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Monday, December 03, 2007

Congressional Candidate Andy Harris Speaks About His Recent Visit To Our Eastern Shore


Last week we spent a lot of time campaigning on the Lower Shore. Monday, I spoke to the Wicomico County Republican Club. The next morning we started bright and early on the Bill Reddish Show (1320AM WICO), and then had a great breakfast at Dayton’s in Salisbury with some local folks. I then spent a full hour on Jack Gillen’s Show on WQMR 101.1FM talking about issues ranging from the peace conference in Annapolis to beach replenishment. I had lunch at Taylor’s in Ocean Pines and then spent the afternoon knocking on doors in Ocean Pines. I was extremely encouraged because not a single person I met said they were voting for my opponent. Tuesday night I spoke to the DelMar Republican Women.

I described my schedule on the Lower Shore Monday and Tuesday because I learned a key fact while down there. As I traveled throughout the Lower Shore, I learned the key issues important to voters are the same no matter where I am in the district. Voters want lower taxes and decreased wasteful government spending. They want a candidate who will vote to secure our borders and oppose all forms of amnesty for illegal immigrants. Voters want a leader who will help our country win the Global War on Terror. Finally, they want a congressman who shares their traditional family values. I am the only candidate with the consistent conservative record that will represent the values voters want in their congressman.

As I continue to travel throughout the district, I am going to continue to preach my message of consistent conservative leadership. It is time for a change in Washington and I will bring that change. I hope each of you will visit our website and sign up to help our campaign.

Merry Christmas,


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