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Friday, January 11, 2008

Bill Duvall On A Roll This Morning

Not One attack. Not Two Attacks. Not Three Attacks, Duvall is just on a roll blasting anyone and everyone he can today because he's old, he's bitter and most of all, he's a Lawyer.

Bill goes after Rick Pollitt, Andy Harris, Me, the list just goes on and on. No mention of the Zoo article this morning. Why, because old man Duvall knows I've been right about everything down there at the Zoo.

All I can tell you is this Folks. Rick Pollitt has turned out to be every one's friend. Well, with exception to one perhaps. Andy Harris is one hell of a nice guy, a great family man and has your best interest at heart, PERIOD! You won't find many politicians as honorable as Andy Harris, so why Bill picks on him is simply because I support him. Remember now, Billy liked Harris up until I was chosen to have an exclusive with the Harris Campaign every Monday. Billy liked Terry & Debbie and now he can't stand them.

Mike Lewis has turned out to be every one's friend and a great guy, yet old man Duvall has it out for Mike as well because he believes he can break the respect between Mike and I. Sorry Bill but it's just not going to happen.

All those rumors about just how bad a guy Joe Albero is, they were wrong and quite frankly I'm glad Barrie Tilghman played me out to be this "Bad Guy." For those people who have come to know me, they know darned well who I am and what I'm all about. When and if I ever turn, well, you've got to be pretty screwed up for me to do so and or attacking me or my Family.

That being said, I feel for you Old Man Duvall. You remind me of Frenchie on Hogan's Hero's. You are FRENCH, aren't you little man? Anyhow, if you're good this year I'll go out and buy you a 4x4 scooter for handicapped people jacked up like those tiny Firemen like them and help you be a bigger man.

Oh well, we deal with yet another day of Bill Duvall on this earth.


Tim Chaney said...

Opps I posted on the wrong thread, instead of blaming myself I'll blame it on the fever.

My boss is great guy, sometimes I think he might be too nice.

One thing is for sure, that no matter who did what, at the end of the day all the problems are his, flat out and he'll be the first to say so.

Instead of blaming everyone but yourself, why don't you fess up mayor?

Anonymous said...


Duvall really has "lost it" in more than one way. It's interesting that he has ceased any serious criticism of the officials of the City of Salisbury that he once lampooned with vigor and no longer has anything good to say about Ms. Campbell or Ms. Cohen. That, as his hatred of Harris, is in large part because of his disdain for you and your positions. His audience has fallen off to a hard core handful and those who go to his blog for a laugh. No doubt he will keep on blogging because he doesn't know when to say enough.

It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

What a flip flopper, he has lost all credibility by reversing his stance on just about everything. And don't even bother writing a comment that doesn't agree with his point of view, he just refuses to post them. It is bordering on serious stalking behaviour all of the blog sites that write about Albero constantly. VERY FREAKY!!

Anonymous said...

The anti albero blogs are just Joewannabes. They wish they had the balls to stand up in the face of adversity as he does. Obsession comes to mind. They just can't leave him or his blog alone. Is it any wonder he gets so many hits daily? They are all here to find fodder to do the very thing they bash Albero for doing. They criticize him then open blogs to bash him and his family.

I will say I do love that gunpowder dude, he's just like Joe only won't face up to it.

Anonymous said...

Yeh. Old Bill was a good friend I thought, back when he was the lawyer who brought suit against the mayor with six of us tax payers, back several years ago now, because the mayor wired more than $16,000 to her lawyer friend, after being turned down by the city council VP to countersign the check. All of which in my thinking was illegal according to the city charter. But old Bill has sure changed from back then. Perhaps old age is getting the best of him!

A. Goetz

Tim Chaney said...

Yup, twenty years from now I'll hope to be sitting on the front porch counting cars and thinking, "this city may have been a lot worse off if it wasn't for Joe Albero and his blog."

Got the sludge pit cleaned up that only took the city 18 years. Had the drains to the zoo capped off that helped pollute the river, then catching the crooks the next day taking the caps off, busted again..... and again and again.

Chimera said...

LOL- A couple weeks ago he did a blog post similar to one I had done the day before and since we agreed on the topic,I thought he would be interested in reading my piece so I emailed it and guess what?I got a returned mail message basically saying he had BLOCKED my email address!Thats his prerogative but it kinda hurt my feelings because I looked up to him at one time and his was one of the first blogs I started reading.When everyone was crucifying him in the press for his "wetback" remarks I was one of the people who sent him encouraging words of support not because I agreed with him but because I felt he had the right to speak his mind without being punished for it.I am no competition whatsoever to his blog so I just do not understand why he felt he had to "blackball" me.Oh well!I was raised to have respect for my elders and would NEVER criticize him but let me just say I will not lose any sleep over it.