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Monday, October 22, 2007

The Daily Times Needs Your Help

Considering The Daily Times has had the same Poll question up for days now, let's actually help them out by giving them the numbers they need to move forward to a new Poll Question.

Besides, you can expect to see an article very soon about higher gas prices. After all, that's what those Polls are for anyway. GO HERE to vote.


Unknown said...

Joe... you need to edit the link....

Anonymous said...

Joe: I ouldn't find the pole with the link you gave.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Damn you are stupid!

If you know so much, where did you learn to spell?? Obviously you rode on someones coat tails!

Sorry. We can't find

Anonymous said...

The Daily Times is beyond help!

LadyLibertarian said...

Glad to know you are perfect. What the hell is Do you mean, like Michael said, ?

Anonymous said...
Damn you are stupid!

If you know so much, where did you learn to spell?? Obviously you rode on someones coat tails!

Sorry. We can't find

Anonymous said...

Teacherlady said...
Glad to know you are perfect. What the hell is Do you mean, like Michael said, ?

You must be related to Joe. I copied and pasted that from the link he sent us to! It was him that spelled it that way. And Hell no I am not perfect but Joe seems to think he is.

You are obviously one of the many idiots in this town that thinks on the same wave length as Joe. Get a life and I hope and pray you never teach anyone I know!

joe albero said...

Can you spell, Dee, Dee, Deeee?

LadyLibertarian said...

AHHHHH. I love the smell of insults in the afternoon. Please point out in my post where I said I was perfect? Where has Joe pointed out that HE is perfect? Also, I seem to have missed the post where Joe misspelled the link. Please point that out as well. I simply stated that the Anon. who posted that was extremely rude and disrespectful. Additionally, I am not related to Joe, and if you think I am an idiot, that is your opinion. I think that it worries you that there are people who do think as Joe does and only want the best for the city. That may or may not include you. As for whom I teach, well, I can only say I have probably taught someone you know. But then again, where I teach, very few make the CHOICE to go.

Finally, I will say that if you have the ability to read and write, regardless of your manners or vocabulary selection, thank a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Besides, you can expect to see an article very soon about higher gas prices. After all, that's what those Polls are for anyway. GO HERE to vote.

Dear Teacher,
If you had clicked on GO HERE, it took you to and error message that read: "Sorry. We can't find"

So do the world a favor and go back to school and maybe you will be so lucky to have some of the same teachers that we did!

LadyLibertarian said...

bThe link must have moved, as I have been too busy working to follow it the day it came out.

I don't make a habit of telling people my educational level, but I can say without a doubt I know what yours is.

As for having the same teachers you did, I hope to hell not, as it appears that they did not do a very good job in schooling you in Citizenship.

Finally, I think that your parents did a lousy job teaching you respect for your fellow human being. I can hold my head up and say categorically that I haven't been consistantly insulting and degrading to anyone on this or any other blog. Can you do the same? Obviously not. That isn't an insult, just a statement of my observations.

You seem to feel that anyone who disagrees with your position is wrong or in league with Joe or whatever. I will say respectfully that while I may not agree with what you say, I will not denegrate myself to petty insults and baseless inmature comments.

Have a lovely day. :)

LadyLibertarian said...

I believe it was the great American writer and satirist (that's someone who is funny) Mark Twain who said "'Tis better to remain quiet and let people say you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

'Nuff said.