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Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Dog Is Back!

Look, all of you know how much an animal lover Jennifer and I are. However, we do not subject people to our animals like this guy does. I could see if this dogs tail was wagging, he looked inviting and the whole nine yards. However, when I walked pas this dog yesterday he started growling, (which never happens to me) and the owner instantly yelled at him to come back into the store.

As far as I'm concerned, the dog must go. If this man doesn't voluntarily remove this animal from this building for good, I'll take maters into my own hands and have him removed. This is the second time this dog has growled at me and it will not happen again. I'm not waiting around till the dog gets to know me, there's something wrong with that animal.

Shopping is for humans, not animals, unless the name of your store is PetSmart.

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