where Maryland families pay higher taxes and fees to the government is at the state level. So the real question is...How's Andy Harris' efforts working out for us?

He FAILED to stop the tax increases in the special session. And even voted FOR higher property taxes and fees between 2002 and 2006.

If your issue is taxes, your DEAD wrong about Andy Harris.

dan said...

Being a Democrat, I have never really had a issue with Gilchrest (and not just because he votes with "my" side a great deal.)

What I respect about him is that he votes his conscience, regardless of party line. The GOP attack dogs labelling him a RINO are obiously concerned only with him walking in lock-step with the party bosses and not trying to serve his constituents.

We all cry loud and long for politicians who will be independant thinkers and vote for what they believe is right, and when we find one taht does, we berate him or her for doing just that and not being loyal to the party.

I think Gilchrest is a great champion for the Eastern shore, and (for our local sake) is necessary there. He understands the environmental issues, he financial issues, and he has the infulence in DC to get things done, or at least talked about.

I am usually not a big fan of long-term incumbants, but he has not done anything to hurt my wallet or my family. Even if he is a big fan of this current president, I would rather have him on our side (as a community/shore/area) than against it.

And really people, can we all get off our horses about the "hero" nonsense. And please, the plural form of hero is HEROES, not hero's. Everyone always gets this wrong. We have heroes in Iraq. Not hero's.

Anonymous said...

A Goetz,
With all due respect, While my son volunteered and fought for our country in Iraq, our “hero” Wayne Gilchrest voted with Pelosi for a withdraw (surrender) date. He may have been a hero then but not any more!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 10:28:

As Art Goetz points out, above, Wayne Gilchrest serves his country in a combat role. What about you?

A college food fight, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

I am not a Gilchrest supporter but I will support the fact that the man is a Viet Nam veteran and he is a hero, in my eyes. He didn't ask to be drafted and he didn't ask to start a war with a country that we couldn't defeat. It wasn't a popular war but those that were in the armed services at that time are no less a hero than anyone in the armed services today.

Anonymous said...

what's not working the new governor!