
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Out Of State Cars Everywhere In Ocean City

I rode top WalMart yesterday for some essential supplies. I then drove to Caribbean Joe's to check on things, as I do daily. In that brief trip I saw cars from all over the country here in Ocean City. 


Anonymous said...

I get your point Joe.

I'm sure TEXAS, GA, and FLA (3 states opening up now) didn't just drive here to shop and may have been here for weeks or even month prior to this challenge.

To be a bit technical - these cars are not "in" OC.

We are not a perfect world and trying to be perfect when applying rules/regulations without enforcement just gets everyone up in arms.

Prob not a good idea to still have angst about licenses plates after what 6-7 maybe 8 weeks now with this stay-at-home initiative.

Again I get our point.

Anonymous said...

There is NO interstate enforcement in MD but there is in Delaware so much for Gov Rino Hogan wanting to stop the spread of the Virus #HYPOCRITE.

Anonymous said...

Can’t have any money coming into the local economy, can we.

Anonymous said...

Yes there are. It gets worse by the week. There seems to be no enforcement of these don't travel to here stay at home orders. The longer we mix areas the longer it's going to take to control the spread. The longer areas will have to be closed down. I understand people's feeling about they own property here and they should be allowed to travel here. These stay at home don't travel orders aren't forever they're temporary to fix a severe problem. Not following the request is being part of the problem not part of the solution. It's selfish. Most full time residents in this area don't have another home to travel to to get away from the spread that's very possibly being bought here.

Anonymous said...

Well if no one is going to open up the country, people are just going to do it for themselves. Right or wrong, I don't know, just do know people want to get back to living. Seems that no one in enforcing anything anyway.

Anonymous said...

OK, just let's ignore our Bill of Rights and give up all of our freedoms. When does this foolishness stop? I can't wait for the lawsuits that will be coming against the states after this mess blows over.

Anonymous said...

I was in Home Depot yesterday and it was packed. At least there are some places that have some employees who are Still getting paid.

Anonymous said...

We need herd immunity or this thing could destroy our economy.

Some people may die, but it’s a risk Hogan is willing to take.

Anonymous said...

Every American you see with out of state tags is just that. A free American. When this is over your going to need help wiping the shi, I mean egg off your sheeple face.

Anonymous said...

Hogan does not have the back bone to stop the flow in MD. Hogan wants their money and could care less how many Marylanders get the virus. Hogan even allows western shore hospitals bring their infected patients to our hospitals and don't forget the ones from Delaware and Virginia being brought to the Shore. Also Hogan is allowing the western shore come to the eastern shore which violates his own order. all this is PROOF HOGAN does not CARE ABOUT the HEALTH of all MD citizens.

Anonymous said...

Northwest Woodsman: I’m thinking that this is not a BFD. I’m now fully in the camp of those who believe that we have been manipulated mainly for political reasons. Utter panic created in some who do not critically evaluate the circumstances. After the panic dies down and all the available information is evaluated, I think you will find that this is no different than bird flu, swine flu and all the rest. Another example of “don’t let a good crisis go to waste”. Criminal investigations, impeachment, pandemic, daily false news and lies have failed to shake this president and his accomplishments are largely obscured by the entertainment news media. He doesn’t play according to the traditional political rules and they truly hate him so much that they do not see how childish their efforts have been.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tainted $ Stay in My Pa Dr nj.

Anonymous said...

Where is the RY 1 enforcement.

Anonymous said...

They need to Stay in there State.

Anonymous said...

I work in DE and have not been stopped once. Seen cops, but not pulled over.

Anonymous said...

The bigger problem is Sussex County and the threat it poses to Worcester and Wicomico!

Anonymous said...

License plate readers in OC quit working?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Because they are 🐔🐔🐔🐔

Anonymous said...

Ok, if you so 11:10

Anonymous said...

You are seeing the future 10:40, so true what you say.

Anonymous said...

That's what I've been thinking and saying all along, to destroy the world's best economy right before a presidential election. Everyone knows what Trump has done for our country in the last three years and he will win again.

Anonymous said...

I saw someone walking on the beach yesterday. I called the police and they said they were sending a car to pick him and a small child up and take them downtown to interrogate.
They have not be seen since.

Anonymous said...

I saw 2 cars from Quebec following each other in OC,not that it matters.

Anonymous said...

Nothing intelligent to say so here’s a couple of ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

Anonymous said...

It’s not giving up your freedom! This has nothing to do with politics, but has everything to do with your health. Y’all people talk so dumb.

Anonymous said...

I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac...

Anonymous said...

"License plate readers in OC quit working?"
April 27, 2020 at 11:28 AM

Nicely played 1128 - nice indeed!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be there to start with

Anonymous said...

Where the Hell is LAW ENFORCEMENT ??? Blame Them !!!

Now we all here get infected !!!

Anonymous said...

Let's just start reopening and deal with this so called pandemic. Numbers were way overblown. Hogan is the main instigator.Why are we holding the entire state hostage over 2 counties?

Unknown said...

We own houses in Ocmd pay taxes ect. and some of you are telling us not to come there

103 is a Troll Dummy said...


read our Constitution butt face

what Government is doing
is statutory laws enforement not Constitutional laws

people like you 103....get in the train box cars to get free showers

Unknown said...

It's just a flu. Doctors say we should of resumed our normal activities by now but the governors are being idiots

Unknown said...

Don’t look back, you can never look back

Anonymous said...

All these shorebilly’s should have plenty of corn and soybean fields distance themselves from everything. Stop complaining and be happy you don’t live somewhere it really is a problem....

Unknown said...

here Is the real deal. It is more elderly people dying from this hence less social security money and health benefits being paid. This country does not care for its seniors citizens. You people just go where you want no masks. Remember some of you have elders in your life and you will be elderly someday. I hope people treat you the poor way we are getting treated now.

Anonymous said...

Stop posting pictures of license plate that’s none of your business

Unknown said...


Shorttruck said...

Yes. Go to your primary residence and stay there. It's good for the country. I live in a beach community as my primary residence. People coming to the beach as weekenders have more chances to spread the virus than if you stayed put. I work in a store that caters to full time as part time residents. I have a greater chance of getting the virus and spreading it to wife and neighbors. I am needed personnel. Tired of seeing tags from out of state. But, now everyone MUST wear something over their nose and mouth. It's the law. Don't do it and get caught in our store, the owner gets fined. I will do anything I have to do to keep the owner from being fined. Stay home. It's the right thing the beach will be there when this crap is over.

Anonymous said...

Same situation in Bethany area NY NJ PA and a over whelming amount of MD tags so there

Unknown said...

American dies Latinos take over

Anonymous said...

You own homes and pay taxes and have your license addressed at your primary residence. Right now you should be at your primary residence not your vacation spot possibly dragging and spreading an infectious disease. You pay md taxes you should have invested in the Maryland license plate if you wanted the full benefit.

Anonymous said...

Life. Is. More. Important. Than. Your. Stupid. Lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

If that's the case .... Go to your local hospital and hug a patient ..

Anonymous said...

Please go hug someone in the covid 19 unit. Feel free to congregate with a whole bunch of like minded people. Honestly, some people talk so freely because their privledged lives have not been touched by this beyond the frustration of staying indoors.

Anonymous said...

Is this America or North Korea

Anonymous said...

I pay taxes for my condo in OC and who are you to say stay in your home state! You do realize were I am in NJ isn't that bad for the virus but the way you think someone in Washington DC with a high rate of the virus is OK because its in Maryland. Your not to smart are you

Anonymous said...

If it's not your permanent primary residence you should stay home. Ocean City, Maryland specifically asked visitors not to come, including people who own propertiest but are not full-time Maryland residents.

Unknown said...

...good one 1:49...😎✌

Anonymous said...

Who cares????

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you would tell on someone. How old are you, 5???? That is ridiculous.

Unknown said...

🤣🤣 just a bunch if complaining on this site . Never any real kind of news ever

Anonymous said...

The virus will never end because of the out of staters that don't care to follow the rules!!! SElFiSH

Anonymous said...

Hogan is saving your life. Go drink some disinfectant like your president said to do

Anonymous said...

Obviously you havent had a love one die from this virus. Someone who died not being able to breath and died alone because family members werent allowed to be with them. Go ahead open things up and let everyone in. Just hope your loved one doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Follow the rules and stay away! You're taking our food and supplies not to mention our emergency personnel. You don't seem to realize that staffing is low this time of the year. It just amazes me how some people act so entitled....

Anonymous said...

3:36 we all are going to get infected. The only question is when. As for you , you can shelter in place for the next two years until it’s over or we have a vaccine. If you are obese it would be a good time to loose weight as the virus is deadly to the overweight.

Unknown said...

Oh my God forbid an out of state residents owning property in O.C
What are you liberala going to do when the summer season hits?
Turn them away and refuse their money? Bunch of snooty people in O.C. May the sea rise 10feet to really give you something to worry about

Unknown said...

Is it possible that some of these vehicals could be rentals that people have rented while their cars are repaired

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

So if I own a place in the country can I leave my beach house and go to the farm house. You see it is called property rights it does not depend how much time I spend in all my property. You are jealous of people with enough money to own several homes.

Unknown said...

Don't look back you can never look back

Anonymous said...

I agree it is about health. Its not being blown out of proportion. Its american lives. Also its the health care workers at the front line.

Unknown said...

The virus will be around for years to come until a vaccine is discovered. You can't continue hiding in your homes for years get out and use safety practices. Are Govenors going to insist on shutting down for years. I think not. OC needs to open otherwise, the entire city will go bankrupt. They make most of their money 4 months out of the year. Is that what we want?

Unknown said...

Bravo for saying what people need to hear.

Anonymous said...

See you all in August

Anonymous said...

Call Lockdown Larry. Let's work together to totally kill MD economy.

Anonymous said...

That’s a lot of car rentals. Lol, In a short trip from north ocean pines to Walgreens to pick up an rx , I saw Delaware, Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Washington state. So much for staying away , yet everyone is begging to be locked down? so why are so many apparently driving in from everywhere else to get here where we are also on lock down? I want out , I want freedom of choice . Doesn’t anyone realize that when they make vaccine (or is it if) that anti-vaxers will refuse to get themselves or their kids vaccinated as they already do and no one can or will stop them from making that decision. so then, what does it matter if we go back to a normal life now or years from now when they make the miracle Ultraviolet bleachysol vaccine that will surely save us all? Just stop the madness

Anonymous said...

Those days are gone forever ..... thanks for that comment , best of the day!

Unknown said...

How are they taking"your" emergency personell and supplies? I'm pretty sure the locals are the ones who stockpiled in March.

Anonymous said...

Why yes....but 1st rule of fight club is you can't talk about fight club!

(Wink wink!)

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! I am old and if my life is too be as uninformed and ridiculously nasty as seen by some here I’d feel guilty using the air. Stop hiding behind your fears!! A vaccine will be of some effect MAYBE, but like flu shot you can be odd man out!! Masks, space, hand washing and a realistic approach to herd mentality... if you wish make such noise, go after politicians who haven’t made sure payments have gone out, who passed bill that permitted large corporations to count each outlet as “ small business”..try catching that on your camera.. and if u see me walking on the beach know that me, my old body and my immune disorder are all taking proper actions !!!

Anonymous said...

EVER lmao. Crybabies Anonymous

Anonymous said...

More complicated than it looks. We're just a hop, skip, jump from 2 other states and in regular times we're all back and forth to work, shop, dine, etc.

Layer in that it's resort area, and many have second home elsewhere, or primary home elsewhere and secondary one here. Most natural thing in the world to take yourself and family from an area of greater danger to one with less perceived risk, especially if you have existing property in the lower risk area.

Everyone is doing the best they can. We have a relative on a vent in WV and there's no chance to visit; only to pray and take some comfort in prayers of others for him. He's stable in an unstable situation.

Anonymous said...

should be obvious by now to everyone this is NOT just a flu by the number of deaths!! why don’t people care enough about this? what’s the huge sacrifice you are being asked to do? why can’t you just stay home, it’s easy and it saves lives, that is a fact. stop being so elitist and selfish for god sake! DEAD is forever.

Anonymous said...

it is simply astonishing how selfish people are! if the governors did nothing then these people whining would be crying bc a family member died and “my government didn’t protect me”. Just shut the F up and stay at home people!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right! If they need to get out then go volunteer to help out Covid patients. We have doctors and nurses dying every single day trying to save LIVES and you people have the gall to complain about staying at home?! wow what a huge sacrifice!! where are morals, values and humanity?

Anonymous said...

it’s a hell of a lot more than 2 counties! real facts and numbers are available so I suggest you check them out! people are dead sir is that not bad enough for you? smfh

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

people are dying and it is a bfd ESPECIALLY to the families!! Idiot.

Anonymous said...

OVER 56,000 people dead as of 4/26/20 and you people are whining about staying at home? You should be ashamed at the person you are. BEYOND SELFISH😡

Anonymous said...

Oh so myopic. Yes a global pandemic started 6 months ago on the opposite side of the world was all a ploy against the President of the United States. And his booming economy. Narcissistic morons. Most presidents dont tie their success to the markets for this very reason. VOlitality.

Unknown said...

Screw it! Open up the Country so everyone can stop complaining about how mean our Government is! Go back to work! People don't deserve an extra 600 a week in unemployment benefits while others are told they're "essential" and have to go to Walmart everyday to deal with selfish, greedy assholes who think this Pandemic is a vacation! Life goes on. People will continue to get sick and die because not everyone will follow the suggestions. That's on them! Wear the masks, wash your hands, go back to doing whatever it is you do and Smile 😃

OC Charlie said...

I own a home and business in O.C. We need our visitors to come here. Just practice safe distance and wear a mask, just like everyone else that lives here full time. I welcome all outsiders to O.C. The people that don't want you here are the typical "Come Heres". They should go back to D.C. and Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

I herd dat

Anonymous said...

Until there is herd immunity, the virus will be here. If you are so afraid of getting it, lock yourself in your home. In a few months, you will be crying because you have destroyed your cities economy by running off the people who support your seasonal businesses. Stop being such elitists.

Anonymous said...

The virus doesn't care about state lines. If home owners visit their second homes in OC with a car full of food and supplies and hunker down in their own space, or follow safe practices like wearing masks when out and frequent hand washing, what does it matter? Trust me, if I start showing symptoms, I am leaving OC for better medical care anyway. And the gripes about people walking on the beach I will never understand, as long as they aren't licking every person they pass. Fresh air and exercise should never be a crime.

Unknown said...

Hate to tell all you OC whiners about out of state plates. It happens every where. Here in Ohio, everywhere. Do not think you are solely alone in this. There are some people that just have to travel and do not tell me if you did not own a 2nd home in another state you would have not gone to it at least once since this started.

Anonymous said...

Once again, inventory on everything is down this time of year. Just asking for a little respect. There is nothing political about this.

Anonymous said...

So to the idiot that made a comment about being jealous of people that have the money and other homes, grow up, generally people with money have little consideration for the rules. So stick your money the same place your head is, UYA!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna drive where I want and when I want!

Anonymous said...

Too many assholes...not enough bullets

Anonymous said...

If you don't like living in a resort town, move.

Unknown said...

Please let's clear some things up here...what does a license plate have to do with anything? Do you need to be reminded that the DMV (District, Maryland and Virginia) have multiple military bases...we are Marines and live in Maryland, have a Virginia license plate and my husband is a Michigan resident with a Michigan license. Please stop jumping to conclusions, this is exactly how fake news gets started

Unknown said...

Are they not allowed to get fresh air. Exercise. Really? Social distancing no one else there. Shame on you.

Unknown said...

Amen, well said!

Unknown said...

Some people dont care about whats going on

Unknown said...

So are you proud of yourself for having a small child and their parent possibly arrested? For what?? You’re an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It's a COLD, a PLANdemic, so stop worrying about your fellow countrymen trying to live a free life in what used to be a free country and start using some critical thinking! It's all about the biometric ID. Covid - Certificate Of Vaccination ID, won't be able to buy, sell, or participate in society w/o it. What's that sound like? Ever read Revelations, Acts, Thessalonians, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John? Not to mention agenda 21/30, elimination of urban sprawl, end of privately owned property, mass surveillance, TOTAL CONTROL. Look at what's happening to our food supply chain! "Control the food & you control the population.” The entire beast system is being ushered in & ppl runnin around with designer panties on their faces bc they believe the lies they've been told by MSM & corrupt, lying officials. ALL the info is out there for those with eyes to see & ears to hear. Look at the criteria for being labelled a covid death. Compare the deceptively aggrandized numbers w/the flu for any given year. See the empty hospitals. Hear the MD's with integrity who are speaking the truth about this. Watch all the predictive programing that has been out for YEARS (even decades). Read their plans. Search Rockefeller Foundation's Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development, composed in 2010! Watch event 201 held by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation in Oct 2019! Watch the opening ceremony to the 2012 Olympic games! This was planned folks. The whole cooked up in a lab story is just that, a cooked up story intended to induce fear. They're mocking us. Wake up people before all is lost.

Unknown said...

Wow, how American of you! Glad I’m not your neighbor.

Anonymous said...

I think it is ridiculous he is posting license plate numbers on here. Does he truly know the people just came from another state? I'm guessing not! Some of these plates could be from people that have been residing here over the past few months before the quarantine started and can't get their plates changed until the DMV's open back up. What if these individuals have already completed their 2 week quarantine since now it is month two! Also what if it is a rental car! So quick to judge. In Delaware the cases have increased not because of the out of state residents it is because of migrant workers in the chicken industry, construction, farming and landscaping. Unfortunately they live in poverty. Most can barely speak English. Housing is overcrowded. Many do not seek medical care. I know this as a fact because I am in the medical field and have been volunteering to help test and educate these individuals.

Anonymous said...

Your allowed on the beach as long as your not in a big group.. I walk my dogs on the beach every Sunday morning.. just keep your distance from everyone else

Anonymous said...

We let a temperary virus bring hatred in our heart. Having riches dont make you special. It's all vanity. A person's Life should matter more than selfishness. We want laws to exist but we dont want to abide by them. We really need GOD to change our hearts. Its once appoint ed man should die and then there is going to be the judgement. It's real wether you accept it or not. Let us all leave all this negativity alone.

Anonymous said...

We let a temperary virus bring hatred in our heart. Having riches dont make you special. It's all vanity. A person's Life should matter more than selfishness. We want laws to exist but we dont want to abide by them. We really need GOD to change our hearts. Its once appoint ed man should die and then there is going to be the judgement. It's real wether you accept it or not. Let us all leave all this negativity alone.

Anonymous said...

Our primary home is in another state but own a 2nd home in OCMD for which we pay taxes. This time at home has given us the opportunity to do a lot of work in the house that, otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to. We've been spending a lot of money on the area but have not socialized with anyone. In addition, we've been wearing masks & gloves long before MD required it. Locals should appreciate the business second owners bring to the business that are open. Not everyone who's out of state has bad intentions to hurt others. We care for the OCMD community just as much as we care for our community. Stay healthy, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Some people might actually be residents. I moved here from out of state a few months back but still have PA plates

Unknown said...

I will see you soon. Moving to Delaware, from Pa.

Anonymous said...

Im from Va..on my way there now to get carry-out, get my car worked on, and buy some of that fine Seacrets Rum..take of pic of my car- it's awesome. So sue me

Unknown said...

Rhino Hogan,.. what more is there to say, pathetic and wrong on just about everything.

Anonymous said...

I too live in Sussex County Delaware and the increase in cases cant be solely blamed on migrants. I have watched too many locals ignoring the science of this virus and saying it was like the flu. All white delmarva residents running around with no masks.

Anonymous said...

I believe you and I am sure alot of OC people are like you. It only takes a few bad apples to ruin every thing. You know who they are - drunks, dope addicts, careless PA/NJ tourists there to run wild.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I get your point Joe.

I'm sure TEXAS, GA, and FLA (3 states opening up now) didn't just drive here to shop and may have been here for weeks or even month prior to this challenge.

To be a bit technical - these cars are not "in" OC.

We are not a perfect world and trying to be perfect when applying rules/regulations without enforcement just gets everyone up in arms.

Prob not a good idea to still have angst about licenses plates after what 6-7 maybe 8 weeks now with this stay-at-home initiative.

Again I get our point.

April 27, 2020 at 9:50 AM

If you get Joe's point then why are your running your F'n mouth? Stupid Douche!

Anonymous said...

Lockdown Larry demands that Maryland citizens stay inside or get arrested and a $5,000 fine but he thinks it's Ok for Delaware residents to come to Worcester and Wicomico County to shop and take up beds in our hospitals. Sussex County's Covid rates are 5 times higher than those in Wicomico County. I will never support that fat pig RINO for ANYTHING ever again.

Anonymous said...

3:19 CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
I too live in Sussex County Delaware and the increase in cases cant be solely blamed on migrants. I have watched too many locals ignoring the science of this virus and saying it was like the flu. All white delmarva residents running around with no masks.

April 29, 2020 at 8:26 AM"

Of course "migrants" are not to be "blamed." No one is to be blamed. The reality is though the cases are pretty much isolated to congregate living facilities and the poultry processing plants in Sussex and those who associate with them. The 26 yr old who died just the other day while didn't work at a processing plant would have been in contact with many who do. I will say though that many knew a month ago the processing plants were well on their way to becoming hot beds and why action wasn't taken weeks ago is something to be concerned about especially since many who are positive show no symptoms. As soon as that was learned about the virus normal operating procedures which require people being in close contact should have been halted and more appropriate ones put in place.

Anonymous said...

✔️His rino civil WAR is coming.

Anonymous said...

Why are the same people who are demanding to "reopen" Maryland also angry at having out of state cars that bring business to the state? Pick a side and stay with that...dummies...

Anonymous said...

Only out of staters can afford properties in OC,they’re trying to get them ready for the season.

Anonymous said...

I herd dat

Unknown said...

And 5:49, lol I laugh because you post stupid comments like DC is in Md???. What?? Smh People just get so out of their heads stupid.

Anonymous said...

I seen Maryland plates Delaware plates New York New Jersey Massachusetts even Washington State plates in Pennsylvania just respect the social distance and everything should be alright and wear a mask when in large groups

Anonymous said...

I can tell you this much, the sign going into Ocean City says if you are from New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut you must quarantine in place at your residence in OC for 14 days prior to going into establishments in OC. I heard 5 young people in their 20s in a Royal Farm store saying they just got into town. The clerk at the store checked an ID from one of them for cigarette purchase. She saw he wss from NY. The Police were called and they were detained by PC Police.

Anonymous said...

Not true. Read my above comments about the young people from NY being detained. And, I drove into Delaware on Saturday with Maruland tags. Went to two stores and there was a police officer parked next to me at one of the places

Unknown said...

Without the out of staters your economy would plummet

Anonymous said...

Agh hospital has 7 icu beds and are currently trying to make 16 more.How fast will these fill up in the next 2 weeks from out of state visitors .That is the problems

Unknown said...

Ocean city hasn’t been the same in years anyway, got ghetto and WAAAAY to overpriced. Only yuppies & trash now. I Take my family to Hilton head for the past 5 years. For a much nicer updated condo at a fraction of the price. I can’t lie though, I miss old pro, the electric quarter, the bonfire & pizza tugos!

Anonymous said...

Then all of a sudden he did a 180 on the topic. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow folks, this is whacked! I'm hearing OC residents saying NOBODY should be allowed onto their lil ole sandbar, I'm hearing hate going out, neighbors are narking out neighbors, people are acting like animals, and for WHAT? Ok, so there's 50,000+ deaths. Well, here ya go kiddos...ya better sit down...Just for 2020 alone the CDC & AMA are estimating 606,000 deaths from CANCER! As a 2 time cancer survivor, its unnerving to see the WORLD acting like they are. SURE WOULD BE NICE TO SEE THIS KINDA INTEREST IN A CURE, AND SUPPORT FOR THE MEDICAL STAFF THAT DEALS WITH THESE KINDA NUMBERS! I dont hear anybody freaking out over those kinda mortality rates, and cancer isnt even contagious! So how bout y'all step back, quit yer hating, narking out neighbors, telling everyone else how bad or wrong they are, and just TRY. LIVING. Lifes short, ya gotta get out and grab it while it's in front of ya, and not be so frigging concerned about how "those" people are living! Hey folks, this is Gods world...we're just floating around in it!

Anonymous said...

DMV stands for Department of Motor Vehicles, not District, Maryland, and Virginia....let's clear that up😏

Anonymous said...

Wear a mask, wash you hands and maintain social distancing. People out of state are not from Mars. OC needs the people and vice versa. Be careful and aware of your surroundings to keep yourself and others safe. The virus and unemployment have given us enough to be concerned about. Let's not turn on each othe .

Anonymous said...

11pm. Congrats to you for beating the Big C - twice no less.

60000+ "reported" dead within last 45 days due to a sickness that takes over a body, normally the elderly with an existing health condition, smothers that body within a couple weeks and POOF - no longer living.

The danger of this FAST acting virus - without any true treatment is panic and massive deaths.

The BIG C as you well know is treatable, a virus needs a cure.

Ashley said...

There are a lot of hateful comments on here, and honestly I have a child with serious heart issues and it's a worry everyday that when I have to get food or what not I'm going to bring something home to him. This isn't about not being in America and having freedoms it's about respecting others right to live, and if that means people can't go to the beach big whoop. Have some respect for the ones that aren't healthy enough to beat this if they got it. Get off your high horses thinking there is no problem with this. People didn't take this seriously when it started and numbers keep going up. Now here we are debating the safety of others because the weather is breaking and people want to go the beach. So hopefully none of you ever have to know the struggle of trying to keep your child from harm's way due to an issue that they were born with and is beyond their control. This is a REAL issue for some people and families.

Anonymous said...

This statement is so true!

Unknown said...

It's a stay at home order. I dont care if it's my winter or summer home. Its MY HOME that I OWN. I have every right to be there while practicing social distance. I pay taxes too!! If I'm somehow putting people more at risk by simply existing who, has decided that those people should be my winter neighbors rather than my summer Neighbors?

Unknown said...

Snitch much, comrade?

Anonymous said...

Just one note - the truck from FLORIDA with a US COAST GUARD tag on it - probably is a US SERVICE MEMBER assigned to the area and working here to protect the waterways/coast !!!

That's poor taste posting that one!!!!

Unknown said...

It is wat it is let's have fun door dash is ok to go any we're I was at OC yesterday and Florida in 3 got to think out side the box I can go any we're hahaha

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's bored watching plates is what he needs to do but from a person that comes to ocean city every June for tge past 10 yrs do you guys think it will be open and ready to go for air show and fireman convention

Anonymous said...

I have a place in OC also. I plan on going there next week. I will continue my social distancing as I do at my full time residence. I wear a mask when I go to public places. What is the difference wether I am at my full time residence or my place in OC?

Unknown said...

Wow, you're a petty pos. It's people like you that completely sicken me.

Anonymous said...

What happens when every one stays home?...OC economy would go bust in 2 weeks..It's resort area..I live in a resort area in the Poconos, It's our lively hood..Everyone will be allright if they would only follow the rules of socially distancing..Oh, by the way my get away home is in OC.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Me too.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know the foreman's convention has been canceled.

Anonymous said...

How so?

Anonymous said...

Ashley, VERY SORRY to hear about your child, but, YES, this IS about being in America! No disrespect intended, but you could die in a car crash getting groceries, but ya ain't outlawing cars. You could have a heart attach in 5 minutes, etc God bless you & your family from the bottom of my heart!...Really

Anonymous said...

Too much CNN for you 💩💩💩💩