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Sunday, February 18, 2007

As If Things Weren't Bad Enough For The City!

While you're out there building a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station, perhaps you should be keeping tabs on structures that aren't known to be on marsh land and how badly they're shifting?

This is the Parking Garage across the street from the Library. If I had a car that needed to be parked there every day, I'd find a new location. Not only would I be in fear of my own life every time I entered that structure, I'd do everything in my powers to relocate my huge investment and park elsewhere.

Just like the Zoo, just like the WWTP, they'll come back with, oh, there's really nothing wrong with this. HOWEVER, I was standing there with one of the biggest Contractors on the East Coast who saw it and immediately said, "That's A Problem!"

Ladies, park somewhere else for a while.


joe albero said...

When a major contractor stands there and looks at it and makes a remark as if there is a problem, I'd trust his word over yours dave, sorry.

Tim Chaney said...

It's hard to tell from that picture, but the bottom looks a little caved in to me.

Tim Chaney said...

The bricks on the side are on an entirely different footer. Are the bricks on the side on a footer at all? You can clearly see the bricks in the middle cut for the incline and they sit on the concrete footer but that footer doesn't support the side bricks.

Whether is has any bearing on support I can't answer that question. But if I can spot an error that easy a builder should have seen that problem coming.