As fast as they're bringing these new cars in, new applications from the City's Police Department continue to fly into the Sheriffs Department from Officers wanting to work for better pay, a take home cruiser and moral like you've never seen before!
It's no wonder we're finally seeing Chief Webster driving the streets of Downtown Salisbury. He does have one of the newer cars that runs. I can also state first hand, the Chief's car rarely ever made it past 55 mph too! Perhaps he plans on buying it from the City when it retires, since he'll only have to pay around $200.00 for it being a FOB.
Fruitland has a wealth of unhappy police officers because of lack of leadership. I'm sure Mike Lewis could put them to work.
Even some of your smaller towns on the shore are hesitant to hire uncertified personnel. I would suppose these same towns may not be in a position financially to foot the bill for an individual to attend the Criminal Justice Academy at Wor-Wic. I know of one small town that would in the recent past, and they got burned when the trainee quit abruptly. Certification is basically a standardization of sorts. It ensures that all personnel in whatever agency are all on the same page. Wor-Wic's training is very good. A new wrinkle that will sooner or later affect these smaller towns is that there is now documented gang activity in them. Don't know to what extent Wor-Wic goes to address training as it relates to gangs, but having a certified officer on the scene can only be a plus.
I'd say we're more upset we can't get the car for $200.00. LMAO
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