Last night I was strolling around Downtown and I saw these boxes lying outside their rear door once again. Slobs on the outside, slobs on the inside. It's no wonder Charles Jannace always claimed that he used to get the sh*ts there every time he ate there.
Some good advise Charles,
Well Charles, everyone can use a good Colin cleansing every so often. LMAO!
I stand corrected, ty.
I'd rather cook my own PB!
Charles has the sh*ts because of who he is, that'll never change.
s. patrick
Say what you want about blog deletion, but I've said plenty on this site that I was sure would've been deleted. But guess what? It wasn't. I can't say it doesn't happen, but I can say I've been rather impressed with Joe's restraint on censoring.
- WAIT! — Did I just say that? — HEY JOE - I'm on your side again! - This is dang sure getting scary! ;-P
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