More proof that the left is completely removed from reality.
Violent leftists in DC Metro mobbed a woman who tried to get away from their street protest.
The mob banged on her car, beat her windows, jumped on her hood, screamed at her and threatened the poor woman who just wanted to escape their violence.
Then the protest mob was OUTRAGED that police would not arrest this woman.
If you’re under duress you can run them over... don’t ever be afraid to do that
This is EXACTLY what happened to the kid in Charlottesville. Yet they made him out to be a white supremacists. Freaking POS animals. Maybe if more people would run these ASSHOLES over they'd stay where they belong.
F* U. Protestors quit blocking roads. It's illegal. She should have run u over and killed u. U r a worthless piece of crap
Holy delusional woman!! You are wrong for blocking the streets you morons!!
Hunter Biden for Board of Directors!
Nothing else needs to be said.
I'd have done the same thing.
They are lucky it wasn't me.
That's all I have to say about it.
I would do the same thing. Only I wouldn't drive so slow If the dumb a$$es don't have enough sense to move out of the way then that's their fault. Not sorry
I watched a video that took place in Seattle that made my blood boil. 6 or more black men beating up an old man and a woman. They pulled the woman by her hair whiles others best her head with beer bottles from the store refrigerator. One black man was using the old man as a punching bag. Others just stood there waiting their turn to beat them up. No one tried to stop these grown men. It made me sick. No one in America should ever be man handled by a mop. This is what you call BLM. I think not. Yet Democrats are complaining Federal Officers are mistreating the demonstrators. Vote Trump 2020 or we are all doomed.
The guy in Charlottesville was a white supremacist, he would post his views all over social media. That was also a side street that did not have a major traffic flow around the downtown mall area. I know the place that occurred because I grew up there. The majority of vehicle traffic in that area was delivery trucks and side street parking. That guy was hauling ass and was intentionally trying to kill. People were not crowding his vehicle like they did for this woman. Don't compare the two because they are different. I am on the side of this woman who was trying to get away but not the man in Charlottesville. The woman in this video was trying to creep around people with her car. The guy in Charlottesville was out to kill.
Good. Run them over. If I'm on the jury I will claim to be willing to vote guilty and then no matter how long deliberation goes vote not guilty.
Keep wagging the dog 9:03. Watch the video from Charlottesville. It's identical to this video.
Please Block My Street! Please!
If you are stupid enough to attempt to impede the progress of a vehicle by standing in front of it and threaten the drivers safety you deserve to be run over.
Don't put yourself in that type of situation either!
I don't know what Cville video you saw but I saw a man who gunned his car well over the speed limit down a city side street not meant for through traffic. And then he tried to flee the scene. This woman tried to creep her car forward.
I KNOW what I'm talking about with the Cville area, I lived there and worked in the exact area where that happened. NOT THE SAME!
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