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Monday, July 27, 2020

by jhanders - Jul 26, 2020 3:15 pm Hard not to overstate this, but a face-ripping silver bullion bull market is in the process of unfolding 2020s. Have a look, NBC Goes Mask Off - Reveals Twitter Censorship Methods After Devastating Hack by valuewalk - Jul 26, 2020 11:00 am Report details exactly how the Twitter panel is being used to limit the flow of Conservative content Academic Paper Claims Link Between 5G, Coronavirus by valuewalk - Jul 26, 2020 9:00 am The conspiracy theory that 5G technology causes the coronavirus is rearing its head again. "The Swamp Is In A Feeding Frenzy" - 'Tea Party' Resurgent Amid Trillion-Dollar Bailout Bills

Tea Party conservatives are waking up to the lack of fiscal discipline by the Republican establishment over exploding deficits and another round of economic stimulus, according to The Hill.

What's happening today is similar to the Republican backlash in 2008 when they bailed out Wall Street during the financial crash, it's just this time, the bailouts dwarfed the ones a decade ago.

This puts Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, in a tight spot as he is up for reelection this fall. His state is flooded with Tea Party patriots, who have raised the alarm over the Trump administration's reckless deficit spending.

"Just came from Progressive Democrat, whoops, I'm mean Republican caucus," Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, tweeted last week.
"The majority of Republicans are now no different than socialist Democrats when it comes to debt. They simply don't care about debt and are preparing to add at least another trillion dollars in debt this month, combined with the trillions from earlier this summer," Paul said.

Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, said "hell no" to critical components of McConnell's next stimulus package.

"This is the swamp in a feeding frenzy. Everybody's lobbyist has their hand out, saying, 'Look, if you're spending trillions of dollars, I want to get some.' And it's not right," Cruz said.

GOP Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, another politician who was elected during the Tea Party movement a decade ago, told The Hill that Congress shouldn't authorize "a dime more" until "we've thoroughly taken a look at the $2.9 trillion we've already authorized" and figure out what funds have actually been spent.

"When we were in the minority, we were able to put a brake on Obama's desires," Johnson noted, adding that the Republican establishment has lost fiscal discipline in recent years.



Anonymous said...

Providing relief to the millions of Americans who need it is not the problem, the problem is not refilling the coffers because you don't want to make rich people angry. The ultra rich contribute too much to these politicians election campaigns for them to grow a pair and tax them.

Anonymous said...

A very strange headline for Joe’s post.

But the silver bull market has been a long time in the making after decades of price suppression in COMEX.

Clearly COVID-19 is a Psychological Operation at this point. The mask mandates alone are so contradictory to good common sense that it exposes the event as a fraud. Plus the payment incentives to hospitals for calling it COVID when it wasn’t.

Anonymous said...

Most all ultra rich got that way from the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

That headline made me dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Banks have failed. So, they don't care. Print, print, print it. We'll all find this out shortly.

Anonymous said...

This whole CV 19 thing is being managed out of Area 51. As you know that is really an Alien outpost that controls the US Government. I think their plan is to trick conservatives into voting for progressives and to trick progressives into voting for conservatives. They feel by doing this the far left and far rights brains will soften making them much more marketable in the Alien food market. So this is a Psyops hoax. Fortunately taking hydroxychloroquine makes ones brain inedible so Trump supporters are safe.

Anonymous said...

Tea Party Patriots WILL vote for Trump place else to go...

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what part of their plan changes, but the have a plan none the less... What you all need to worry about is the digital currency, once we go full digital, no paper money, no coins, you are going to be 100% a slave for the rest of your life, and really humanity will be enslaved for the rest of time... You people just don't get it and you never will, and that is why I have no hope, and there is no saving this country!!! its gone, and it will never be the way it was, never!!!! I am just waiting for the mark of the beast, IE technology, IE digital currency, so I know we are in the end times, and then there is nothing to do but pray on your own soul that you make it to heaven... Oh how are those masks working out for you??? Oh didn't you hear, since this virus is so deadly, DC had to exempt themselves from having to wear masks, funny how that works huh slaves???? Oh I also heard that robots that stamp coins, got the covid too so they won't be making anymore coins... IE coin shortage... I mean, even a blade of grass has covid!!! Better wear your shoes!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:25 PM don't forget the CARES ACT was introduced and signed into law back in 2019, a whole year if not more from when this virus hit... I wonder how they could have known a virus would hit us??? Hmmmmm?????

Anonymous said...

Great. I've been holding coins and bars for a long time. Hits 40 again I'm out.

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting the richest people in the world were made rich by taxation of governments?
Doesn't make much sense.

Anonymous said...

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Me too 4:11 pm. Not sure the issue πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Ok - please elaborate be on how you see all this coming?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it called COVID-19. I believe it was January 2019 when the virus was made known. CARES approved after that? Your point?