The gentleman living in that apartment had just gotten up out of his chair and headed for the frigs to get a beverage when the driver of this pickup truck rammed through the home directly in the area where he was seated!
I don't know how long these Idiots running this Town are going to continue allowing vehicles to race through that curve but something needs to be done. They can install a traffic light right at Main Street, (which is already a blinking light, like that does anything at all) but they're too hard headed to actually bring themselves into the year 2007!
Not long ago I brought you pictures of a vehicle that completely destroyed the Car Wash owned by the Pittsville Fire Department on this same curve. Paul Wilber is the Town Attorney for Pittsville as well and I strongly suggest they do something. Trust me, between the Town Taxes, Wicomico County taxes and the water bills in that Town, they need to reinvest back into the Town on important issues like this one.
Oh, as for my friend who owns the building, ROTFLMAO!
what's the story on the driver? Is he ok? Was he drunk or just a moron?
how the phyuck (pardon my almost french :) ) do you run into a parked building...lol
Ummm....what do the people running the town of Pittsville have to do with this? Is that not a State Road where the wreck occurred? Perhaps if your "buddies" from MSP or WSO were patrolling that area more the speeding could be brought under control. Oh...thats right, you can't say anything negative about those guys...you might need that "get out of jail free" card someday.
How old are you Richard, 12?
After 19 yrs of living in Pittsville, chose to leave for those very reasons. Taxes way too high and nothing to show for it. The MSP and WCSD do cover the area and very much so I may add. Its a horrible curve and its probably going to take a death before someone does anything about it
Fact is the guy who lives in the damaged apartment lost a small truck to someone else who came around the corner too fast about 8 months ago. The owner removed the fence in the yard so that the tenants could park further back off of the road. The tenant bought a new truck which now sleeps safely along side of the building. A railing needs to go up around there - in front of the building.
say what you want about Pittsville, but it is the best school district. I just wish we could get our own highschool here.
The WSO claimed they reopened the office here in Pittsville but I havnt seen a WSO car in this town in months. We called a few months ago for an indececent phone report and asked for the Sherffs to respond and it took the more than 2 hours. I am not even sure if they ever closed that case as the sherrif involved never reponds to my calls.
Sorry to get off topic.... but Pittsville does need more representation from police. And if they are alowing growth they do need to widen strets.
You are so right Jim. I live outside of Pittsville and the Willards and Pittsville schools are the best. I can't say the same for Parkside though. I graduated from there and so did my oldest child. Looking for other alternatives with my younger children.
It is nice to see the sheriff's deputies working the roads vs. how they did before Mike Lewis. I am proud to have him for our Sheriff.
Well, since you are so tight with the sheriff, why dont you ask him what the hold up is with putting the deputy in the space provided by the town? That was one of his campaign promises. Otherwise he is doing a great job. So glad you have all the facts......once again.
they have not done much in Pittsville but run it down over the last couple of years...they had a good town manager and ran him out...ran out the two persons in the office and hired one of their own commissioners in the office and made her queen bee...three positions...commissioner, treasurer, and clerk (talk about ethics), ran out there water staff and on and on and on down hill we go!!!
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