As a reminder, The Hill reported that during a speech in Delaware to members of the state Democratic Party, Biden argued that criticism from members of the "New Left," a term used to define progressive who align with principle espoused by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during his 2016 presidential campaign, was unfounded.
"I'm told I get criticized by the 'New Left,' " Biden told the audience. "I have the most progressive record of anybody running for the ... anybody who would run."More
Biden will put his foot in his mouth several times before it's over, as he always does.
To think of him as President is almost comical. Almost.
Our President Trump is going nowhere in 2020. It will take 4 more years to Make America Great Again after the 8 years of destruction and corruption by an illegal muslim president and friends.
It's not a popularity contest. He was elected to do a job and he is doing it. Just like the President of any large Corporation. There are a lot of people who think the President of their company is an As*hole, but every week they go home with a paycheck because of his direction of the company. This is no different, this country is better, Military stronger, we are again respected in the world because of him.
9:32-Nah! Naw! Nope! Think I'll vote for him again. How is he like any of those thing you describe? That's the problem with you idiots. You accuse and call names, but you insinuate being the better person, while he is blah, blah, blah! You are far from decent, and an ignorant POS.
9:32.....I agree with everything you said except I'm not ashamed. I am proud and can't wait until he humiliates every dummy on the stage, like he did before. Yes, he is my president and I voted for him and will again, and again. Of course he is not a perfect man, there are a few things I'm not pleased with, like ethanol in our fuel. I wish he would reduce it 5% and not increase it 5%. I can't wait to enjoy the nicknames he will put on the dummies coming up, before he flushes them out of the race.
Trump/Pence 2020!
Considering GWB's college transcripts are better than Trumps he should not be commenting on anyone's IQ. Granted both of them where silver spoon College Attendees and had been nothing without family wealth and privilege but at least know when to keep you pie hole shut and I don't like Biden I find him no better than any of them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Trump calling anyone Low IQ is hilarious!
Proves his mental state !!! Not Good Too Old / Used up
Crazy Uncle joe....gotta love that silly old bastard
College transcripts don't mean shit. It's common sense that will Make America Great Again
Let him run & be a fool !!!! Let Hillary run too !!! Love it
Biden's Incest history will Finish him Off election time !!!!
Damn, Joe is starting already with the gaffs.
Biden has been stymied by the influx of Socialist candidates and has been scurrying to hire staff so he will have enough prepared gaffes to go around.
When you find out what Trumps IQ is you are going to be shocked it borderlines IDIOT.
Why don't you enlighten us to what you think his IQ is. Maybe you are the idiot and you don't know!
Ain't nobody further left than me says Biden.
Biden is ALL in the Family .....LOL if u know what I mean
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