One thing you can't tell me is that there is a more dedicated Citizen than Mr. Holland when it comes to coming to each and every Council Meeting. Mr. Trader is a very close second and the only reason I'd say Mr. Holland is slightly more dedicated is the fact that Mr. Holland is somewhat handicapped in that it is VERY difficult for the man to even walk.
All that being said, Mr. Holland is the individual that just saved ALL of the Taxpayers in the City of Salisbury a small fortune by pushing Mr. Pick into answering the question, did the City pay the $1.00 fee for the City's half of the GOB?
Yesterday was a monumental day as the pressure from Mr. Holland and then the Press calling the County Executives Office, the Finance Office and Mr. Pick's Office to confirm this issue, (since it was aired on PAC 14) in which Mr. Pick stated it had in fact been paid. This lead ALL Citizens into believing the City had in fact moved forward, when it had not.
The Tilghman Administration have been aggressively looking into purchasing their own building to house City Hall, one of them being the Allfirst Bank Building on the Plaza. I have heard through the grapevine that they have also been looking at land throughout the City, especially on the West Side.
Hopefully their quest to do so is over and allow me to explain why. I think everyone is going to very clearly see just how stupid a move it would be to relocate elsewhere.
The entire Budget to run the entire GOB is $285,000.00 per YEAR! Now, break that down to 140 people working in that building and that includes City & County Employees. So divide $285,000.00 by 140 people and you get, $2035.00 per person, per year. Now divide that by 365 days and you get $5.58 per day, per person.
I don't care what anyone tells you, you're NOT going to build a new building and have heat, air conditioning, water & sewer, maid service and general upkeep anywhere else for $5.58 per day, per person!
I would truly enjoy someone who's in the know to calculate what it would cost to buy a chunk of land, build a new building that would house the City Government and then calculate what the overall costs would be these days and see what the City might have stuck the Taxpayers with TODAY! It would be a HUGE chunk of change and I think Mr. Holland is not only an outstanding man, he's the kind of (Dirty Dozen Citizen) man the Tilghman Administration can't stand because he's all about the truth and getting to the bottom of it.
So the next time any of you see Mr. Holland, buy him a cold beer and say thank you. It will be the cheapest beer you ever bought, especially after yesterdays results!
It would be nice to see Mr. Holland recieve a Good Citizenship Award for all the years he's been going to every public hearing or meeting he know's of, I have said it before, he get's around more than I do!
Gordo may have some more swampland he wants to unload on the city? I guess we'd be looking at a new $10 million city GOB. WTF?
A hero over a 1.00 payment that was mayby missed by the city. I think not. I dont give a rats ass if the city gets their own building. Why do you Joe? You dont live in the city or pay city taxes!!
I dont think rebuilding the old firestation into a new office building would be cheap. Renting office space in the downtown area might be a better idea. I dont believe they need a whole new building.
Renting is not an investment! It's pissing your money out the window.
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