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Monday, November 26, 2007

Graffiti Plagues Salisbury 1 Year Ago Today

A year ago today the City of Salisbury was bombarded throughout Downtown with Graffiti. Day after day, week after week, buildings were tagged and to this date there are no leads and obviously no one has been arrested.

The SPD assigned Officers to the Downtown area and it completely stopped. There has been some tagging here and there but nothing like what happened a year ago. Remember Folks, if you're Downtown, look up and keep an eye on the buildings to help the SPD continue to keep this in the has been state.


Anonymous said...

APC tags have been seen just off route 13 all the way from Salisbury deep down into VA.

One Meak tag is also located in the inner harbor area of Bmore — but not sure if it is the same tagger.

As for slak — there is an amateur tagger from VA Beach who claims to write under that name. Not sure he's the same Slak since he is not all that active in gatherings and hasn't shown anyone his product when he does approach the scene. If he's the one who hit Salisbury, he's just a lil toy fo'sho'. Only thing he's got goin is balls.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the "artist" has moved or relocated to Pocomoke City. We now get to enjoy his artwork around town. I guess Pocomoke really has become "little Salisbury".

Anonymous said...

saw slak's work on a train in Delmar going by the pown hall...not too long ago.

Anonymous said...

These do not seem gang inspired or related -- any thoughts on that?

To be sure, there is significant gang activity here, including graffiti, but not a lot in the downtown area where "slak" made his mark (no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

Considering the Police never got their man shows how bad things are at the SPD. Getting to the bottom of it should have been a no brainer to that profession. Unless stores are calling them with the criminal already cought, the SPD sucks. It's like running the wrong way for a touchdown. lol

Anonymous said...

I guess some of us at SPD should ignore the drug dealers, crack heads, gang bangers, and robbers. Just so an ignorant ingreat like you can no longer critcize. And by the way some of us also don't even bother with shoplifters because were out there chasing the people you have read about in the recent press releases (which are not shoplifters). I would bet I have more "touchdowns" than you would ever know. But I dont plaster them everywhere for the world to see like your ignorant post! Where do you work? So I can start criticizing you.

joe albero said...

Hey, hey, hey, that would be COMMENTS, not posts! ;-}

Anonymous said...

Sorry Joe. My mind is elsewhere... like on how I'm going to catch my next drug dealer.

joe albero said...

My Hero!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 248 get a life. If you are as smart as you think than y don't you go to SPD and use your great powers for good instead of putting down the people that protect you. Those officers and detectives did have done all they can in an attempt to catch those who are responsible.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if that is sarcasm or not. But, thank you for taking off the cartoon anyway. It was nice gesture.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I guess some of us at SPD should ignore the drug dealers, crack heads, gang bangers, and robbers. Just so an ignorant ingreat like you can no longer critcize. And by the way some of us also don't even bother with shoplifters because were out there chasing the people you have read about in the recent press releases (which are not shoplifters). I would bet I have more "touchdowns" than you would ever know. But I dont plaster them everywhere for the world to see like your ignorant post! Where do you work? So I can start criticizing you.

yea, get those nasty pot heads off the street, they are violent ones! the last time i called spd about gunshots, i was asked what i wanted them to do about it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about potheads? You should lay off that stuff, it's clouding your thinking. I highly doubt you were told that about the gun shots. You were probably stoned.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 315. You should read the comment again, slowly. The detectives at SPD are my brothers and sisters who in fact do a GREAT job! And by the way protecting Salisbury IS my life.
You totally missed the point. My point was to anonymous at 209 who said all we do is lock up shoplifters. Please read the string of COMMENTS (not posts) agiain.

Anonymous said...

Hey 508 that was my fault my comment was directed towards 209. I take responsiblity for that mistake. I was blown away by the stupidity of the comment made by 209. SPD makes more proactive arrest than any other agency in the area.

Anonymous said...

Hey if SPD is so fantastic then how come they get no respect from the community? Everyone hates the city cops and not because they are doing their job. SPD seems filled to the brim with guys that look like their 16 and 1/2! Not to mention the winners who talk smack on this blog about the county cops and whomever else. What kind of cop talks bad about other cops to citizens? Sounds really unprofessional and so people have no respect for the city cops. Most of the time I've dealt with the county cops they have all been pretty respectful. The city cops I've dealt with are rude as hell, arrogaint, and plainly dumb most of them anyway, especialy this guy here.

Anonymous said...

I believe the SPD could and would do a better job of removing a lot of the criminals from the street, dope dealers, pimps, whores, thieves, especially in the Church St area IF, they were not ordered to stand down as I have been told by former police officers, in areas such as the Hotel Esther which now has a drive through open air drug market right on the corner of Naylor and Church. How nice of the city to put up a 4 way stop at that intersection. Now those looking or not looking for dope MUST stop at this intersection.

I realize the info from former police officers is hearsay and carries no weight. On the other hand, take a look at the intersection at Naylor & Church and form your own opinion.

I do not blame the police men and women, the fault lies within their leadership. Like soldiers, they do as they are told, like it or not.


Anonymous said...

Talking bad about other cops who have no integrity. Nothing wrong with wanting more from other men and women who share the badge. Sorry I have too much pride to see other officers throw away what I loved so much. I don't care if someone is a cop or not if they screw up it makes us ALL look bad, and they should be accountable just like the criminals they lock up (That goes for all agencies). Running around with another cops woman is professional? Since when? Don't judge those until you've walked in ther shoes 1257. You can respect people that condone this behavior all you want. I will not.

Anonymous said...

And if the only things you can say about me is that I'm unprofessional for wanting any corrupt cop to be punished? I guess I'm a very bad person! And arrogant? Big deal, didn't know being confident is a moral issue.
I'm sure if I was caught wrecking your family you would be quiet, sit back, and only say such nice things about me and my agency for letting me get away with it? If anything, the public should respect an officer who doesn't stand behind the behavior that has plauged this profession for so long. And as for the majority of officers in the city and county, they are good men and women who deserve to wear a badge. And it is for those I defend to my dying day 1257.

Anonymous said...

1257 I am not even going to waist my time with what u think of SPD officers. They are alot of great officers there and everyone in the community knows that. I don't know bout officers talken smack about other officers, but they are all doing the same job and the only way things will get better is if all agencies work together.

Donna, I know for a fact that SPD has a unit who works on almost a daily basis is the church street area and the other hot spot areas. The problem is when this unit is not working, the patrol officers are so busy handling calls they do not have the time to be as proactive as they would like to be. Check the calls for service and compare the agencies, that will explain alot to you.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned earlier on another post, I believe, about Citizen patrols. If you've never seen one in action its unbelieveable how effective they can be. My sister was part of a C.O.P group in the Bronx. I think it's safe to say she lived in the safest part of the Bronx because the neighbors did not give in to the pimps, whores and dope peddlers. Don't get me wrong, all the first floors of the houses had bars on the windows and they did lock their cars and houses but that is normal for any city, even here these days. If I lived in town I'd work with my neighbors to form some sort of neighborhood watch to preserve my neighborhood and for some sort of peace of mind.
The police can't be everywhere at all times, people have got to do something to protect themselves and their homes. Instead of working against the police, try working with them. Open those sub stations again. Put beat cops back out in neighborhoods. Let the police and the neighbors get to know each other and establish a rapport. Quit all this cop bashing and neighbor bashing. If you can work together you might just find that you can live together in peace.

You might also consider pressuring these landlords to evict these people that are running known drug houses, shooting galleries, flop houses, etc. If they are going to own investment properties in your neighborhoods it only makes good sense for them to protect their investments.

Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox for now. :)
