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Friday, January 11, 2008

Can Mayor Barrie Tilghman Ever Tell The Truth?

"Joe I submitted this to the DELMARVA Times in reply to the artical. Please post on your site as well.

As one who went through the interview process, the mayor personally mentioned Joe. She is lying to the citizens of the community. Because of that, I contacted Joe directly and informed him with information that she was lying.

If you interview with someone and then later catch them in a lie, would you want to work for them?

I loved the community and that zoo. Your community has much to offer, just needs to get a few things in order before any professional would take on the challenges. The challenges are not so great to turn things around. If you are expecting to remain accredited, the timeline is "daunting" and may not be possible (and more than likely not). For a true professional that wants to be challenged, we would not be scared off by the "what if's", but more driven by the "what can be". That zoo or any professionally run zoo can meet accreditation if the right person is there to lead.

Some in the process had very firm views on not charging admission, not relocating, staffing (and their qualifications/professionalism to remain), we want this but not that. However, we want the director to be more "autonomous", once again conflicting messages. When needing to improve the overall image, operation, goals of any institution/business no options should to be taken off the table, before getting started.

The most important factor to all this, is get your house in order first by doing all the right stuff business wise and ethically, then accreditation will fall into place regardless of any deadlines.

Good luck to all there, I KNOW the community supports the zoo. Why else would so many people in the community talk so passionately about it, from both the Mayor and Joe."

Editor's Note: For the record, this author did not know me or have any contact with me until after his/her interview process was complete.

GO HERE to see Zoo Mans response on The Daily Times.


Anonymous said...

That bitch was snagged! Way to go Joe! You have more then arived.

Anonymous said...

What's his name?

Anonymous said...

Wat hasn't Barrie Tilghma lied about? WWTP, the audit, her daughters assault on Rachel Polk--she has proven herself to be a dishonest and immoral excuse of a human being. Heaven help her on judgement day.

Anonymous said...

We would like to know who this supposed person who went through the interview process is Joe. If you ask me, this post is completely fabricated. You are only giving the Mayor more fodder in her case against you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone cares that the Mare is a liar. She does enough of it and get away with it. Wait til she gets in court with Joe. She will turn everything around to suit herself, be it the truth or not.

joe albero said...

ROTFLMAO! Sorry Barrie but you know what? We ALL remember what you did to Bill Reddish at WICO and there's absolutely NO WAY I'm exposing one of my sources. Now if He or She wants to get on here and state their name, so be it. However, I am a man of my word and I'll NOT do so. NICE TRY!

Anonymous said...

Try that in court when she uses these against you. If you refused to expose who might have said those things then you will be guilty of defamation of character. Suit won. Barrie $9,999 richer.

Anonymous said...

If it becomes a court issue and Joe is willing to bring me in, I will testify to what has occured during the Zoo interviewing process.

The Zoo world is a small one and for anyone to come out and state their name could have it's draw backs. Its not that I am concerned with the Salisbury aspect of this as I am about other options that may come up in the future.

Anonymous said...

Really people do you think Joe would fabricate this response while involved in a lawsuit with Tilghman and Webster?

Anonymous said...

That is great Mam, but I am not to sure that the court case would play into his favor when you are called to testify and Joe walks to the stand in a dress and speaks like a lady because you are not real. You are only in his head.

Anonymous said...

This zoo applicant could proffer his testimony.

It's a good thing this guy didn't take the job--because doing things "ethically and business wise" is NOT the way Barrie operates, so he would not fit into her modus operendi and she'd fix it so he would never work again.

Barrie is the most vindictive and self-serving individual (male or female) that I have ever met in my career of working with professionals in many areas.

Anonymous said...

To Lord of the Stink: You do stink, so you got that part right. What is your problem that you can't see what most everyone knows about the mayor. That she tells things totally out of line with the truth. Her day is coming and she won't be able to talk her way out of what she did along the way!

A. Goetz

Tim Chaney said...

Hell, she told me live on PAC-14 and in front of every council person and citizens that she didn't know of any bottled water purchased by the city in reply to my question of "why taxpayers have to pay for their bottled water."

Then at a work session meeting I saw the Culligan water tank and asked Joe to take a picture of it.

Then on damage control John Pick actually posted at Joe's site that the mayor pays for that water. Then documents of water purchased with taxpayer money have been collected from a Freedon Of Information Act request.

Also I know someone that works for the city and they have bottled water everywhere there is a city office or garage.

Lies are the order of the day.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the look on the witch's face next time she sees you. I'll bet my last dollar that woman is fit to be tied today. Let's just see how she dances around this one. She'll either dance or she'll pretend it never happened.

OK, Miss 99% Compliance, the ball is in your court, lets hear another Barrie version of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Nothing personal, but there is not a whole lot of bottled H2O at 699 W. Salisbury Pkwy. - the drinking fountains do seem to work.

Tim Chaney said...

The drinking fountains at the GOB work fine also, yet a denial in the bottled water's existence. I don't care if they don't want to drink the water, I don't blame them, just put bottled water in the Pepsi machine and let them pay for it~!

Key word....."not a whole lot of bottled water," however you don't deny their existence.

The head honcho denied their existence. I have a room full of people that also heard it said, the same thing is documented on PAC-14 TV.

Momma always told me that most times liars are also thieves.

Anonymous said...

And if they are willing to lie about the relatively unimportant easily disproven stuff imagine what else they will lie about!!