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Thursday, June 11, 2020

It Only Took 4 Months


Anonymous said...

That must be your WE, because you should be ignoring certain stupid laws. I have gone anywhere I want, I bow only to god, I think the way o want and went anywhere I wanted at anytime and so on. Most media is a crock but even then you can read between the lines. Read what has happened and pull out the opinion parts and throw em away. Forget the parts of what they want and what they think. Citizens as a whole can just not comply. Non compliance

Anonymous said...

And when we eliminate the Democratic Party,
All of this will go away.

Anonymous said...

Who cares how long it took.... The point is, you wanted it and now you got it, why are you clowns not happy???????? Oh found out that socialism controls you and you don't like that all of a sudden??? You didn't mind that when you all, like JOE were running your mouth about being narcs and wanting to turning people in and calling cops on people who have a lawful legal right to be here and drive!!!! But for what, your safety right??? Because it was going to affect you right??? Funny how taxes and everything else affects you but you don't give two shits about any of that now do you!!!! You didn't mind socialism when you were taking my money you didn't have to work hard for now did you!!!! OOOPPP but becasue it affects you now, as I SAID IT WOULD REGARDLESS, NOW oh NOW you give a shit about not wanting socialism... Well per usual it is to late now...

Anonymous said...

I will never kneel for anybody!! Only for god!! And I will stand for the flag.. if you want to kneel go for it.. the left just wants to divide us into groups,like African Americans, Chinese Americans, Asian Americans,.. we are all just Americans!! You can’t erase history but you can learn from it and move forward.. looking back and blaming for the past mistakes will lead us nowhere..

Anonymous said...

This is total BS. You can do all of these things. This list was written by a drama queen.

Anonymous said...

Only due to the dumbocratic House of Nancy Peloser!

Wonder what would happen if they had the Oval Office and the Senate too!???

High Desert Dawg said...

No, its not taken just 4 months. Unfortunately the progressive left, citizens,politicians, and media and universities have been doing this for the past 15 + years, but WE have just been sitting around yelling at our TV sets, and calling conservative radio shows and whining about it to them, and sitting around with our friends, wives, etc that feel the same as as we do. But we haven't been out being INVOLVED! WE all saw this coming, but instead of getting involved the first time they told us we have to let men that think they're women use the same bathroom our 10 year old daughter uses! Instead, we just yelled at the TV news bringing the story. WE yelled at the TV when we heard Black Lives Matter, while blacks were killing other blacks every day 10 years ago, but WE didn't get out in the streets and protest in mass. No, we sat around the firepit saying All lives matter to our friends, but were too intimidated to stand our ground in public! Well, here we are kids. THIS is what we get for NOT fighting like the enemy. This is what happens when the ships sinking, and instead of reacting to the problem, and plugging the hole, WE'VE been walking around rearranging the "deck chairs"! Welk, maybe NOW we'll learn...if its not too late that sitting at home bitching, saying how ignorant, stupid or whatever the left is, we'll NEVER fix the problem. We can ONLY stop this Identity Politics, and race baiting by GETTING IMVOLVED! The ONLY way to bring change is for US to BE THE CHANGE!

Anonymous said...

Not me.

Anonymous said...

Lets address these in order. 1) Yes you can, it's protected under the 1st amendment. Don't expect to not be challenged if you express your opinions publicly. 2) Sure you can, see #1. 3) Your fear is your own. Take proper precautions. 4) Sure you can. Confusing Patriotism with displays of hatred seems to be a common thing nowadays though so expect to be called out on that. 5) Well there's a pandemic, so nothing can be done about that. I miss baseball and hockey too but they aren't worth human lives. 6) Agreed, this is pretty clear and overt government control of a beefed up police force telling you when you can leave your own property. In reference to the virus, it's bigger than you. It's about stopping idiots from infecting themselves and others. 7) Turn off the news if you can't handle it. 8) See #7. 9) Again, there is a pandemic and historically the most religious groups often frown upon modern science and pray instead of vaccinate. People can't congregate in large groups, that includes churches. Worship from your home or tune in to one of the many masses streamed from the internet. 10) History is not erased when a statue falls. Books exist. The internet is full of websites with proven, documented facts from history. Glorifying those on the wrong side of history should not be something to be proud of. 11) Who's making you apologize? I'm a white male and I don't remember apologizing to anyone. Understanding history, however uncomfortable it makes you, is necessary. If you feel the need to apologize perhaps you made some bad choices. 12) Who the hell is forcing you to kneel?

I think that about covers it.

Anonymous said...

This picture is dripping with victim mentality.

Anonymous said...

No No No
I disagree.

We are a democratic Republic!

We do speak our mind!

We do think differently and frown upon mobs!

We leave our homes and are not afraid!

We can show our patriotism every day - regardless of others.

We can travel and patiently await certain entertainment to return whereas we have made do with other modes of entertainment.

We again leave our homes and are not afraid!

We are not forced to listen to rederick regarding certain health crisis'

The MSM does not control us.

We can worship maybe not a churches but can do it amongst family and friends.

We HAVE NOT erased history.

We apologize when necessary.

I don't kneel except in church (currently at home)

We are America and others need to toe the line or be probably "guided"


Anonymous said...

It has made me more determined to continue to be a patriotic American. I will not and shall not ever submit to and participate in such behavior.

anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Correction, commiecrat party

Anonymous said...

All but #10. It is removing history and further more they will now burn libraries and books. We have seen it history many times

Anonymous said...

You're right, we need to stop complaining, and hold ourselves, and our elected officials and media accountable.

Anonymous said...

This list is true and I agree when the Democratic Party is no more, and the Police Dept is supported by this country they too have been taken abuse for years. This incident with Floyd should not have happened and others we change police policies for restraint, and all should pay. Also all those looters that vandalized businesses and held the riots beating on others should be held accountable all cameras with pictures of those riots and the offenders should be seen and charged. Racism because of some has no place in society today, we are all God's people and have the same rights. Don't blame all of any race for what some do punish the guilty to the full extent of the crime.

Anonymous said...

All of this divisive BS started under Obama. He is the biggest divider this country has ever had. It's all part of his and dems plan.